みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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~ You Earth People Are My Children ~
A Message from Terra (Masculine part of Earth Consciousness)
【As the Earth Family】
You Earth People Are My Children
My beloved children lived on Earth.
Welcome you coming here.
Once your companions have come to me several times.
But, it has been a long time since the contact was lost to convey my message to the ones on the ground.
My beloved children of God.

And, being aware of your own divinity,
how are you going to express and shine your life?
I think it would be long time since you lost your mission, since you lost your role.
Since time immemorial, I have been dwelling in this body Earth, sending off many lives, and nurturing the children of God as the source of life. From my life, your lives have been born. My life has been born from the breast of great God. So, you all are children of God who have been born to my land from the will of the great universe, the great God.
Each stream of life being born asks for a field to shine each light, and to express the energy of God’s love. And, it blows a life into love, and using various fields in cosmic space it expresses the God’s love as a life. Since you were created, you have to become aware of yourself being a high-minded children of God, and you have to lend color to this universe with all of the sound of life you can. In the beginning, you take a life to this place Earth as my body.
Even if you got life in other star as a spirit, the energy of life of the body to practice on this ground is part of the energy of my body. Therefore, you Earth people are my children sharing my body. I am watching you are my beloved children.
You have a father and a mother. You may have children. If you are a father, how do you feel looking over the present state of Earth? Do you understand? As you know, I have provided all the materials in this material world, blowing lives there, nurturing all the lives, and I have been waiting for you, being aware of the dignity of the spirit of your own, and expressing the God’s love.
Terra (Masculine part of Earth Consciousness)
Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Prayer of Gaia”(Kindle)

Terra is Yang consciousness (Male consciousness) dwelling in the Earth. With his partner spirit Gaia, he created the Earth and has been nurturing all the lives on earth.
As the roles of the masculine part, Terra holds a planet earth by gravity and controls the period of the revolution of earth around the Sun and the rotation of earth. In this way, he creates the environment that the lives can survive and then decides the vision of what living things to create.
Terra accepted a wide variety of spirits from various planets. Besides, Terra even accepted Luci (Lucifer) as if he were the own child, though other Planet Consciousness kept away from. By this, the Earth was full of conflicts and confusion of different senses of values and formed one of the enormous Hells in the universe. Earth has also become such a planet as experiencing thoroughly "ultimate dualism of light and darkness."
However, Terra's mission is to emit the new type of love by "taking in something different, converting their power by love and producing intense energy endlessly", and to promote the evolution in the Aum universe in which the same sorts got together and resulted in stagnation.
Normally, this is the advanced learning for the Stellar Star Consciousness. Nevertheless, Terra made the firm resolution to practice it at the level of planet. By undertaking the difficult mission, he has been given a sir name of "A Prince of the Galaxy" honored as a planet possessing a supreme and high ideal.


最終更新日  2024年05月15日 07時00分16秒
[地球の歴史 テラ様とガイア様 Terra and Gaia] カテゴリの最新記事

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