BBCEU首脳会議は、結局調整能力に定評のあるベルギー Herman van Rompuy首相を 欧州理事会常任議長 として選出しました。
Page last updated at 10:59 GMT, Friday, 20 November 2009Profile: First EU President Herman van Rompuy
The EU's first permanent president, Belgian Prime Minister Herman van Rompuy, is a camera-shy man who has been catapulted from relative obscurity.
After his selection at a Brussels summit, he stressed his credentials as a consensus politician and made it clear he would fulfil the role of a chairman rather than a globe-trotting statesman.
His tasks include liaising with EU leaders and arranging the bloc's annual summits. He says tackling climate change and lowering EU unemployment rates are among his priorities.
The centre-right leader has a reputation as a good negotiator with a self-deprecating sense of humour, which helped him to hold together a fractious coalition government at home.
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