全205件 (205件中 1-50件目)
今日はアマンテでお勉強。3日間もput offしてたペーパーを書きに来たのだ。来週はmy last week as a masters studentなのだ。アンベリーバボー!この日が来るなんて!。。。なんか全然実感がない。やらなきゃいけないこと沢山なのね。。。。。。と言いながらのんきにブログをアップしてるamefureなのね。最近ボルダーは雨。昨日なんか雷ゴロゴロ言ってたのね。雨はいいね、でもズボンのすそがよごれる。あ、ちょっとニュースロスでコンサートをしようと思ってたんだけど、amefureちょっと疲れてるのね。なんかvenueを探すのも、PRとか全部やる気力がないのね。ごめんね。timingがちょっとnot rightなの。だからまたwhen the opportunity presents itself, ill try to put something together. 学校終わったら友達とロスで思いっきり遊びたいのね。i can もう休憩していいよね??
hey guys, things are starting to wrap up. im looking to the immediate future... i am planning to give a recital in LA. i wanted to know if any of you would be interested in coming.i was thinking May 27th at APU. I havent booked it yet because i wanted to get a feel for how many people would actually come! (^-^)let me know.
私はいつも愚痴ってる。でも、今回は愚痴ではなく弱音を吐きます。(どう違うのって感じだけど。w。私の中では違うんです)最近つらいです。何をするにしてもいつかはつらいことに絶対立ち向かわなければいけません。でも今回ばかりは困難を乗り越える力が見つかりません。なんか自分の弱さが丸出しでいやです。。。。でも良く考えてみたら、状況は前とそんなに変わってないんだよね。前はpush through できてたんだけど今はできません。i dont know whats wrong with me.just get over it, me.... って感じ。(--;)
いやいや、ボルダーに冬がまたやってきました。でも今回は先月と違って雪と共にかわいいお友達やってきました。坊と言います (^v^)左の写真は坊とのツウショット右は坊の木登り。。。練習せずに何をやってるんだろうね (^_^;)でも、stressなことをちょっとだけでも忘れて楽しい時間をすごしました、はい。あ、もう一つ楽しいことがあります。。。read on!友達のブログでこれを見つけました。試してみなない?これから言葉の連想をして、文章を完成させてください。 ただし、それぞれを別々の独立した文章だと考えて答えてください。 (埋めていただく空欄を5コの下線で示していますが、答える時の文字数は気になさらずに) 1._____の香り。 2.本当に_____。 3.だから_____。 4._____は嫌い。 答え書きます まず、1では初恋のイメージがわかります。 「香り」は感覚的、感情的なものだからです。 次に、2では仕事に対する思いがわかります。 「本当に」というのは現実的・実務的に使われている言葉だからです。 また、3ではあなたが浮気をする時の気持ちがわかります。 「だから」は言い訳をする時に使う言葉なので。 最後に、4は人生へのあなたの定義を導き出してくれます。 「嫌い」という言葉の裏に、好き嫌いにかかわらずまっとうしなくてはならない人生というものが隠されているからです。 らしいです。。。。。。 my 答え、 1.初恋は 花 のようだ。(そうだったっけな??) 2.仕事は つかれた。 (あってるかも)3.浮気するのは もういや (まだなにもしてないんですけど。^_^;) 4.人生とは 練習 である。 (じゃ、本番は?。。。)皆さんは??
sorry i cant type in japanese, so english de kaki masu. ya, so i totally should be practicing right now...but im not. nannka page no redecorating shiteru shi.dame na watashi desu. hai.saikin mou atama no capacity over load desu.can school be done already? can it be spring break already?
ごぶさた最近すんごおおおく忙しい。気が狂いそう。。。。いや、もう狂ってるか(--;)今日はrandom thoughtsをpost しようかと。。。*****まずは写真から:this would so suck. im so glad i dont own that car. どうするんだろうね?。。。ってか真冬にconvertible運転してるほう悪い!good luck with that...って感じ。*****この前面白いタイトルの曲を発見した。タイトル:man dreaming butterfly dreaming man...huh?って感じでしょう?声を出して、一気に言ってみるとかなりおもしろい。このformulaを使ってrandomな言葉を入れてみるのも面白い。...あれ、面白いと思うのは私だけ?(^^;)*****自分、変わったなぁ~って思う。3年前の私を振り返ってみたら昔の自分は結構ナイーブだったんだなって気づいた。*****最近自分に聞きたいこと:How bad do you want it?*****今の気温:-8度F ℃で言ったら。。。-22とか?さむ!!!*****やっぱオリンピックって感動する。*****the recital i played today sucked!ya, not being prepared sucks...who knew!?
hey im hereits coldnarenai shichotto taihen nedemo korekara tanoshiku narisouma, chokuchoku appu shimasu....keitai kara....fufufu
突然ですが、ARNICA DUOのコンサート場と日にちを変更させていただきます。新しいLocation:KARURA Hall東京都世田谷区経堂 http://www.karurahall.comコンサートは23日のみにさせていただきます。時間は7時です。arnicaduo.com はただいま工事中です。月曜日までにはアップしときますので、そのときまた遊びにいってやってください。our apologies for any inconvenience we have caused. we hope to see you there!
雪が降ってる。。。寒い。。。家でゴロゴロして寝たい。。。。なのにmy responsibilities は耐えない。自分のことだったら全然迷わずにさぼるのに、人のレッスンとかだからそうもいかない。眠い。外は寒いのに中は妙に暑い。があ~~~~~~~~。。。おなかすいた(ーー;)
お久しぶりです! 最近忙しいです、でももう11月の2週目とか?早っ! 私、実はこう言うものをやっています。 見てやってください。 http://arnicaduo.com 来てね! p.s. check for something extra in the 'about' page
昨日、私は踊りが下手だと自覚してしまった。。。(mixiを読んでる人はもう知ってると思うけど)昨日は友達の家でhalloween partyがあった。もちろんdress up していきましたよ!last time i dressed up は小学4年の時かな?十何年ぶりにmake shift costume を着たよ!んで 見事にGoth Queen に変身したよ!今度写真をアップするね。anyways, dancefloorでpuerto ricanの友達と踊ってたら彼のリードについていけない自分がいた。なんか足が動かないんだよね。ちょっとショックだった。結構何でもすぐpick upできる自分なんだけど今回ばかりは体が言うことをきいててくれなかった。(T-T)でも、それにしてもさすがpuerto rican、血に流れてるリズムが違うね。友達が言ってたんだけど、彼は子供のころから親がダンスするのを真似て育ってるからdancing is like second nature to himなのね。友達とhang outしてるときもjust for fun で踊るんだって。なんか、彼のhigh school prom もlive band をよんでsalsa, tango, merengue とかみんなで踊ったんだって。なんか日本のcultureとamerican cultureではそういうのってないよね。やったことないよそんなの。。。ま、そういうふうに考えるとi dont feel so bad that I cant dance like him. でもやっぱ悔しい。ラテン系をかっこよく踊りたいよぉ~!
:: my最近s ::最近ちょっとなぁ~まけぎみなぁ~のね。っていうか。。。最近いつもねむいのだ。最近学校に来てもいつも遊び仲間がいるからちゃんと練習せずいつもあそんじゃうはめになるのだ。(ーー;)*********ただいま1時am。練習まだはじめてない。カオリとduoの名前を決めようとしてるんだけど、なかなかきまんない。ideas anybody??一応いま候補にでてるのが。。。1)Imig Duo (これうちのmusic building の名前なぁ~のね。)以上。。。。(--;)ちょっとおふざけでだしてみたのが、unok・sugan duo (うのっく・すがんduoと読むのね。colorado mail のaddressなのね。fan mail welcome なぁ~のね。)、kana duo(カオリのかとナオコのなね) とか ciranda duo, amante duo (ふたりでよく飲みにいくcafeの名前で、けっこう響きはいいので、almost決まりかけたんだけど。。。じつはアマンテはloversという意味。うちらはそういう関係じゃないので,多分つかわないのね)あと canon とか。まぁ~そんなかんじでございます。みなさん、input welcomeです。はぁ~、また練習せずにこんなことしてるし。はやく終わらして帰ろう~。
ひさしゅう~~~~最近「Thursday night現実逃避の会」が結成(!?)したんですよぉ~。集まって何をするかと言うと、名前のとおり、現実逃避をするんです。変なテンションになって騒ぎまくるんです。友達のルームメイトにはいい迷惑かもしんないけど、なんだかんだ言ってみんなで楽しくやるんです。。。。でもこの木曜日はちょっと調子に乗りすぎて解散するのがちーとばかり遅かったんです。結局寝たの朝の5時。でも寝不足だからと言って、金曜日は待ってくれません。忙しい一日をやりきるのに3時間の睡眠はきつかってっす。昨日本当はvan clibern のwinnerのconcertに行くはずだったんだけど、meは8時ぐらいにもうダウン。んで寝たのが8時半。。。はやっ!!んでもって、今朝起きたのが10時。。。寝すぎ!!でもおかげでちょっとrefresh.今日はリハーサルのあとmegan とmargaret の家でdinnerをkaoryと一緒に主催しました。メニューはのり巻きassortmentとギョーザassortment. なんか意外と忙しくて、嵐のように時は過ぎていきました。もうちょっと自分もenjoyしたかったかも。でも、みんなおいしいって言ってくれたし、よしとしよう。kaory-san お疲れ様でした。**最近思うこと**1.i feel like im a push-over lately. i feel the constant need to please people...well, i guess its the nature of what i do, but 最近自分のやるべきことがmediocreなせいか、i feel im not good enough. and i usually end up feeling guilty for it. (maybe i should, but in a healthy way). でも裏を返して言ってみると、自分が足りない、自分をもっとimproveしたいと思うことは決してわるいことち゛ゃないよね?2.最近人の色加減?顔加減?顔色加減?(どっち!?¢(=_=;)?)を伺って行動をしているように感じる。なんかそういう自分がいや。3.最近余裕がなくて自分以外のことがちゃんと見えてないような気がします。。。。なんなんだろうあ、今日の日記ちょっとながい。(^_^;)
最近。。。*言い訳が多い*よくしゃべる*ill be 30 in a blink of an eye と思う
今日はこんな感じ。。。↑↑↑今日の朝9時に家を出て、帰ってきたのが夜の11時半。がぁ~! \(#><)/こんな生活もう o(><;)o o(;><) o イヤだイヤだ!疲れたよぉ~ (T-T)こんなんでどう練習しろと?!?!がぁ~~~~~~~~!!!。。。((((_ _|||)))) もう駄目
今日はですね、弟君の誕生日なんですよ。ところが、まだプレゼントを贈ってないんですよぉ~。。。what a bad sister!弟よ、許せ!今週までに着くようにfedexするからな。いやいや、もう20ですって。日本では大人よ、大人。are you a 大人?しっかりしてくれよ、弟。ねーちゃんはいつも心配だぞ。うちの家族は弟以外みんな7月生まれなんです。。。弟だけが10月。子供のころは結構けっこうupsetしてたけど、今はどうかな?人と違うということはすんばらしいことですよ、はい。えにうぇ~。。。君は友達に恵まれてるね。本当にみんなに愛されてるね。素敵な友達たちを与えてもらって感謝だね。ねーちゃんは嬉しいよ。i hope that you recognize the unconditional love from your family.i thank God for the person He has molded you into, and have faith that He has great things planned for you. but for now, i hope you can share your special day with all those you love and care for. may all your birthday wishes come true. you're always in my prayers. Happy Birthday Brother
いや~いや~最近やる気がね~~どうしよう。。。やばいな。やることいっぱいあるのに。疲れもたまってるな~。え~、あとこの2日間ちょっと遊びすぎかも。木曜日はかおりと遊んじゃって、昨日はJSAのパーティー(?)にいって、今日は友達と夕飯食べちゃって。。。well, whats done is done, って感じ。そういえば、今年の冬日本に行くことがきまりました!イエイ!友達とコンサートをひらきに行きます。イエイ、イエイ!日本のみんな~まっててね。ちなみにコンサートは千葉(23日)と愛知(??not sure yetif at all)でやります。15ぐらいから一月の。。。4日、5日?ぐらいまでいようかなと思ってます。みんなに会えるといいな。できたらコンサートきてね。ツダノマとか言うところでやるそうです。はやく冬休みにな~れ!写真をアップします。これは昨日友達たちと一緒にお茶をしに行ったときです。ラブリー!ps。そうです、鼻ピーをあけました。でもあんまだれも気づかない、んでもってあんまり違和感がないらしい。でも一様、はい、あけました。
nandayoo daremo kizuite kurenai yo. sonna ni mienai kana. ma, tashika shita no shashin wa mini kui kamo shirenai...demo ichiyo- mieruyo. you have to look really hard. demo nanka mou kao ni najinderu rashii. kyo- tomodachi to hanashitetara, she stopped all of a sudden and stared at me for a while and asked..."ne, mae kara sore attakke?"nai tte!!!!ma, iikedo ne...maybe its too small.
ははひさしぶり。やってしまいましたよ。ちょっと自分でもびっくり。でもやりましたよ。とーちゃん、かーちゃん なくかな。ま、i figured...not or never...so i did it. 友達は、ぜんぜん普通だよといってくれてる。i've decided to trust her. we'll see what other people think when i go to school tomorrow. 最近は忙しいです、で、日によるけど楽しいです。あ、今年の冬日本へ行きます。12月の23日に千葉でコンサートをひらきます!みんな来てね! あと愛知でも一回します。詳しいことはまた近いうちに発表します。
hey hey, お久しぶり。学校が始まりました。今は二週目かな。since my last entry 色々あったな。結婚式はあったし、ボルダーに帰ってきたし、パーティーはいっぱいあったし。楽しかったな。でもこれから忙しくなりそう。if anything exciting happens, or if i get annoyed at something, im sure you'll hear from me. heehee. これは結婚式からの写真。見ればわかると思うけど、bride and bridesmaidsのポーズ。ちょっとお気に入り。
im leaving for boulder today with my family (well, only til vegas)we're staying at nyny. yay! cant wait.wish us a safe trip!
ah... im home.ready to be gone through...funny how it works, huh
wow, i think this is the first time ive used a japanese title for my entries. ...anyways... today is thursday...so three more days until i go home!! wow, thats awesome. despite how desperately ive wanted to leave this God-foresaken place, i think im going to miss seeing some people everyday, and also i am going to miss having time to practice (although i didnt do too much).but i am itching to go home. tonight is the rigoletto dress rehearsal, which i am looking forward to. and tomorrow we have the final art song recital, and the orchestra perforamce of resphigi's pines of rome. im sure that will be good. i cant wait for life to start again, i feel like ive been in a dream bubble, and my life has been put on hold for two months. ...ah, tis true that the grass is always greener on the other side...
this summer i met a girl who is my complete opposite. im sure everybodys experienced an occasion where they dont agree but understand a person's views or decision. well... i dont agree (or understand) this girl at all. we disagree in everything, its almost amusing. its just in the littlest things too. we never agree on the quality of performance or the even which way to go. she'll think left when i think right...she'll enjoy the performance where as i would criticize the heck out of it. and on top of that she's 'tanki'. the smallest things upset her....i dont understand why it would. and for that reason, it makes it hard to be around her. i guess in a real world situation i really would hang out with her (or would i?) but here we're almost forced to be with our studio mates. the weird thing is she loves hanging out with me...hm. i never knew there could be someone like this. it baffles me.
okay im going home this weekend!!! woo hoooooooo!!!i cant not wait to be home. i guess the weather here has been pretty nice. its been rainy for a couple of days now, but when its hot its really annoying. im pretty busy this week i guess. i have a couple of lessons and two performances the day before i leave. but i hope i can enojoy the last couple of days im here. peace out.
less than two weeks to go~!im flying home, not this coming, but next saturday!! cant wait to get back!its so freakin humid here. i think im going to melt. ive been busy these last couple of days, which is good i guess....it makes the time pass quicker. dude, i wish had my car here...not much thinking lately, so nothing insightful to say.
i finished the new harry potter!! yay!it was so good. i wish i could have read it in one sitting. so, only two more weeks to go after next monday! i cant wait. im so tired of this place. im in a place of acceptance right now, i guess, but im just tired. you know, some people are so easy to anger. i just noticed that... the littlest things trigger this ugly feeling. ive found that sometimes these feelings are a way these people protect themselves from getting hurt. is it their lack of self-confidence? security? what is it? it says in the bible that one should be slow to anger. i personally think that i am. i can only remember a couple incidents where i have been angry. sad and happy and depressed, many times...but not anger. im really thankful for that. i think the reason why i can be this way is because i somewhat know what it means to love and be loved. i guess when you know love in your heart, the first reaction to an offensive and threatening attack is outward instead of inward....meaning, you want to understand why the person initiating the attack is being the way he/she is before you dwell on the damage to you. im sure people get hurt by the attacker anyway...but the first reaction is not to retaliate. (kinda sucks, just to be on the recieving end, but i think thats what happens) does that make sense? (here i am again talking out of my *ss!)i never want to be one of those people that take myself too seriously. i always want to be able to laugh at myself and take things people say with a grain of salt. i think the world would be a more pleasant place that way. dont you think?
whew. i had one hell of a night yesterday. the day started out really slow, but things picked up after lunch. at dinner all the singers (like 15) at the table started singing happy birthday to me in the cafeteria. ive never had happy birthday sung to me that well before! hahaha. but they totally caught me off guard. i think they started singing right when i put a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. but i felt really special, it was quite the experience. i practiced for a good chunk of time, then some of the girls and i were supposed to go to a local pub for drinks, but the driver ended up locking herself out of her car with all her money and id and everything in it. so we ended up going to the market to buy wine and cheese, and ice cream (of course!) so we had a small gathering on our porch. but i downed too much wine in a short period of time. i think i might have felt the punch a liiiitle too much. but i really had a good time and the fact that my favorite singer came to the party added to the excitement of the night ;)i ended feeling like crap by the time i had to go to bed, but naturally i purged everything out leaving me feeling a lot better. i felt like i got rid of all the yucky feeling that ive been harboring for a while too. all is good!lets see, im in the middle of reading the new harry potter, so im pretty content right now. oh, and to all who have sent their birthday wishes, thank you. you do not know how much joy and comfort it gives me to know that people were thinking of me back home. i would have given anything to chill with you guys. but that day will come soon enough. only two and a half more weeks to go! wish me luck.
yes, im 24 today. its a shame i have to spend it here in this boring camp. eveybody is burnt out and has cabin fever, so everybody is not up for partying...not that i would want to party with them. gosh. my family sent me a birthday card, hand made by my brother... a little cheesy, but its really cute. thanks bro. either way, im 24 today. happy birthday to me. =]
its raining. a hurricane is coming towards the coast. my heart is in such a mood. i dont know how to describe it. i understand sometimes why people drown themselves in worldly things. but the truth is it only gives them temporarily content. how can we become happy? is it the balance between the dual states of mind? or is it simply the focusing and centering of one's energy into a higher being?ha...sorry im talking out of my *ss. im just been in a 'mood' for a while and i cant get rid of it.yesterday my friend said that musicians are destined to stir in emotional turmoil. i agree...how can a musician possibly create music that touches the soul if he doesnt understand what emotion is about? hm.anyways. been a little depressed lately.maybe its the weather.
i need to practice.i went to see the opera yesterday. their doing hms pinafore. its so cute.we have master class today, i really need to practice...
i was depressed yesterday. a great day to be depressed huh....my friends and i went to see the war of the worlds yesterday. dude, it was so scary!! i was totally expecting a independence day type of film, but i was so not! i was totally shaking. people with heart problems should not go see the film. so after being scared to death we went to see fireworks. the staff at brevard decided to put on a show. ive never seen a home made firework show. it was cool. my friends and i made the stupid decision of standing on the bank of the lake...which resulted in many many bites. (i dont even know what kind of bites they are! but they itch like a mother!!) grrrrr.after basking in the smoke emitted by the fireworks, i vented then chilled with my cabin-mates. gosh i want to go home. i feel like im wasting my time here. o, today, i played for lesson (unrehearsed!! because my stupid singers wont give me their music, let alone tell me what they plan to sing...grrrr) then i went to an orchestra rehearsal where i had to sight read music in front of like 50 people....not fun! and it wasnt THAT easy. maybe it should be, but i think its fair to be a little freaked out in your first ever orchestra rehearsal. watever. i have another lesson in 30 minutes and then a violin lesson at 5. fun fun. theres also a chamber music recital tonight...then maybe ill go see the hms pinafore opera rehearsal. sigh....some one come save me!!!!!! ...sigh.
so, its been about four weeks now...i think we're starting our 4th week. there have been many many things going on, but its too much to write down. i wish i could just put up pictures, but i didnt bring my digital camera. boo. so, today is july 4th. lots of celebrations and things happening. yesterday we went to a party out in the mountains, shmoozing with rich people and all. you know how it goes...smiling a lot, talking a lot. it gets taxing after a while. the singers had an open mic deal...ya, not a good idea. once you get them started, they wont stop. i think they started at 9 and went till 11:30. it was okay at first, but it just became old really quick. the audience just ended up indulging their diva-ness. watever.okay, i really dont have anything intelligent to say. so ill be going now. ill write again when i come up with something worth reading. ciao.
okay, so it hasnt been really bad lately. Its been raining these past couple of days in Brevard, so its been really cool...but today was looking a little humid, so Im a little worried! Ive become really good friends with my colleagues, and the vocalist dont seem too bad...actually, they're really nice. Its not busy, nothing is stressful, and the only thing I can complain about is being bored...okay, i need to go...ill write again.
nihonge de kakenai node, eigo de kakimasu.well, its been a hectic couple of weeks. many many great things happened, but unfortunately i was too busy to update my site. I worked for a couple of weeks, and now im in Northa Carolina at the brevard music center. ill be here for 7 weeks. Its sooo hot in NC, im definitely not going to make it during the summer. but theres a lot of time to practice (for now) and it seems like its going to be okay. This place is so rustic, it smells funny, (because of the humidity), and its like camp...in all the sense of the word. When I got into our cabins yesterday, i thought i was going to cry. there are so many bugs there, its so dirty, and there are four people to a room...arienai.(T_T) demo soreni shitemo mushiatsuii~~~~~~~!! i cant stand this humidity, my hair has exploded and i sweat up a storm just standing still. natsu no nihon mitai dayo....(btw, thats why I dont go to japan in the summer anymore...i cant take the humidity) Jibun kara kononde konna tokoro ni kita nante omouto... (--;) 7 shu kan mo taerarerunoka?! ha~~~~~~~... atsuiyoouoooou (T_T)well, thats how things are. i hope everybody is well. ill try to update when i can. jya ne.
hey hey hey. im going to write in english...im too tired to even attempt writing coherent japanese...well, english too, for that matter. hehe. but ill write anyway. well, its been a while. forgive me. ive been crazy busy. but...that craziness is done, TODAY!! today was the last day of my school obligations. I played 6 juries this morning, which were all a breeze. what it was, was 5 minutes of playing here and there and lots and lots of visiting with people in between. It was really fun. After the juries, I went shopping and found a couple of great buys. A jacket, a couple of skirts, and cute cute hand bag...all for soooo cheap!! gotta love Ross. My BCBG bag only cost like 10 buck. now thats a good buy. After the shopping I went to Indian night with my woodwind posse. Aakash, the very cute sax player, made us Indian food which was AMAZING!!! it took a while to whip up, but the wait was worth it. AND (yes theres more) after the woodwind party, I left the party early to join my string collegues at the Mercury Cafe out in Denver. My friend who plays in the Tango band at the cafe convinced a bunch of us to come out to his club. I totally thought it was going to be a club scene with bunches of people out on the dance floor, but it turned out to be a real serious dance place. Have you guys ever seen 'shall we dance'? ya, it was kind of like that....but the crazy thing was, a bunch of us went out onto the floor to dance anyway! All of us didnt know what the heck we were doing, and we were bumping into people left and right, but we did it! And oh, my, gosh...it was soooooo fun!! It took a while for the guys to muster up the courage to ask the girls to dance, but after the ball got rolling, i ended up dancing with a couple of guys. It was so surreal....we just kind of stepped back and forth and around and around to the awesome music. Im sure we looked like total *sses out on the dance floor, but who cares, i really enjoyed it. a bunch of us even are talking about taking dance lessons. (haha, ya, we'll see if THAT really happens)we got there around 11 and ended around 3:30AM....craziness, huh? my feet are killing me for standing aroun so long. and my gosh, i think i even used muscles i didnt know i had while dancing tonight. BUT, all that doesnt matter because i had sooo much fun. for those who have not tried it, tango is a must. what a great way to end the semester...oh, i have a final next week, but it should be a breeze. i cant wait to just cruise out the rest of my time in colorado. Oh, and its been snowing in Colorado the past few days...SNOWING......SNOWING, in MAY!! the weather patterns in Colorado are definitely something I need to get used to.
リサイタルが終わった!!2 more to go。CDができたらポストします(どっかに)。思ったより人が来てくれてびっくり。来てくれた人たち、ありがとう!!ま~とにかく成功しました。it always can be better, でも今回はこれで満足することにしよう。さて、これからまたリサイタルが2つ。i need to learn the music...マジで。ラストスパートがんばらなきゃ。さて、練習だ。
いやいやいや~、久しぶりです。。。本当に。一ヶ月近くたってない?春休みが明けてから色々忙しくて。コンピューターが壊れたせいもあって最新できませんでした。my bad。さて、書きたいことは山々です。でも時間が。。。(--;)でも最近は良いことがいっぱいです。とにかく早く学校が終わってほしい。
やっと実家に帰ってきました。幸せ。今日は友達と結婚式の準備会みたいなのをやって、bridesmaid dressをオーダーしに行ったり、海にいったりしたました。楽しかったぁ~~!やっぱhomeはいいね。これから一週間いっぱい楽しもう、でも一週間って多分すぐ過ぎちゃうんだろうな。でも、楽しむ!決めたんだ!じゃ。
woo hoo! its time for spring break!! でもカリフォルニアは今雨らしい。ガ―ン。海に行こうと思ってたのにぃ~~~~~~!!!!!!!でもいいや。i just want to spend time with my friends. でも。。。雨なんてひどすぎる。ボルダーのほうが天気がいいっぽい。でもいいんだ。家に帰ってかぁちゃんの手作り料理を食べるんだ。一週間楽しむんだぁ。はは~~。
お久しぶり。ご無沙汰です。最近は忙しいような余裕があるような。。。でも、そんなことはどうでもいいです。それより、来週は春休み!!woo hoo~~~!!金曜日に実家へかえりまぁ~す。んで、思いっきりあそびま~~す!イエイ!あ~待ち遠しい。最近ボルダーに雪が降りました。今回はふわふわのpowder snow。綺麗に積もりました、はい。こう、なでたら柔らかそうな感じの雪でした。でもそれにしても、寒い。はやくサンタバーバラの日差しをあびたぁ~い。今夜は久しぶりにソロピアノのコンサートを聴きました。なんと、それもLeon Fleisher!!!!!ボルダーに来てFleisherを聞けるとは。去年の11月にニューヨークに行ったとき聞いたけど、今回はかなりそばに座れて、それもSchubertのB-flat Major Sonataの生演奏を聴けました。幸せ。His colors were beautiful. He also played another favorite of mine, a piano arrangement of Bach's "Sheep May Safely Graze." it made my heart melt. It was just gorgeous. (Macky's acoustics are so weird...) But I enjoyed it anyways. あ、友達のサイトで面白いものを見つけました。Virtual Adopt-a-pet って言うサイトで、そこで自分のペットをゲットできます。色んなペットがいます、to meet my pet, go to this address. http://www.geocities.com/amefure/jiro.html 。 左下にあるブックマークの「for fun」ってところにもサイトをポストしました。「ジローの家」ってリンクです。マウスを動かしたりクリックしたりするとジローがなついてくれます。是非遊んでやってください。(^-^)
just when you thought spring was just around the corner, the weather takes a turn for the worst. 今日のボルダーはヒョウ・アラレが降っています。なんなんだい、この天気は。昨日は60度近かったのにただいま、32度。寒すぎ。今日の朝は寝坊してしまいました。im inclined to blame the weather。。。低気圧になるとしんどくなって起きたくなくなるんだ。。。と言うのは言い訳で、昨日ただ遅くまで起きてただけの話。( ̄ー ̄;)でも、授業をまたサボるわけにもいかないので急いで車で学校に行った。im so glad i took my car. i was wearing sandles and a sweater! dude, i would have totally froze my butt off. 今日はヴァイオリンクラスで弾かなきゃいけない。。。ってかその前に練習をせな。
今週末は充実したような、のんびりしてたような、なんか心地良い週末でした。やっぱ先生がいないとなんか平和。でもたぶん帰ってきたらいなかったときの分までintenseなんだろうな。(--;)早くLAに帰りたいです。早く夏になってほしいです。あ、今日はうちのmusic school が主催しているadopt-a-student programと言うイベントに参加した。its an event the directors set up so we can schmooze with the wealthy patrons that donate money to our school. its funny being a musician. we're always surrounded by rich people who support our art, and we're always get a little tease of what it would be like to be wealthy. but the thing is, we'll never be rich. its a tease. im not saying that wealth is important, because its not. i just found it really funny and ironical how the music (well, mostly classical music) world works. でもなぜ今日そのプログラムのことを書いたかと言いうと、そこでちょっと嬉しい事があったから。okay, so every student that went there had to prepare some music to perform for the patrons. naturally, everybody half assed it. like my flutist and i only rehearsed for a hour or so before we performed it, and i learned my piece like yesterday. it wasnt a star performance, but it was acceptable. usually, at these things, the patrons dont really know much about music (from my experience) but 今日は珍しく聞く耳がある人達がいた。i dont want to patronize myself, but if i were to name my strengths in my playing, i would say it is my musicality and my quality of tone. i find that a lot of people think technicality is the crowning achievement of playing. dont get me wrong, accuracy is very very important in performing, but i feel like those things can come with discipline and hard work. musicality isnt really something that can be taught, it has to come from the heart, and for me it comes a little more naturally than others. and i just think people dont work enough on their tone. ya, beauty in music comes from musical lines and phrasing and stuff, but it all starts with the sound that comes out the instrument you know. anyways, so, i met these ladies today that came up to me and commented on my tone. i was really surprised and quite impressed. it takes a really good ear to recognize it, let alone appreciate it. that was my happy thought of the day. So after writing all of that, I just wanted to say it was nice to be recognized. haha, thanks for putting up with my self-indulgence. His musicianであることに感謝を感じる最近このごろです。
久しぶり!先週の日曜日にリサイタルが終わった上、ソプラノの人が韓国に一時帰国してしまって、そのまたまた上に先生がカリフォルニアに行っちゃいました。だから今週はかなり羽を伸ばしてゆっくりできました。最近はいっぱい寝てます。yay! これからやらなきゃいけないことはいっぱいです。またあとで痛い目にあわないようにがんばらないと。最近は考え事や教えられることがいっぱいあります。でも今はそれを全部書く時間も気力がないので気がむいたらまたあとで書きます。すみません、my pace & tempramentalなB型なんもんで。。。えへ。でも、見せてずにまた遊びにきてね。最近読んだ箇所::Ephesians 1
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