Over in the Meadow

Over in the Meadow


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ぶるふぁい @ Re:おかえり~(09/02) IKKOさん ぎゃぁ~、お返事遅くなってゴ…
IKKO@ おかえり~ お帰り~。お話いろいろききたいわ♪ 日記…
ぶるふぁい @ Re:こんにちは~!(09/02) shimo0203さん 私が11年前にお世話になっ…
ぶるふぁい @ Re:お帰り!(09/02) 輝江さん 楽しかったよーー! Myarが「…
shimo0203 @ こんにちは~! どこに行ってたの~?
Sep 5, 2005
カテゴリ: カテゴリ未分類
Early Sunday morning I woke up in the tent by roaring of something. I heard gunshots too. When I was thinking "What animal roars like that?" "Do hunters hunt in the middle of the night?", my husband asked me "Did you hear that?" He was awake too. If it's a bear, we don't know what to do. Can we put a light? Should we stay in the tent or the car? The roaring and gunshots went on at times. My husband went out of the tent anyway to look around. The other tents were pretty far. Nobody seemed to be awake. Our tent was the nearest to the roaring. He decided to ask the 24-hour field support what it is and what to do. I was watching off him walking down with a lantern. The 24-hour field support didn't answer the intercom. We had to protect ourselves. He thought of a wood stick. I thought of the bug spray. Either of them didn't seem to work with the bear. Gas burner!! We took a portable gas burner and a hammer into the tent, and fell asleep.


チェックアウトの時にキャンプ場のスタッフに聞いてみたら、銃声は畑を荒らすイノシシを追い払うために自動で空砲を鳴らしているんだそう。(でも一定のリズムじゃなかったような・・) 吠え声には気づかなかったそうで、もしクマが出てたらクマ警報が鳴って大騒動になってるらしい。しかもあの辺(軽井沢)は月の輪グマで草食なんだって。ドングリを食べるんだそうだ。(^^ゞ テントを破ってまで襲ってこないのか。(^^ゞ(^^ゞ(^^ゞ

Let's Speak たまたま知人から9月号のテキストもらったので、、

ビデオ Monster's Ink
絵本 Alpha Bugs
    Ketchup on your cornflakes?


Last updated  Sep 7, 2005 12:07:47 PM
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