They walked side by side slowly along the line of the river. 二人は並んでゆっくり川に沿って歩いた。
Behind them the light grew in the East. 彼らの後ろの東の空は明るくなってきていた。
As they walked they compared notes, talking lightly in hobbit-fashion of the things that had happened since their capture. オークに捕まってからのことをホビット流に気軽に話しながら、歩いた。
No listener would have guessed from their words that they had suffered cruelly, and been in dire peril, going without hope towards torment and death; or that even now, as they knew well, they had little chance of ever finding friend or safety again. (大意) 二人の話を聞いた者はだれも彼らの口調から、二人が希望もなく死と隣り合わせの非常に恐ろし目にあったことや、今でさえ仲間に出会う可能性もほとんどなく安全も保証されていないといことをはっきり分かっているなんて、思いもよらなかっただろう。