GREEと豊能役所はSSL崩壊・データ共有の異常・GPS誤動作・Windowsアクセス権剥奪・Toyono Font 妙な形の文字を作成。 (GREE従業員と役所、私のパソコンHDDごと窃盗共有化して、沢山のインターネットPCで多種システム設定による誤認識によりToyono字体は出来上がった。) GREEモバイルは機内モード無効
There is still not enough explanation. Thank you for the information. Fengno Office and Fengno local government office. Higashi-Tokiwadai municipality, residents (anti-national nest) had set up a shared hard disk containing my encrypted folder.
Microsoft had to remove the encrypted folder on their computers before they could apply the font fix update file.
Its stolen my Windows is in the name of the company. It is a computer registered with a corporation of the General Affairs Division of the Toyono Town Office and is subject to depreciation.
(2022年09月09日 16時40分04秒)