(English) From Tokyo to withdraw embassies around the world.
Shanghai, China Eastern Airlines - Increased Niigata line. The U.S. government, the American people, the primary Fukushima (within 80 km radius) out from the recommendation to evacuate. British Foreign Office, the Hong Kong government, the Foreign Ministry, Germany, Switzerland, China, the Korean government, and recommended the evacuation of the evacuation and Tokyo. (for the first nuclear accident due to earthquake Hukushima East)
(English) March 17, the British people wish to depart from Japan and British Foreign Office, "leaving Japan (method) is still the first choice, but civilian aircraft, "but with, if, if unable to secure tickets for civilian aircraft Has announced that charter flights are available from Hong Kong.
(English) March 16, 2011, the British Foreign Office to stay in Japan, Britain, recommended study and retreat from the north of Tokyo, Tokyo. Free bus service from Sendai to Tokyo.
(English) March 17, the Hong Kong government (due to nuclear accident Fukushima) for residents from Hong Kong, calling for an immediate escape Toukyou. Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific Airways on October 17, two days of June 18, escaped from Tokyo for Toukyou - Increase the flight a flight to Hong Kong.
(English) March 16, the U.S. government was advised to evacuate to the outside than within 80 km radius of nuclear power against the American people Hukushima. (Because of the radioactivity could be released from the reactor)
(Deutsch)16. M?rz 2011, forderte das deutsche Au?enministerium, f?r das deutsche Volk lebt in Tokio und Yokohama und Osaka und im Ausland zu evakuieren. Pattern-Transfer nach Osaka in Japan einige der Features der Deutschen Botschaft.
(English) March 16, 2011, the Swiss government, for a short Swiss northeastern Tokyo and Yokohama, evacuation. Charter plans to provide.
(Deutsch) 16. M?rz 2011, die Schweizer Regierung, f?r eine kurze Schweizer nord?stlichen Tokio und Yokohama, Evakuierung. Charta Pl?ne zur Verf?gung stehen.
*[Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong] (在香港日本国総領事館)
*[Korean Embassy] (駐日本国大韓民国大使館)
(注意) 各国の大使館HP等へのURLアドレスは、2011年3月17日現在のものです。
(English) [New information about the northeastern Pacific Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster-oki earthquake (other power-saving Request for Information Lifeline Transportation evacuation information) disaster + Mobile