So, I challenged to make it over to half wide OBI.
まず糸を解いて解体。 At first cut strings and made it flat.
こんな感じの細長い布になります。 It became a long cloth like this.
端が擦り切れているのが見えますか~? Can you see the edges are worn?
芯はこんな感じでした。 The core was like this.
解いたあと、布地と帯芯をおそるおそる手洗いしてみたら、色が出る出る! 布地はともかく、芯の方は何度洗っても紅茶のように色が出るので、10回ぐらい洗ってもうあきらめました・・・。 でもまあ、だいぶ綺麗になったと信じよう・・・。 After I disassembled this OBI, I washed the cloth and a core cautiously. Then colors came out both of them! Cloth was fine . But the other hand, when I washed the core water became like tea every time and I gave it up after I washed it about 10 times...
端が擦り切れているので、半幅帯にするにしても、縫い代を取ると十分じゃないんですね~。 というわけで、もう仕方がないので他の色が出ることを前提で、他の色が表に出るように作成しました。 The edge were worn so it is not enough to make half wide OBI. but I didn't care about it and made the other color would be seen anyway.
中に入っていた芯も半分に切りました。 I cut the core in the OBI.
合わせたのは、ピンクのポリちりめんです。 優しい色で桜みたい♪ 柄が横に流れてほしかったので、そのために布地を多く購入することになりましたが、帯揚げも半襟もつくれたので結果的にはよかったです。 I put pink cloth the other side of the OBI. This color is so tender and looks like Sakura! I want the pattern goed horizontal so I had to buy the colth longe but It was OK because I could made OBIAGE and HANERI from the cloth.
When I make something I dont measure strict so somewhere the cloth are not enough but I dont care as I do wear it by myself. not for sale! I think the pattern of Grape is for autumn but It is so new that I wanna wear it as soon as possible. I feel like the Pink side are perfect tor SAKURA season!
帯が生き返ったのが嬉しいです! I am so happy that I can wera this OBI again!
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