全5件 (5件中 1-5件目)
☆永遠だと思ってた The Stars And Stripes Forever〈星条旗よ永遠なれ〉(ジョン・フィリップ・スーザ)、Trace Of You(アヌーシュカ・シャンカール)☆それでも時間は残酷に Walking In Your Footsteps(The Police)、I'll Never Be The Same(キングスX)☆君と過ごした日々は 別れの曲(平原綾香)、君と重ねたモノローグ(Mr.Children)☆きっと寂しくなんかないよ Heaven Only Knows(Swing Out Sister)、名前を呼んで(斉藤和義)☆最後に一つだけ 左手(小谷美紗子)、Conclusion〈ウータン完結〉(ウータン・クラン)☆どうか、応えて欲しい What Can Tonight(加藤和樹)、Not Cheap Thrill(スザンヌ・ヴェガ)◆帽子を脱いで C'est La Mi-Temps〈ハーフタイム〉(Top Foot Project)、A Day In The Life(ビートルズ)◆くっついた君の ミアとゼバスチャンのテーマ(「LA LA LAND」より)、Pro Arriba, Por Abajo(リッキー・マーティン)◆儚い想いは Just Like Me(BOYZ II MEN)、人の気も知らないで(岸洋子)◆悲しみの先の 涙の螺旋(SING LIKE TALKING)、Triangle(SMAP)◆絵を描くように It's Only A Love Song(L⇔R)、Artpop(レディー・ガガ)◆つまり? セロリ(山崎まさよし/SMAP)、Fly Me To The Moon(Bart Howard)◆手を握ると ずっと僕らは(森田剛×岡田准一)、Loving You(ケニー・G)◆嫌いなはずなのに Death By A Thousand Cuts(テイラー・スウィフト)、La Javanaise〈ラ・ジャヴァネーズ〉(ジェーン・バーキン)◆確かに たしかに(アンジェラ・アキ)、I'm Kissing You(デズリー/佐藤竹善)◆ようやく Aftermath(アダム・ランバート)、The Devil Cried(ブラック・サバス)これ、誰でもいいからロシア語かウクライナ語でカバーしてくれる人いないかな…(本人がやってくれたらベストでしょうが) ―と、思っていたら、この動画がロシア語の字幕に対応と。(100)キーワード連想音楽バトンの101個目は、極めてオーソドックスなのを用意いたしました。さて600,000アクセス目の読者様は誰でしょう!?<バトン設問持ち帰り>☆… http://blog.fc2.com/baton/12801/◆… http://mblg.tv/btn/view?id=27003
1. Before Pandemic, corporate drinking parties like year-end parties and new-year parties had already been shunned not only by younger workers but also middle-aged workers. It's easy to make those year-end parties come back like before: Stop going for communal drinks regularly. At least, if you want to go for a drink after work, just people who really want to go should go, completely apart from business.And hold those in-house drinking parties only once or twice a year.It gives impression to employees that these events are special, and attract participants.-Just like my workplace:Before Pandemic, there were a few co-workers who went for a drink together after work about half of a week, but we seldom went for a drink with everyone except for year-end parties.Partly because each member's working hours are not the same, and I have noticed that I don't drink regularly since I had psychotic depression.And since I married, fortunately, there is no insensitive people who invite a wife for a drink while she has to go home and prepare dinner.Restaurants are very crowded at year-end party seasons? No need to stick to year-end parties. For example, you could hold foundation day parties instead.Whatever... It's time to realize that workplace is a place to work, not pal club.2. Last year, I disposed TV set which I hadn't used at all since I married -At last! Also, I dissolved receiver contract with National broadcaster.That's the very reason why I'm in favor of an idea to make National broadcast pay-per-use billing system.Unlike seventy years ago, it's not impossible technically now.Currently, just have a TV set at home, and we are forced to contract with National TV station and pay TV bills.Also, We have to pay the same fee regardless of the time to watch National broadcast TV -less than one hour a week or twenty-four hours a day, which is their major problem and dissatisfaction source among nation.It's fair if we have to pay the reception fee based on time to watch.Another advantage: If National broadcaster introduces pay-as-you-watch system, it might ferment the awareness that Time is money.Less people idle the time away in front of TV, and whole society may be more productive.3. Less and less children play baseball these days.The reason is not only the number of children is declining.Baseball tools and uniforms take a lot of money, power-harassment by victory-chauvinism coaches, baseball teams for children still count on teammates' mothers' unpaid labor while both mother and father have to work in order to earn a living, and so on. Adults have a sense of impending crisis; Currently, professional sports mostly means baseball.But from now on, how about switching to soccer?Player numbers of soccer is also declining as the number of children declines, but unlike baseball, it doesn't require specific goods.There was a book about time management in 1990s pointing out that soccer is superior to baseball at the point of time management; The game time is fixed. The game time of baseball is not fixed, and if they cannot settle the game in nine innings, they don't hesitate to extend the games, sometimes interminably.Soccer game certainly ends in ninety minutes surrounding halftime, and even if the game is tie and extended, they settle the game quickly by golden-goal rule or penalty kicks.As this book describes that conferences at companies in our state is like baseball, our nation is said to be careless about time while they are seemingly punctual. I've felt that it can be linked with popularity of baseball. Then if soccer leads professional sports world instead of baseball, our sense of time might change, too.◆:Ready to place summery if askedWho is 600,000th visitor!?
・幼馴染み→ Take Me To The River(アル・グリーン)、No Woman No Cry(ボブ・マーリィ&ザ・ウェイラーズ)・優等生と不良→ Footloose(ケニー・ロギンス)、Beautiful Day(オレンジレンジ)・先生と生徒→ 先生(伊禮俊一)、Brown Shoes(「シング・ストリート」より)・部員とマネージャー→ Everyday, カチューシャ(AKB48)、花鳥風月(SEKAI NO OWARI)・主人と執事orメイド→ 美麗的神話(ジャッキー・チェン×キム・ヒソン)、恋(星野源)・親の決めた婚約者→ Rose(「タイタニック」より)、主婦のブルース(高石友也)・上司と部下→ 大迷惑(ユニコーン)、出世のチャンス(The Clash)・いじめっこといじめられっこ→ 知らないんでしょ?(平井堅) 、ネバーエンディングストーリーのテーマ(リマール/坂本美雨)・敵同士→ Two Tribes(Frankie Goes To Hollywood)、正体(小谷美紗子)・アイドルとマネージャー→ Death On Two Legs(クイーン)、Welcome To The Machine(ピンク・フロイド)・血のつながらない家族→ 家族になろうよ(福山雅治)、She Moved Through The Fair(アイルランド伝統歌謡)・警察と犯人→ Cops and Robbers(小比類巻かほる)、BOMBER(山下達郎)・師匠と弟子→ Up Where You Belong(「愛と青春の旅だち」より)、Take My Breath Away(「トップガン」より)・不倫or浮気→ 3年目の浮気(ヒロシ&キーボー)、Heavens What I Feel(グロリア・エステファン)・犬猿の仲→ Cry Me A River(ジュリー・ロンドン/オリビア・ニュートン・ジョン)、The Trees(ラッシュ)・先生と患者→ Vacances A L'Hopital〈病院でのバカンス〉(カトリーヌ)、ぼくの薬(クリス・コンベッテ)・セフレ→ Touch It(アリアナ・グランデ)、La Villa Del Venerdi〈金曜日の別荘で〉(エンニオ・モリコーネ)・腐れ縁→ Love 4 Real(SAKURA)、君から離れられない(レッド・ツェッペリン)・脅迫関係→ クシャナの侵略(「風の谷のナウシカ」より)、 Woman in Chains(Tears For Fears)・ロミオとジュリエット的な関係→ Emina〈きらめく時〉(ヤドランカ)、Come What May(「ムーラン・ルージュ」より)・店員と客→ Get'em Out By Friday(ジェネシス)、Ka-Ching!(シャナイア・トウェイン)・ライバル→ 戦いの火蓋(Dreams Come True)、Break On Through(ドアーズ)・人気者とファン→ 拝啓、王子様☆(柴田淳)、高貴なお方の狂騒曲(「かぐや姫の物語」より)◇バトンは以上です。お疲れ様でした次の人→一部、映画・ドラマの主題歌や挿入歌などで、無理やり回答をひねり出しております。いつもながら(7)さて595959アクセス目のジグザグを踏む読者様は誰でしょう!?<バトン持ち帰り>------------------エムブロ!バトン倉庫http://mblg.tv/btn/view?id=58611------------------
1. Optional dual-surname system? Of course, if this is legalized, some couples will make a choice to keep using maiden surnames in the future.However, the move won't change that most of wives take their husbands' surnames if couples choose to use same family name -so did I.Why such prediction? In our state, legally, marriage is based on mutual agreement between individuals' couple, but actual situation is still marriage of households and households, same as prewar. In short, it's a system that men enclose and rule women. More to say: For our state, marriage is reproduction system. After all, this state sees women as child-bearing human materials -or rather birth-giving machine, as a moss-headed sexist minister described more than a decade ago. It's shown crystal clear by state's claim at a court over same-gender marriage saying that they don't admit same-gender marriage because of biological natural reproduction.-Well... As for me, I've had inconveniences but more advantages by changing family name, though.2. I've learned that standards for certification of overwork death have been changed.But I feel it's doubtful whether workers are really saved. No matter how they obligate employers to carry out extra health checkup and counseling for workers forced to work long overtime, carrying penalties to employers,There will be no end of overwork death as long as there is a loophole in Labor Standard Act to legalize lethal overtime working hours. Although I understand that what is required is not only legislation.3. Although I'm not the right one to analyze whether the third world war is really coming, and I cannot write Russian nor Ukrainian by myself at all without using online translation tools, so I'm placing in English.Putting aside future prediction, artless -or rudimentary question:Why does the State that have no scruples about violating International Law and make wars still stay the position of permanent members of United Nations Security Council?So does the State violating human rights of minority races, encroaching sovereignty of other nations, supporting suppression of democracy by the military junta, and so on.It sounds absurd that this State currently hosts Paralympic game appealing peace, coexistence and diversity.In the first place, permanent members of United Nations Security Council are dying to show off the states' power with nuclear forces. Then we could describe the Charter of the U.N. as pie in the sky. Today's title is a literal translation of this proverb in our language.-Well... nuclear war has already begun practically when Aggressor state troop attacked a nuclear power plant and made fire break out, though.At the same time...Unlike our state eighty years ago, in the Aggressor state, general public are protesting under the risk of oppression by the Dictator president.I was impressed by the news that international residences whose native places are both Invader state and Invaded state were taking part in one of the protests in our country.Needless to say, the main culprit is not the nation of Aggressor state but the Tyrant who cling to illusion of a great country a century ago, isn't it...?Then it cannot be irrelevant to accuse that the vandalizers and famacides who attack those International residents and their business places in our country are no better than the Autocrat.Бесславный диктатор Путин, Отбросьте свой детский эксгибиционизм и обновите себя.Если вы вызовете ядерную войну, вы тоже умрете.Немедленно выведите войска и уволите постоянных членов Совета Безопасности ООН. ◇:Ready to place translation if asked
I borrowed the title of Shania Twain's song again, but it's not her nor the album "Come On Over".1. When I was clipping recipe articles on newspaper in the dining room, Husband said beside me that now that men are required to do housework, weekly gossip magazines targeted to middle-aged men should place recipe.I agree; since it's still impossible to drink out freely like before, they should make some hors d'oeuvres at home by themselves instead of having their wives cook for them.At the same time, no wonder they hadn't had such programs nor idea for it.Because those magazines are targeted to moss-headed men who think of women as men's subordinate servants and convenient sexual plaything. 2. When consumption tax was raised, the subjects of reduced tax rate were food and periodical newspaper. On the other hand, baby-goods and female sanitary items are not the subject.Back then, criticism rose among our nation that this is a proof that elderly people get special treatment:Panjandrums have applied reduced tax rate on newspaper which older generation use more, but goods for children bearing the state's future are ineligible. However, come to think of it, it was natural. Because in our state, older generation men are ruling everything on the assumption that society members are men only.Men have nothing to do with menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth.-Well, I know that this conclusion is wrong; Pregnancy doesn't come into existence without both men and women.But in our state, this is supposed to be matters of only women.3. Reportedly, less and less highest-rank college students apply for government officials, especially future central bureaucrats.And more and more younger national civil servants are resigning.General public bug about this and that how government officials tend to be forced to work long hours due to old-fashioned inefficient works, politicians boss them around and exploit, government offices have stiffening hierarchy with strict pecking order, so young superior students want to go into business world and earn as much as possible while they are young instead of serving to our state with no promising and no worth contributing to, blah-blah-blah.When I heard the news, I imagined groundlessly:Formerly, government officials were respected as elites within elites, and even after mandatory retirement, their future was assured by parachuting which is expressed as Descent-from-heaven in our language.But now, Descent-from-heaven is target of accuse among general public. Also, so many of those Elites who currently rule our state have been kept in cotton wool, and grown up to care about only protection of their own interests in Ivory tower, and as a result, they build up central government that is blind to the reality.Facing such negativities, not so many young people are willing to take it upon themselves to build thankless career, unless they are very much aware of issues and strong will to contribute to our state.Whatever... I insist it's much more serious that less and less college students apply for school teachers. ◇:Ready to place translation if askedWho is 595959th visitor!?
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