Of course you'll take the school. You'll get along all right, now that there are
no Pyes going
. Josie was the last of them, and a good thing she was, that's what. There's been some Pye or other going to Avonlea school for the last twenty years, and I guess their mission in life was to keep
school teachers reminded
that earth isn't their home.
終盤の村岡訳は、ところどころに端折りが目立つのですが、編集上の都合ばかりではなさそうです。上述のバッサリ切り捨てにしても、教育的配慮を感じます。注目すべきは、作中のパイ家の扱いでしょう。最終章のひとつ前37章の、Anneとマリラが語り合うシーンでも、英雄的な努力をしても、ジェシー・パイだけは好きになれないと語るAnneに対し、 "Josie is a Pye,"