【ふるさと納税】ホルモン計1kg 返礼品限定の大容量!博多若杉 【訳あり】牛もつ鍋セット(2人前×5) 10人前 ランキング 本場 国産牛 モツ鍋 小分け 冷凍 送料無料 福岡県 M61-01
Hey, I've got to share the most awesome treat I got through hometown tax!
It's a 1kg bargain offal hot pot set (5 servings for 2 people each) ♪ You can savor Fukuoka's proud taste right at home!
Individually packed, it's super cost-effective and easy to handle!
Since it's frozen in portions for two, it's super handy!
Plus, it's loaded with big, chunky hormones, and after one bite, I couldn't help but say, "Isn't this bigger than my husband's portions?
Even though some reviews weren't great, when I actually tried it, it was totally not like that.
For someone from Hakata, this tastes just like authentic Hakata motsunabe!
My relatives loved it too!
They gave it rave reviews!
【ふるさと納税】ホルモン計1kg 返礼品限定の大容量!博多若杉 【訳あり】牛もつ鍋セット(2人前×5) 10人前 ランキング 本場 国産牛 モツ鍋 小分け 冷凍 送料無料 福岡県 M61-01
You know, it was so delicious that it made me really sad...
Actually, this product tasted really yummy, but the offal was disappointingly small.
It practically disappeared when cooked.
So, because the offal was disappointing, I won't be ordering it again.
And, the offal was all oily and stuck together, so I couldn't finish it.
It was totally different from the plump and chewy offal you'd get back home; I was kinda let down...
But hey, these things happen, right? Next time, I'll search harder to find something even more delicious.
I'm on a quest for truly luxurious flavors, so I'll keep looking until I find a winner!
Want to search together?
【ふるさと納税】ホルモン計1kg 返礼品限定の大容量!博多若杉 【訳あり】牛もつ鍋セット(2人前×5) 10人前 ランキング 本場 国産牛 モツ鍋 小分け 冷凍 送料無料 福岡県 M61-01
Hey, I've got a really special recommendation for you!
It's something special from Fukuchi Town!
I've heard comments saying the taste has dropped compared to last year, but don't worry, it's totally fine!
I trust Fukuchi Town to handle things swiftly and improve, you know♪
So, I got this product in October and tried it right away. There were comments about the offal melting away.
But when I tried it myself, I pre-boiled it, simmered it with veggies, turned off the heat, and added the offal last—it was super delicious!
Maybe my own twist on things made all the difference!
I wasn't a fan at first, but I bought it for the beauty benefits. Once I tried it, I kept ordering it again and again!
I've even sent it to friends as gifts, whether through mail order or hometown tax♪
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