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Grs MaMariKo

Grs MaMariKo

January 15, 2015
Displayed at the Girls' Festival 雛人形 ( Hina-Ningyo )

This photo is two dolls representing the Emperor ( お内裏様 O-Dairi-sama )
and Empress ( お雛様 O-Hina-sama ), but actually there are more.
The Girls' Festival 桃の節句 ( Momo No Sek-ku ) in Japan. Why the Japanese say " Momo No
( Peach Festival ), because the peach blossom season on the old lunar calendar.
When Doll's Festival?: (^^)σ a set of dolls displayed through
the Girls' Festival season up to March 3rd - (celebrate the Girls' Festival on March 3).
That have daughters to display dolls ( Hina-Ningyo ) on tiers of shelves,
families with girls wish their daughters a successful, healthy growth and happy life.
Actually, Japanese people display Hina-Ningyo earlier than March 3
(a display of until March 3). Even March 3
people put those dolls away soon in storage box after the festival finish.
Some people in some parts of paper dolls into rivers after the festival,
praying that the dolls take people's place in carrying away sickness and bad fortune.
Tradition says that "If you have finished Hina-Matsuri, then if no put those dolls away soon in storage box, it daughters will be late marriage.". Perhaps that's true, but I don't know.
In any case, I think Hina-Matsuri is the marriage of intellect with good sense for girls.

How many steps there are?: (^^)σ Nice ones have about 7 steps in total.
However my house in Japan was small, my mom and dad were having set up the 3 steps
(until three court ladies - 三人官女 San-nin kanjo ) on the table in my childhood.

It doesn't matter how many steps there are. It's important where we can set up dolls,
also where we have storage space after Hina-Matsuri.
Japan has a large population in its limited area. Of course inside of room is small!
I think only the Emperor and Empress are enough. Those dolls are expensive
in the general public, and a tiered stand takes up too much room. in the and it's a question
of place. I can easily buy general dolls, aside form Hina-Ningyo.ヾ(~O~;)

about 7 steps

My episode of Hina-Ningyo (whispering) - My grandpa bought my parents
Hina-Ningyo in celebration of my birth, and then my mother-in-law bought another
really nice Hina-Ningyo(a full set of expensive 7 steps) for my daughter.
I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their kindness, but I wasn't much interested
in that Hina-Ningyo.
Subsequently, I got a divorce from my husband, my marriage lasted about ten years.
I and my daughter have left that nice Hina-Ningyo in my ex-mother-in-law's house.
Now I'm so sorry for her (my ex-mother-in-law).
I was a bad daughter-in-law, It's a long story. However, I felt relieved to hear that
my ex-husband got married again with new wife and he has the first-born son.

Dream and reality, as everybody knows, marriage is death to a love affair.
I couldn't do that the duties of a housewife... After divorce,
I had freedom to do what I liked, of course I did it! At first I said I could do it all by myself,
but in the end I came to be helped by all. I felt ashamed of myself.
I might be an idealist.... Oh,ヾ(~O~;) what I was talking about.
(;^^)σ Return to the subject.
I have Hina-Ningyo of only the Emperor and Empress from my grandpa.
Other three court ladies, a variety of miniature furniture, tools, carriages, etc..., those were
nowhere to be found, because I forgot where my mom put those away separately.

Perhaps, when my old house was completely destroyed by fire, those burned away,
that big fire was some 15 years ago, but I still do not know the truth,
because It happened before I return to my country. Oh, my God! ~(T_T)

Anyway I still have a couple of dolls , that's enough. My daughter, she has grown into
a pretty woman even has a daughter. That my granddaughter is cute.♡(≧∇≦)

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Last updated  January 15, 2015 12:37:51 AM
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