A charred lorry, empty tear gas shells and posters of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan - it was all that remained of a massive protest led by Khan’s wife, Bushra Bibi, that had sent the entire capital into lockdown. 焼け焦げたトラック、空の催涙ガス弾、元パキスタン大統領イムラン・カーン氏のポスター。これがカーン氏の妻ブシュラ・ビビが率いた抗議デモの結末だ。首都イスラマバード全体がロックダウンに状態になった。 Rebel forces in Syria have taken control of "half" of the country's second-largest city, Aleppo, according to the UK-based monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). シリアの反政府勢力は第2の都市アレポの半分を支配することに成功した、英国に本部がある「人権のためのシリア監視団」が発表。 President Volodymyr Zelensky has suggested that the parts of Ukraine under his control should be taken "under the Nato umbrella" to try and stop the "hot phase" of the war. ウオロディミル・ゼレンスキー大統領は、彼が支配しているウクライナの地域は「NATOの傘」のもとにおいて、戦争の「争いの局面」を止めるようにするべきだと語った。
"It's not just about brewing a good cup of coffee but connecting with customers on a deeper level. 「それは単においしいコーヒーを作るだけでなく、より深いレベルで客とつながることだ」 It was this one thought that made Harmanpreet Singh leave his family bakery to open a specialty coffee shop in the northern Indian city of Jalandhar.