Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg 電脳用心【シリーズ10-line】台湾・タロコの橋の欄干 Sera o caos Sera a luz【シリーズ10-line】貝のリース 縦.jpg


4. One of the good things that has been brought by Pandemic is :
The natural common sense has spread that it's important to take a good rest when they are not well.
In our state, especially older generation used to be ignorant about infection, and they didn't know that influenza and common cold are different.
Therefore, at workplaces, even when workers were sick, bosses ordered that they must not take time off for trivial reason like influenza.
As a result, whole workplace or classroom were involved in mass infection.
Considering the days when such terrible custom could pass unremarked, our nation has made a progress.
At the same time, I'm afraid that our nation is ultra-homeostasis
A new traditional custom could come up that workers or students are not allowed to be absent from work or school unless they have a fever or positive test result of influenza or Novel Coronavirus even if they are ill-conditions.

5. Last autumn, I traded in my first smartphone which began to appear failure from the spring of last year.
This old smartphone must have had it after I had been using this for four years.
When I went to an electronic store before I bought a new one, I was surprised that most of the smartphones and mobile terminal units had no TV receiver.
According to a salesperson of a communication company, after a judgement came up that it's lawful of National TV station charge TV reception fee on people who have mobile terminal units with TV receiver, sales of smartphones with TV receiver dropped sharply.
However, after I got a new smartphone and finished various setting, I found a program distribution app by the National broadcaster and got ill-feeling .
Do they plot to make delivery apps come standard and charge reception fee later? It would be no better than Trojan horse.
we can use this app for free basically while we need to contract with National broadcaster and pay reception fee in order to use some functions .
It goes without saying that I uninstalled all the TV apps immediately.

6. Making the former Coming-of-age day into a new national holiday for tradition succession?
There is a national holiday to commemorate the Longest-era which still remains even after the Emperor back then demised.
 That should be enough for it.
  No need to create meaningless national holidays anymore.

What Panjandrums mean tradition is the value in the Longest-era, isn't it?
The very common view that Panjandrums cling to since when-
Our society was consisted of only men, and women shouldst be supplementary existence and subordinate to men,
Family system was patriarchy, and all the general public were supposed to marry and have at least two children,
Hierarchical master-servant relationship was absolute,

-The list could be a mile long.
Even after the time and society changed, these archaic Tradition still rule our society and bring current national deadlock.

:Ready to place translation if asked


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