毎年越冬が心配な古城、今年は昨年より1月以上早く起きました。今までとはだいぶ違うところから新芽が出ました。冬の寒さで塊根の先端が傷んだのでしょうか・・・ Pterodisicus speciosus worried about overwintering every year but it has awoken earier more a month than last year. Usually it has sprouted from top but this year sprouted from a different place,because top of caudex damaged by cold winter?
先日植え替えたヌガミクスも分かりにくいですが新芽を出し始めまています。色違いだった鉢は黒にしてみました。変化はあるでしょうか? Ngamicus that replanted the other day has sprouted,too but it is to hard to see by picture. Is roots extending or by nutrient accumulated caudex? Ngamicus that planted different color pot has replanted same black color pot when replanting. Will there any effect?