カテゴリ: ワイン会
久々の平野弥のワインです。今回のワイン会のテーマは、平野さんの感想でドメーヌ・ルフレーブのワインが2008からスタイルが変わったのではないか(それも平野さんの望まない方向に)、また、ユベール・リニエとリュシー・エ・オーギュスト・リニエのワインは元は同じであったが、今ではかなりスタイルが違うのではないか、ということで両者の比較テイスティングです。 他は平野さんお薦めのワイン達です。スマイル

◆平野さんのルフレーブ・テイスティング感想ブログはこちら⇒ 変化するドメーヌ・ルフレーヴ:2008年と2007年の比較 - Ma Parole de vin-ワインは語る-



No 銘 柄 名 Vintage 造り手 コメント
Cremant de Bourgogne Brut Rose de Vigne NV Domaine Chevrot シャンパーニュのブリオッシュ系の香りはないが、チャーミングなフランボワーズ系の香り。シッカリした造りながらスルスル飲める感じ。
・・・・ 2009 Cordier Pere et Fils 家飲み(感想はこちら⇒ 2011.4.30の日記 )も含め今回で4回目。相変わらずレベルの高いACブルで美味しい!
Pouilly Fuisse Fine Josephine 2006 Cordier Pere et Fils 色も濃く貴腐の入ったようなハチミツ香。ビオディナミの教祖ニコラ・ジョリーのクール・ド・セランを思い起こさせます。味も香りそのままで甘く膨らみがあります。これでもドライで甘口タイプが別にあるようです。(デザートの時に予定外で特別に出てきました)
Pouilly Fuisse Les Brules 2006 Chateau Fuisse 未だ未だフレッシュで品の良い果実香。味も高級シャルドネのニュアンスがあり好印象。
Puligny Montrachet Clavoillons 2007 Domaine Leflaive ピュリニーらしい品の良い硬質感を感じさせる香り。私のイメージするルフレーヴからすると控え目の香りでソゼを連想させます。時間が経つと芳ばしい新樽と思われるロースト香も出てきます。味はクリーンな酸味が利いていて2007にしてはふくよかで余韻も長いです。
Puligny Montrachet Clavoillons 2008 Domaine Leflaive 香りはこちらの方がボリューム感がありインパクト強いです。ピュリニーと言うよりカリフォルニアのシャルドネに良く感じられる香りです。味も果実味豊かそうですが、2007より余韻が短くミネラル分が少ないような感じです。時間と共に変化してくるような味わい深さや面白さに欠ける感じです。
Marsannay Trois Terres VV 2006 Jean Fournier 平野さんお薦めのジャン・フルニエ。確かにマルサネとは思えない(と言っても、あまり飲んでないのですが)ふくよかな味わい。香りは最初還元臭や漬物らしき香りがありましたが、直ぐに抜けて乳酸菌飲料系の香りに。まぁ、美味しいのですが、これが5~6千円するとなるとチョット考えます。(アルコール13.5%)
Givry 1er Cru Clos Salomon 2009 Domaine du Clos Salomon ドメーヌ名を畑名に出来るのは由緒あるワイナリのみらしく平野弥の掘り出し物。2009の特徴か飴玉のような香り。時間が経つとルソーのようなアセロラ香が出てくる。味は綺麗な酸味が特長で、酸味命のブルゴーニュ好きには良いかも。アルコール13.9%と高め。熟成させると面白いような気がし興味あります。
Morey Saint Denis 2008 Hubert Lignier ブルゴーニュ好きのオタクが(誰とは言いませんが...)評価しているので本日一番期待してたワイン。香りはブルゴーニュらしさはありますが弱めな果実香(先週自宅で飲んだC.M. Bussieres 2007のが香りが良かった気が...)。味は酸味が強く未だ飲むには大分早い気がし旨味も足りない気がします。でもブルゴーニュ好きはこれを美味しいと思うのかも。
Morey Saint Denis 1er Cuvee Romain Lignier 2004 Lucie & Auguste Lignier これのクロドラロッシュやモレサンドニをかなり前に飲んでいますが、酸味とタンニンが綺麗に融合していて美味しいです。本日一番の味かと。香りはこちらも弱めながら、土の香りとか出し汁系の香りがあります。味も出し汁系ですが。

「2008から醸造長が代わりスタイルが変わったと思われるが、評論家やジャーナリストは何も言わない。多分バトナージュ回数を増やして抽出を強めているのではないか?カリフォルニア等の新世界系のワインに変わってきている。残念に思う。」  私の感想では、 抽出を強めている割には旨味が少なくバランスが悪くなっている気がします。たまたま2008は醸造長が代わって失敗しているのか、今後を見守りたいと思います。

L&A.リニエは比較のヴィンテージが違いすぎて分かりませんが、平野さん曰く、 「2004 同士で比較してもL&A.リニの方が濃く、壜詰めの時に何か足しているのではないか?こちらの方が明らかにモダンなスタイル。2006以降、オーナーのケレンが何かに怒ったようで出荷してくれなくなって、近いヴィンテージを出せなかった」と。  復活したユベール・リニエは前にも増してクラシックなスタイルになっているとのことですが、2007も飲んだ感想では、今のところ私のあまり好きなワインではない気がします。


オードブル( 右から、秋刀魚の燻製、鰯のオイルサーディン、鶏唐揚げマリネ )



S.ジョブズが生きていたら、最後の日に飲みたいワインは何と言ったのか気になるところです。 冥福を祈ります。


最終更新日  2011.10.07 06:46:42
コメント(11) | コメントを書く



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Anna_South_Carolina さん
he is well thought and achieved and what is more important he is 84 years http://piecauneutran1985.bravejournal.com http://piecauneutran1985.bravejournal.com old. We can see some typical 70's style decorated apartment and there are many old stuff http://presagfecom1978.bravejournal.com elle macpherson ass there. I don't know if that's true but this appearance of her was on the cover of that movie called Lilian http://xzibripimumb1975.bravejournal.com emma watson nude The Perverted Virgin. Remember that part when Brian has left in Hollywood for finding himself and where http://ovcabarra1985.bravejournal.com click here Peter went for him with his family. Man, I gave myself a word that I won't jack off today because I http://verpageschpres1983.bravejournal.com cobie smulders pussy have to focus on my job. And she surely has something all women http://dofsmubane1980.bravejournal.com natalie portman sex scene can be upset with if they have small tits. So what should we do? I guess it would be stupid to resist that request especially when we are talking http://kahowsembdons1974.bravejournal.com maria ozawa boobs about Hayden Panettiere nude pictures that you will see for sure. Oh, by the way, I will rely only on one photo where she is standing in http://farmnebara1979.bravejournal.com deepika padukone ass that jeans dress and a bra. I guess I have shared with you a lot already and you can now find that film http://sunachbome1987.bravejournal.com sarah roemer naked to watch. You see, I woke http://rietucandras1989.bravejournal.com roselyn sanchez DESNUDA up with some very painful headache after yesterday's party at my dude's place. Those of you that like her a lot will find this review interesting and http://esenosden1984.bravejournal.com go here very useful. First of all, I am offering you to watch Geri Halliwell sex video http://vabarowsbig1971.bravejournal.com megan fox fakes made at home and featuring some very nice stuff of her. (2012.10.31 17:43:23)

Lauren_Washington さん
But to http://zaittsallm.livejournal.com PAZ VEGA NUDE me, the best movie of her is Heartbreakers because there a couple of sexy shots of her there. You can actually masturbate on some of those http://xibiict.livejournal.com RAVEN SYMONE NUDE snapshots that I have got right here. She looks very sexy wearing that hairstyle and I would do anything to come on her from behind and http://pamiusaa3.livejournal.com DEBBY RYAN NUDE smell her hairs. I would advise Taylor to step of a bit that kind of theme as first of all, she repels guys with her music http://waxejp9110.livejournal.com JENNIFER ANISTON NIPPLES by saying how some boy let someone down or something. Yeah, that was pretty nice review http://gmchurchaa07.livejournal.com ALYSSA MILANO NAKED by the way, don't you think so? I just loved all those nice photos of Slama. And this will be promising that you are going to get back to me right after you leave this http://focashlalu.livejournal.com AMANDA SEYFRIED NAKED place. I haven't watched that one but the scene that was looking http://nqcrondb.livejournal.com SHAKIRA NAKED for are still available on the web. After three minutes of this http://nighmwynh.livejournal.com COLIN FARRELL SEX TAPE unpleasant conversation I screamed in the phone something like this F. I bet sometimes he even masturbates on that scene and http://bovtherlin.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE imagining how it was back there. Moreover she should see those Helen Hunt naked pictures I http://bylmytin.livejournal.com VICTORIA PRINCIPAL NUDE have found for you. She seems to look like Julia Roberts there, http://ogrrlus.livejournal.com SANDRA BULLOCK NUDE don't you think the same way? They have familiar lips and smile I think. (2012.10.31 18:16:49)

Savannah_North_Dakota さん
No, I do like those series but it is just too bad that we can't see in there Sarah Chalke nude scenes and something like http://jokuree605.livejournal.com MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ NUDE that. First cover http://jaan28.livejournal.com MEGAN FOX PORN has got Jenna dressed in some pretty business lady costume and she still looks pretty hot in it. We try to do our best so that you feel it while watching some http://jaan28.livejournal.com MEGAN FOX PORN of her sex videos. But try to believe me http://aldinyxy.livejournal.com JENNY MCCARTHY NUDE that this woman is so desirable in many parts of the whole world. So, I guess just talking http://vedhargs11.livejournal.com TAYLOR MOMSEN NUDE won't lead us any further and that's why I say let's watch it. I'm going to probably have kids soon, so I want to http://alardnoh.livejournal.com LAURA PREPON NUDE have the perfect body before then Actually, Kim already has gorgeous body and she is in her best shape. can you believe http://bovtherlin.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE in that? Her tits are something with elastic and smooth skin and a perfect shape. Anyway, that was great I guess and what do you http://pyjanti.livejournal.com RASHIDA JONES NUDE think? See you next Sunday with some new pics. You all probably love watching Family Guy, right? Oh I love this show, in fact http://pojiefirma.livejournal.com VANESSA HUDGENS PORN I am one of the biggest fans of it. The other one is that I want to taste her lips on that charcoal filter and I would even save it if there http://dimakahcya.livejournal.com ALYSON HANNIGAN SEX TAPE was a lipstick on it. (2012.10.31 20:42:54)

Peyton_New_Jersey さん
Yeah, that's right, she seems to be fine http://nerfak795.livejournal.com JESSICA SIMPSON SEX TAPE but that's only because this is the fake picture of her. You see, the best part of it is http://razynkona.livejournal.com JESSE JANE PORN that you can get that perception of what might have happened if they were living in 50's or something. How about Kim Kardashian porn http://puages.livejournal.com AMANDA BYNES NUDE where she is making out with her boyfriend? Sounds nice, isn't it? Her cute butt probably feels very comfortable on that http://ynajarozh.livejournal.com MEGAN FOX BOOBS chair and I have to say it is pretty athletic and big enough. Ok, may I ask you before introducing some photos of Kate? Are you in the http://loreneicasu.livejournal.com VICTORIA JUSTICE NUDE PICS mood right now for cheerleaders? If yeas then please welcome as I pretty nice photo of her right here while she was with cheerleaders. I believe she is an athlete and so elastic because that's the kind of sports she has http://ptosammin.livejournal.com DAVID HENRIE NAKED got. The last http://razynkona.livejournal.com JESSE JANE PORN thing that attracts me is that she is holding I guess desert eagle of 50's caliber. Before giving a birth we could see a lot http://bylmytin.livejournal.com VICTORIA PRINCIPAL NUDE of Jennifer Connelly naked scenes in many movies. Would you be http://jaan28.livejournal.com MEGAN FOX PORN flattered of watching Kim Smith naked pictures as this is what I offer you for today? First of all, I http://finverj.livejournal.com LINDSAY LOHAN SEX TAPE would like to thank Marisa for being so open to us because she is sharing some very important and private information with us all the time. She is 5'3 and a half which gives us a perfect perception on how http://alardnoh.livejournal.com LAURA PREPON NUDE tall she really is. (2012.10.31 21:19:59)

Riley_New_Mexico さん
And if you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you http://edyscalar1978.bravejournal.com demi moore bushh to do that first and then continue reading all this crap. I mean you tried to search that video pretty http://ciomillbimo1983.bravejournal.com click here hard so why make the same thing easier for other people. Well, what should I start with? I guess, this quote by Jennifer should somehow introduce her http://ticktanreero1982.bravejournal.com monica bellucci hot pics to you. I don't know exactly why, but she reminds me Kim Kardashian which is most like because of their black hairs http://raourapallo1979.bravejournal.com go here and curves. So I bet you're pretty curious about what is on this picture, aren't you my fellows? Ok, http://selitotool1984.bravejournal.com kaley cuoco ass here it goes. That's right you came here to either masturbate on Jennifer Love Hewitt nude pictures http://solfersrasib1987.bravejournal.com lindsay lohan porn or to know how her body looks like. Yeah, we saw some amazing photos of Erica Durance nude and now I think it is time to check how she looks by describing her body and then http://mydsmarchaten1972.bravejournal.com click here appreciating it from one to five. And if you are beyond 20 and feel like that's it, then try to http://raharati1972.bravejournal.com abi titmuss topless have well proportioned body so that at least people thought you look tall on your pictures or when you walk on some distance from them. She is standing in the middle of some desert and wearing nothing http://grewabgalan1973.bravejournal.com leah remini nude but her bikinis or something. And that's why I have http://verfcilafi1973.bravejournal.com lindsay lohan playboy a dream to be her sex scene partner just ones for my live. (2012.10.31 23:52:35)

Bella_Arkansas さん
Excuse me, I probably forgot to tell you that we are running live so http://pafreo.livejournal.com LYNDA CARTER NUDE those of you that think I have planned all this stuff are wrong. There http://nogaxe71.livejournal.com KIRSTIE ALLEY NUDE is the other photo where she is talking that professional athletic pose before to jump and she is wearing her see through lingerie. Now as you know such things about her I http://jaradtyq.livejournal.com CAMERON DIAZ NUDE think it is time to watch some Kendra Wilkinson undressed pics. I guess if she was http://lruuvb.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ NIP SLIP 170 sharp she would have a lot benefits, but it seems that she did pretty well with that height. By http://eitcasdoo5.livejournal.com TAYLOR LAUTNER NAKED the way, I believe you might want to listen to this story as I have started to tell you about that classmate. They are good at sex and it is nice to have that hairs on your pillow, but being smart is not for http://phepykit.livejournal.com EVA LONGORIA NAKED them. If a man lets all of my dogs sleep in the bed with us, then that is http://pojiefirma.livejournal.com VANESSA HUDGENS PORN the most romantic thing. How about watching a sex scene from About Last Night? She http://pamiusaa3.livejournal.com DEBBY RYAN NUDE is having sex with some nice looking guy. I hope it is the last option http://bovtherlin.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE as how it is possible that this woman can play bad however I must say that I haven't seen any movie with her there. But anyway, her body was painted from the top http://parxeq.livejournal.com EMMA WATSON NAKED to the bottom and she was entertaining people there. Anyway, that would be all actually for today and all you have left is to rate this Ashley Greene undressed http://temeshcqen.livejournal.com JAMIE CHUNG NUDE picture. (2012.11.01 00:27:53)

Emma_Maine さん
Anyway, all she was trying to say was that she is unpredictable and http://kaltstyp.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ BOOBS you never know what kind of surprise she will give you this time. Sometimes it is actually good to be called that and I have no problems with http://ooojeves.livejournal.com EMMA STONE NUDE it. It is important to me though and I just can't ignore that factor when http://alebrush931.livejournal.com GEMMA ARTERTON NUDE I do celebrity reviews. Kendra Wilkinson ass is something that can be a reason to live another http://crafion.livejournal.com GRACE PARK NUDE day because it happens sometimes that you don't want to do anything. Her gold hairs on http://ptosammin.livejournal.com DAVID HENRIE NAKED her shoulders are just incredible especially if we are talking about Hayden Panettiere naked. Now tell me, how does it look like? It tells me that she was with her friends there and then http://xavriloviven.livejournal.com KRISTEN STEWART NUDE she is like I will go and check something in that cave That's funny though. Me and my http://nycovu.livejournal.com ALEXANDRA DADDARIO NUDE friend Ross were suppose to take Suzy back home as her mother asked us to do it. But anyway who cares about her intellect when http://nqcrondb.livejournal.com SHAKIRA NAKED they watch Kendra Wilkinson naked pictures. I was in love as soon as these Melissa Keller nude pictures http://wenoawywyq.livejournal.com DENISE MILANI PORN came out so maybe it is your time now to feel some love from her. I guess you need to know which picture I am http://oudntryder.livejournal.com TARA REID NUDE talking about because she seems to be fantastic on all of her photos, right. Anyway, thank you for your http://finverj.livejournal.com LINDSAY LOHAN SEX TAPE time and attention to this gorgeous singer Fergie. Maybe we should somehow to go and have some coffee? I am not asking you out of course if you don't want http://hiqaaa4.livejournal.com EMMA WATSON HOT that. (2012.11.01 01:05:00)

Riley_Arizona さん
I have http://lightefesu1977.bravejournal.com jenny mccarthy naked this great picture of Kellie where she is wearing these hot bikinis and standing right on the field. I don't know why but when I look at any on those pics of Gabrielle Anwar nude I want http://tindawordco1987.bravejournal.com debra messing tits to do two things. Despite the fact that on this website you will only find Bridget Marquardt nude pictures and http://lantpinccanmo1970.bravejournal.com go here some of her other photos, I thought it is not that bad idea to talk about something else besides that. So prepare for some unexpected great things as I am http://quevicacomp1989.bravejournal.com gemma arterton fakes about to start the show. This saying was very hilarious and couldn't stop laughing for like http://tamormadic1980.bravejournal.com marisa tomei bushh 2 straight minutes. You have to check Bridget Marquardt naked and only then you'll http://laytiveca1979.bravejournal.com http://laytiveca1979.bravejournal.com understand what those measurements mean in deed. That would be all and I hope you know http://hymtiwater1989.bravejournal.com raquel welch nude what to do and where to find Sandra naked. Did you know what Kendra was trying to sell her sex tape in 2008 to Home Run Productions LLC? No? well, now you http://smirepposre1971.bravejournal.com ashley tisdale naked know. How? Well, singing up for attending some fitness club or a gym will be the right thing to do for http://contreniweak1988.bravejournal.com http://contreniweak1988.bravejournal.com the start. What else did you expect me thinking? She is pretty http://manracoomitg1986.bravejournal.com julia roberts tits nice girl however according to what I have found Miley is not that innocent at all. (2012.11.01 01:46:19)

Ava_Oklahoma さん
But http://pejergeng.livejournal.com SELENA GOMEZ NUDE PICS now we are talking about our celebrity, woman that was very popular in late 90's and early 2000's. I have some pictures of Sarah Chalke nude and you can start your watching http://lyssadiz.livejournal.com KENDRA WILKINSON SEX TAPE now. I still can't get rid of some moments of Megan Fox http://prewyctjt.livejournal.com KATHERINE HEIGL NUDE sex tape that don't leave my mind. Anyway, this part is where I say goodbye so http://gmchurchaa07.livejournal.com ALYSSA MILANO NAKED there is no need to wait any longer. In fact, nobody knows regardless if you are a president of the US http://odlizeii02.livejournal.com DANICA MCKELLAR NUDE or some bum. That http://jaradtyq.livejournal.com CAMERON DIAZ NUDE is who she is in her real life I think because she seems to be very sincere. This pushes me on a very http://fandocaoo7.livejournal.com JENNIFER LOPEZ PORN dirty thoughts ladies and gentleman, but I won't tell you them as this would be pretty rude. But we can't blame them as well because it is private and you don't have to http://nogaxe71.livejournal.com KIRSTIE ALLEY NUDE say it at loud. It looks much differ from those butts like Kim Kardashian's or Vida http://nycovu.livejournal.com ALEXANDRA DADDARIO NUDE Guerra's. By the way, I barely forgot to http://vavdernex075.livejournal.com ROSELYN SANCHEZ NUDE include here Miley's quote of the day so here it goes. (2012.11.01 02:19:47)

Trinity_Arkansas さん
You just can't http://beetrocardlearn1983.bravejournal.com http://beetrocardlearn1983.bravejournal.com ignore that beauty and I have to let you know how gorgeous she is indeed. I know that when I do get http://lusicadi1972.bravejournal.com chyna nipple slip pregnant, I won't step one foot in the adult industry again. But to be on that ceremony you have to play very well in some nice movie so that at least you were nominated for that http://myonioducpo1988.bravejournal.com http://myonioducpo1988.bravejournal.com award. I called him and he said that he needed to pick up his girl from parents and also he asked me to take keys under the door http://neubanare1979.bravejournal.com watch there and get inside so I wasn't waiting outside. And second of all, http://sparmililu1976.bravejournal.com jennifer morrison tits when I masturbate that means all the other people will do the same a bit later as I am checking photos first before putting them here, if you know what I am saying. Don't rush yourself as things like that need to be reviewed with every single little detail and it takes more time to http://thrivisrebve1971.bravejournal.com kelly kelly nude pictures spot whether it is her on it or not. To prove you that she is not stupid, here is one of her major quotes I'm good at working, but I'm very http://quitormonsnab1979.bravejournal.com kristen stewart sex video good at playing. Anyway, that is all for tonight and don't seat at your computer much because chicks don't like that kind http://rotubeaset1988.bravejournal.com maggie q DESNUDA of guys. Saying goodbye has always been the hardest part http://vionicmever1972.bravejournal.com melina perez pussy for me as this is really what I hate to do although I do realize that we are going to see each other on some other website or maybe even right here. He was working http://tragjusttowhi1980.bravejournal.com http://tragjusttowhi1980.bravejournal.com the whole damn day on some plant, what else did you expect from him. (2012.11.01 02:23:29)

Kylie_Maryland さん
Besides, she is 20 only and maybe she needs more http://poivlogleslo1979.bravejournal.com anna popplewell DESNUDA time for her boobs to grow. I am http://stosdenalcu1974.bravejournal.com constance marie naked pictures so damned tiered of working today that I even haven't enough time to continue watching Megan Fox porn video. The study will end anyway, but life goes on and nobody will even remember that dude's or chick's http://piecauneutran1985.bravejournal.com elizabeth banks nipple slip name after graduating. Like for example, if you wanted to masturbate on all those photos above, then you would have to do http://thankliveho1986.bravejournal.com rose byrne nude photos that. She has nice boobs there by the way and I couldn't imagine her walking without her bra because her goodies will be jumping http://tiresiwer1987.bravejournal.com click here with every step she takes. For the first time there he played a http://paydizupo1970.bravejournal.com http://paydizupo1970.bravejournal.com bad guy and I totally forgot any of his good roles after I watched this movie. That's exactly why I have some many interesting http://greatsodemo1986.bravejournal.com rashida jones tits information around this place. I know that this is exposed http://grewabgalan1973.bravejournal.com leah remini naked pictures photo and it was made on some special photo shoot but it shows us if a woman is exercising she will surely have an amazingly shapely body, just like her. So now, I think you might say something http://abelinswad1974.bravejournal.com lyndsy fonseca topless about the level of her sexuality and to be precise it is pretty high. Anyway, if you http://juimalesna1973.bravejournal.com http://juimalesna1973.bravejournal.com don't have a damn clue on what I am talking about then I have to say bye. (2012.11.01 03:01:06)

いいね! -- / --








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