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地元の「埼玉県花と緑の振興センター」へ行ってきました。たくさんの花と樹木が植えられていました。アジサイも咲いていました。 Pictures show Hydrangea in Kawaguchi city, Saitama,【Bon appétit !】 In Japan, ama-cha(甘茶)meaning sweet tea, is another herbal tea made from Hydrangea serrata(山紫陽花), whose leaves contain a substance that develops a sweet taste (phyllodulcin). For the fullest taste, fresh leaves are crumpled, steamed, and dried, yielding dark brown tea leaves. Ama-cha is mainly used for kan-butsu-e (the Buddha bathing ceremony) on April 8 every year—the day thought to be Buddha's birthday in Japan.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrangea)
青や紫、ピンクなどカラフルな花を咲かせるアジサイですが、純白のアジサイもあり、目を楽しませてくれます。写真は、さいたま市見沼地域で見かけたアジサイです。 Hydrangea blooming season has arrived making you enjoy with their variety of colors.【Bon appétit !】 Hydrangea flower color can change based on the pH in soil. As the graph depicts, soil with a pH of 5.5 or lower will produce blue flowers, a pH of 6.5 or higher will produce pink hydrangeas, and soil in between 5.5 and 6.5 will have purple hydrangeas. White hydrangeas cannot be color-manipulated by soil pH because they do not produce pigment(色素) for color.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrangea)
見沼自然公園の睡蓮の花が咲き始めました。来月まで楽しめることでしょう。 Water lilies have started to bloom at the Minuma-shizen-koen Park, Saitama city. 【Bon appétit !】 Nymphaea is a genus of hardy and tender aquatic plants in the family Nymphaeaceae. The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution. Many species are cultivated as ornamental plants, and many cultivars have been bred. Plants of the genus are known commonly as water lilies, or waterlilies in the United Kingdom. The genus name were inspired by the nymphs of Greek and Latin mythology.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nymphaea
日比谷公園の百合、アジサイが咲き始めています。 Photos show lilies and hydrangea at the Hibiya Park【Bon appétit !】 This large green space just outside the walls of the Imperial Palace is the oldest western-style park in Japan. Opened to the public in 1903, the Hibiya park sits on the grounds of former daimyo (feudal lord) estates. Today, the park is known for its seasonal flower displays and quiet walking paths, making it a relaxing escape in a bustling business district.(https://en.japantravel.com/places/tokyo/hibiya-park/37)
ギリシアとの外交関係樹立125周年記念式典に佳子さまが訪問され、話題になっていますので、1977年にアテネで撮った鉄道の写真4枚+1枚を載せてみます。 写真は、①地下鉄の終着駅ピレウス駅、②パルテノン神殿があるアクロポリスの山の下を走る地下鉄、③ラリサ駅の広軌線、④ラリサ駅の狭軌線(ペロポネソス方面)。集合写真は、アテネ郊外マルコープロの学校の前を通った時に校舎から出て来た生徒たちです。【Bon appétit !】 Athens railway station is the main railway station of Athens, and the second largest station in Greece. Located in the central quarter of Kolonos, the railway station resulted from the merger of two separate railway terminals in 2005—Larissa station of the Piraeus–Platy railway towards central and northern Greece, and the Peloponnese station of the Piraeus–Patras railway that formerly linked Athens with the Peloponnese.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens_railway_station)
一ヶ月以上前のことになりますが、京浜東北線に乗っていたら、線路わきの所々にカメラを構えている人がいました。何か列車が来るのだろうと思い、次の川口駅で電車から降りホームで様子を見ました。暫くしたら、カシオペアが通り過ぎて行きました。I happened to see the Cassiopeia train the other day. The train is now used on cruise train services within the JR East region, as the last scheduled Cassiopeia services were discontinued in March 2016 ahead of the opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen line.【Bon appétit !】 The Cassiopeia is a luxury cruise train service in Japan, operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East). It formerly operated as a Limited express from July 1999 until March 2016, when it was discontinued due to the opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen. It ran between Ueno Station in Tokyo and the city of Sapporo in the northern island of Hokkaido. The one-way journey to Sapporo took approximately 161⁄2 hours.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassiopeia_(train))
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