This kind of work is still related to the battlefield. What is the most important thing to keep in mind when doing the work of a miko, accepting only the words of the heavenly realms, and fighting on the battlefield? Many people who give spiritual talks also go crazy quickly, even if they start out well.
In order to receive a spiritual message, it is necessary to have such a stoic pipe to accept the word of God in pure, pure vibrations. It may be difficult for a person to have this kind of ability even if he or she has honed his or her psychic ability in several lifetimes.
There are those who have such abilities from the very beginning. They are strong against demons and accept pipes from the heavenly realms. And even in the battlefield known as the Asura Realm, we can show people what the battle of divine truth is all about.
In this sense, we must have strong durability against demons, strong power not to be deceived by demons, and such things in order to carry out a mission like mine and Amalie-sama's.
I have seen other people who were easily defeated by people of that caliber. Even those who have worked hard together are easily caught by those of that caliber, and their personalities change. If such a phenomenon is the result of possession, then even those like us who have received spiritual teachings and have an open spiritual path must have a strong resistance to demons to be able to fulfill this kind of mission.
In a sense, what you are doing now is the same as the final battle of God from the viewpoint of my time. In a sense, what you are doing now is the same, in a sense, the final battle of God from the point of view of my time. To be called out for such a thing is very pure, just like us.
For those of us who feel as if we were children, taking up the spiritual word and becoming the standard-bearers of the movement of the Divine Principle to fight for it are, in a sense, a great blessing to be given such a mission, but it is also a very hard thing to do. But it is also a very hard thing to do.
Without the pure and pure feelings of a child, it would not be possible to give such a highly pure spiritual speech.
The more childlike and pure of heart I become, the harder it is for me to go to such an unholy place of warfare. But you have to balance both. People like myself and Amalie-sama always go on our missions with the contradictory suffering that comes with such a situation.
If not, then, like the other heroes, we must do our best only to reform the structure of society in the spirit and philosophy of the priestesses. If they were able to do only structural reform of society in their spiritual words and principles, then they might not have to suffer as we do.
We must always remember that the presence of God, the guidance of the heavenly realms, is working on earth, that God has never abandoned His children, that He is always loving, guiding, and leading them, while at the same time, we must carry the Word of God to earth, saving people and providing leadership to pull people into a new spirit and civilization. We have a role to play as those who provide leadership to pull people into civilization.
Jeanne d'Arc, from “The Female Spirit of Opinion Leader