三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

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カテゴリ: 英会話

3高からYSKへ というのがお題ですが、次のようなペーパーを配りました。

『  The conditions women sought in a marriage partner


3 :

Highly educated : a university graduated

The university admission rate60%   (当時)

MARCH or above

A deviation score of 60 or above15%

High income : an annual income of 10 million yen or more3.8%

Tall : 180cm or taller

3C:comfortable,communicative, cooperative

Acronym= 頭文字

Comfortable life: 7 million yen or more


3 : average income,average appearance,

peaceful personality

5 million yen or more38%

3 低( 4 低) : low education,low income,short height

low attitude, low dependence,low risk,

(low fuel consumption)



kindness and consideration,being natural,unity of values

Income requirement

3No Don’t

3 someone who is kind to ~ 

These seem to be conditions that prevent an elderly husband from being abandoned by his wife.    』 


On April 3rd, we talked about my kind of friend. At that time, the first thing that came to my mind was "3 high."
Do you know "3 high"?

These are the conditions women sought in a marriage partner during the bubble period.
They are highly educated, high income, and tall.

Highly educated means a university graduate, and in the metropolitan area, it means a graduate of a university that is MARCH or above. At that time, the university adomission rate was 60%, but for those with a deviation score of 60 or above, it was 15%.

High income means an annual income of 10 million yen or more.
That's 3.8% of the population. 1% of them are single.

Tall is defined as being 180cm or taller. Apparently it's about 7% of the population. Of course, fat people are out of the question.
All of these conditions are difficult for young men, and very few people meet all three.
Then 3C came out. 3C is an acronym for " Comfortable ", " Communicative " and " Cooperative ".
It is said that the annual income needed to live a comfortable life is approximately 7 million yen or more.
Unlike the 3 highs, the 3Cs differ depending on the individual's way of thinking and values, so the definition is very vague.

When the bubble burst, people began to refer to the `` 3 Hei .''
"Three Hei'' means average income , average appearance , and peaceful personality .
Sanpei may seem like she has no dreams, but the number of women who say, ``I don't have high aspirations'' and ``I don't have to live extravagantly, I just want to live a normal life'' has increased.
The average annual income for men in their early 30s is 4.38 million yen, and for men in their late 30s it is approximately 5 million yen. Approximately 38% of men have an annual income of 5 million yen or more.
That's 10 times more than a 3rd grade male.

Around 2015, the requirements for a marriage partner became " 3 low ".
It's not about low education, low income, or short height.
3 low means low attitude , low dependence , and low risk .
A low attitude is a sincere attitude toward women and in general, such as being polite and non-intrusive, and an attitude of respecting women and other people.
Low dependence means ``not leaving the housework, child-rearing, and other personal matters to the wife.'' I also take out the garbage.
Low-risk refers to men who have "a solid job and are at low risk of being laid off." More and more women want men who have stable jobs like civil servants, rather than men who are trying to get rich quickly or men who earn a high annual salary from a foreign company.
A man who doesn't bother you, a man who can be entrusted with household chores, and a man who works diligently even if he can't get promoted is certainly the best for a woman.
Adding low fuel consumption to this makes it 4-low .
They are people who don't waste money on things like drinking and gambling, and who don't spend money on hobbies.In other words, they're ``low fuel'' people who don't spend money.

The modern trend is " YSK ".
"YSK" is an acronym for " kindness and consideration ," " being natural ," and " unity of values ."
What YSK focuses on is ``consideration for the other person (wife)''.
The income requirement has finally been removed .
The ``conditions we look for in a marriage partner'' clearly reflect the cutting-edge values of that era.
Now known as YSK, we have entered an era where spirituality is valued, and it can be said that there is a shift towards having a deep sense of "compassion."
We live in an era where consideration is more important than money.
The above is a change in the conditions for a marriage partner, but it seems like it is a condition for a husband who is old and cannot be abandoned by his old wife.

現在のトレンド YSK は、Y= やさしさと思いやり 、S= 自然体でいられる 、K= 価値観の一致 の頭文字です。
注目すべきは、ここに来て 年収要件が無くなった ことです。

私も含めて、 3高 は知っていてもそれ以外は知らない人がほとんどでした。

conditions that prevent an elderly husband from being abandoned by his wife  についても、


3NO とは、 「暴力をしない」「借金をしない」「浮気をしない」の、三つの「しない= NO 」のことです。

3 優とは、 「家族に優しい人」「私だけに優しい人」「家計に優しい人」のことです。


Last updated  2024.05.11 00:00:19
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