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Far To The Desert's End

―Chapter 3―Ashuzafira refugee camp: Summer in 1950

A Dead Girl in the Ashzafira Refugee Camp

4.  It was around the time 1 PM already being passed. Albrart ran to the track that came to the entrance of the camp. It has become easy to obtain* the rescue supply* since this spring. He has to arrive before anyone else at the track of the afternoon.

The boy was made packed milk, bread, oranges and cheese in his rucksack. After that, when the powder of soup was shared into the plastic bag*, he turned around back. All the people in the camp has gathered at the track and there has been already a long line.

When he left the track so as not to knock against* other people, he headed toward the hospital at the center of the camp.

When the hospital was built, it has been hardened partly with mud because materials* were insufficient*. Fortunately, Malkart was able to enter the ward* that had been set up by wood. She was lucky because the wooden room was able to spend air pleasantly well for the patient*.

Nurses of the Red Cross were always boiling a hot water at the entrance of the hospital. Albrart received a tinplate bowl* there; then he put the powder of soup in the bowl and was poured* the hot water into it. After that, so as not to spill* soup, he carries it quietly to his mother's bed.

The white and oversized curtain opened just a litte.

Malkart was asleep. Her temperature* had become back to normal on these several days, and her physical condition* had been settled down. Albrart put soup quietly on the bedside table.

Mother happened to wake up and looked at her son.
Her pale cheek was faintly tinged* with red, and her long black
hair which waved strongly expanded to the back with a glossy shine.

"Mularto, my dear. Come here. I’ve been waiting for you."

When mother said so, the young boy clung to her unbearably*.
He felt a strong longing for this warm embrace*. The feeling of happiness wrapped Albrart.

"Mom, I brought the soup for you."
"My dear, you should drink it."
"But this is for you, Mom."
"No, you should also drink something hot at least once a day."

In spite of his mother’s word, Albrart was not able to feel like drinking it. He took a sip of* soup and returned it again to the table.

"Say......Mom." "Yes?"
"You know......We are lucky enough to have come here, aren’t we?"
Malkart kept silent a little and answered after some hesitation*.
"Yes―that's right."

"Why......Why did Dad say such a thing?"
"Such a thing......What do you mean......?"
"Dad said the camp was dangerous. So Mom feared the camp."

"Yes, he said so......You remember that well though you were still very young at that time."
"I remember that very, very well. I wish Dad also had come here together. Then maybe he didn't die at such a cold place.”


obtain―手に入れる/ rescue supply―救援物資
plastic bag―ビニール袋/ knock against―ぶつかる
materials―資材/ insufficient―不充分な/ ward―病棟
patient―患者/ tinplate bowl―ブリキ椀/ pour―注ぐ/ spill―こぼす
temperature―熱/ physical condition―体調/ tinge―色合いを帯びる
unbearably―我慢できなくて/ embrace―抱擁
take a sip of―すする/ hesitation―ためらい

5. It was very painful for Malkart to be said such things by the infant son. Nevertheless, anxiety to the camp was still smoldered* in her mind.

It was the next spring of 1948 when they had reached the camp . The small village Dayr Yasin in the west Jerusalem received the attack of Israeli's terrorist organization. Around 200 women or more Arabs including the children were slaughtered* in just about no time*.

After almost 1 month, Israel did the founding* of a country declaration* in May; that was done after the Dayr Yasin incident*.
Israeli troops indiscriminately* attacked the Arabs one after another in this short term*. People caught by terror escaped from the hometown, and the tens of thousands of refugees swelled up* at once.

People began to circulate* a rumor* secretly―"The war will possibly break out." As for Arab states including Egypt, the Israeli nation-building was not admitted*.

"They deprived* us of Holy City Jerusalem. The pirates* cannot be permitted*. What they've done is an invasion* by violence. Against this outrage*, we cannot absolutely* leave the fight."

By this rumor, Malkart sensitively realized the sign that the war can be started at any moment.

And in fact, the fire lid* of war was cut as if the Dayr Yasin incident were a signal*. The flame of the fight burned brightly, and the furious struggle* continued for one year. As a result, it was on the Israeli side that obtained* victory.

The Ashzafera refugee camp luckily got out of trouble*.
However, it might have been also only lucky by chance*. Malkart never talked about this war to her son. For the little child, the story of the war only make him frightened*―.

However, if the war started again?―It woundn’t just be a war. It is the weak, small, and poor people that the war crushes* first. The wave of the war will hit this refugee camp first. What shoud we do if it actually happened?― 

The woman who was not able to conceal* uneasiness* almost fell into disorder feelings* also by her infant son's word. Albrart was surprised at his mother’s expression*, but this time, he was absorbed by* the packed rucksack he had brought.

  "Hey Mom, Look. There are oranges or milk. I brought for you a piece of bread."
"I'll eat them with you, love."

The mother's hand with the orange was trembling*. The boy was surprised.

"Mom......your hands are trembling......!"

"It is nothing. However, I think......as to your father, it’s exactly* what you've said......Why did I come here with Father much......much earlier......? Why did I ask Father to come to the refugee camp eagerly*......? But it's too late to say such things......I was such an idiot*."

6. "Oh, Mom......I'm sorry."

"No, you are not bad―We might have no choice...... But still we wished to live togher at any time."

Saying about his father, Albrart thought that he hurt his mother's feelings though he was a mere child.

Wiping by her fingers the tears rolling* her son's cheek, Malkart embraced his small body firmly and kissed his forehead.

"Please don't cry, love……Rather I'd like to be with you in the hospital tonight."

"Of course. But now I stay the night at Teacher's tent......"
"Ah, it was so. Musical instruments had been entrusted* to your teacher."

"I hear Aisya polishes them every day."

Malkart brought Aisya's beautiful, free and easy singing voice to her mind.

"That's good......you always seem to let your performance listen to that tiny* little girl."

"That's right. Can you hear my performance every day, Mom?"
"Indeed. I can hear your permance very well. Your skill has advanced*. I'm always glad to hear."

Albrart's face lighted up when the subject* turned to music.

"Aisha understands my music surprisingly well. She instructs* me that this musical scale* is good or that melody would be much better if I change the way of performance......"

"She is still only four years old, but can she tell you that?”
"Yes......though she is blind, she can understand music very well instead."

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The Portrait of Aisha at 9 years old

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