In 2002 I visited U.S.A. On 19th I finished my work,and returned to the hotel early evening. When I enjoyed rollling bicycle in the jim of the hotel,I feeled sick. I thought I would have died, after that I could'd breathe. This sad feeling lasted more than a few hours. Then I called the emergency, and after that the emergency called the ambulance. Finaly I was hospitalized in the emergency hospital. Early next morning, I became to breathe. And returned to Japan.
work any more. For these 5 years,I haven't worked, but beeing payed my full salary. I can go to the office at any time,and come home at any time.
I can't understand what had happend to me,but I am happy now. I suppose at that time my cervical vertebrase was damaged, and I feel pain in my back even now.
何が幸せか不幸か、よく分かりません。 英語の先生は、 memorial と 言ったから 悪いことが起こった日かと思った。 memorial day は 何か悪いことが起こった記念日で anniversary は 良いことが起こった日にも 悪いことが起こった日にも 使うことができると言っていました。