"Kaitai-Shin Show" moved to 11:00 PM on Friday. First time broadcast on Friday is "Why do we speak in a loud voice on the telephone?", and "When do we feel the babies are cute?".
First, Gekidan Hitori introduced our voice when we talk on the telephone.
Next, Kirin introduced babies. The staff had an an questionnaire that the face you feel cute. many of them answered the face whose eyes are lower than the center. An ethologist, Konrad Lorenz who got an Nobel Prize found the face high-browed and having eyes lower than the center are cute. Next, the behavior they do has an element that we feel they are cute. Their breath from mouth is similer to adults than one from noze. We feel babies are cute because they try to something being similer to our behavior awkwardly.
The result is Gekidan Hitori got 21 points and Kirin do 29, Kirin won.