みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



[Creation of Earth Humanity] ⑭ - Hermaphrodites.

When I was getting quite close to him, I asked him if I was allowed to ask him these questions.
He understood the meaning of my question when I said, 'It seems that some of the Orion people are a little hard to tell by appearances whether they are male or female.'

'They are bisexual. They were originally male or female, but they are male and female souls together'. This answer was unexpected to me.
He said that most hermaphrodites are artists.
He went on to explain.

The soul is originally created as one male and one female body. It is then divided into male and female bodies. This is. . a universal truth of the Aum Universe.

In Orion we call it the soul partner, and we focus on the process of searching for one half of one's soul, which was originally created together and then divided. By becoming one with one's soul partner, the soul's own power is unleashed and it is able to create many things. You know that in every creative principle in the universe there is the union of the male and female body.

But you will not know who your partner is until you reach the level you call the ninth dimension. It has long been accepted in Orion that enjoying the journey to that point is one of the pleasures of our lives.

However, amongst the artists, there were those who could not stand the long road to the ninth dimension. More and more of them have the desire to quickly become one with their partners and create more complete works of art.

As a result, those who wished to do so were made to become one with their soul partner. Needless to say, this was on the condition that it was mutually agreed, of course. You can't force such a thing. A number of artists wished to be united with their soul partners, and the procedure was actually carried out.

It is also a fact that you often meet your soul partner in some form or another in your life, even if you do not become ninth dimensional. When you find out who your soul partner is, you often find out that you have met him or her in some way in your life. In most cases, they felt the same way and were attracted to each other. In cases where both were artists, the union was relatively smooth and consensual."

I listened to him with great interest.

'Didn't you ever think that you would like to unite with your soul partner?' I asked,

I've never thought about it. It's boring to know who your partner is so easily. I want to save it for when I reach the ninth dimension. You have to enjoy the process of life. The soul is eternal.
He replied with a smile.

You have experienced things on this planet that you never thought you would when you were in Beelda," he said, smiling. You had a lot of hardships, but I'm sure they are now good memories for you. He continued.
I smiled and replied, "That's true too.

From "Gaia Dawn: How the Living, Conscious Earth Was Born".


最終更新日  2023年04月10日 07時05分04秒
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