今年の1月に蒔いた蘇鉄が根を出していました。蘇鉄の種の蒔き方で「袋蒔き」というのを見て、残っていた市販用土が入っている袋に投げ込んでおいた種がいつの間にか根を出して、発根が早かった種はもやしのようになっていました。 Cycas revoluta has germinated, that was sowed in january this year. I did "Hukuromaki", this is one of way to sow cycas seeds. Way to sowing that called "Hukuromaki"("Hukuromaki" means sow the seeds in plastic bag that filled soil). I used plastic bag that commercial avaliable soil remained. I was forgotten this thing several weeks, and I remenber that today and looked it. Some of them have germinated and seed that early germination was looks like bean sprouts. I did replant quickly.