全26件 (26件中 1-26件目)
I arranged for a medical checkup today and I made a reseavationnext Tuesday. I have to go to our company's hospital by 10 a.m.The receptionist on the phone said that it will take about twohours. Probably it doesn't include a dental checkup, thereforeI'm going to go to the dentist near our house soon.
I'm thinking about the concrete plan of my research from thisspring in Oxford University. I and the professior in Oxfordbasically agreed to the rough plan when I discussed in personlast October. I'm going to make a draft and consult with myco-workers. And then I will exchange information and opinionswith the professior by e-mail.
I received an e-mail from a German person I met for the firsttime last week. He is working and living in Tokyo. And he hadinvited me to dinner and we decided to meet at the restaurantnear Shinagawa station. I expect that the talk with him willbe a good lesson of English conversation for me.
Our neighbor is completely crazy. She forgot what she saidat once and falls into a delusion. I want her to go to ahospital right away. She is an absolutely dreg of society.
We joined a party which was held at our company's dormitorytoday. My friends in our company and their families gathered.There were two little children except Koto and Kiko. Both arealmost one year old, that is to say, they are same age as Kiko.We enjoyed eating and talking until night fell.
I'm getting ready for the documents required for Oxford university.This week I got references from my boss and former teacher in Nagoyauniversity, and my degree certificates. Then I send the applicationform with these documents and my resume to the professor in Oxfordby e-mail today. I'm going to send the rest of certificates next week.
I went to the head office of our company in Tokyo in order tomeet the person in charge of studying abroad of the personneldepartment. He said my application in our company was approvedcompletely and explained the office rules for me. Next, I haveto get a medical checkup at our company's hospital.
I used to teach sisters when I was a university student. RecentlyI found that their brother had entered Nagoya University a few yearsago and had made a specialty of material science and engineeringwhich I had studied. This means that he became my complete junioraccidentally. We are very surprised at this chance each other.
I met some people from Germany and eat ox tongues together atthe restaurant I had recommended tonight. Two of them wereemployees I had met at their company in Germany last October.We remembered about the visit each other and I was glad to talkto them again. They come to our office, but I can't attend themeeting because of a business trip to Nagoya.
I talk to a person in charge of the personnel department at thehead office of our company in Tokyo this Thursday. I'm going todiscuss the timing of departure with him then. On the other hand,I don't know which visa is correct for me and my family. Therefore,I asked the professor of Oxford about this today.
There isn't a bookstore near our house after a bookshop in theshopping mall went out of business last year. Today some bookswere sold in the shopping mall. They were sold at cut-rate prices,but most were boring for me. So I thought they are not worthbuying. I want that a large bookstore opens in our neighborhood.
We went to the playing place for children in the departmentstore again today. I'm very happy to see Koto enjoys very much.According to the weather forecast, it will snow tomorrowafternoon or later. Although the expectation may miss, we aregoing to stay home tomorrow.
Today was the coldest day in this winter. The Great HanshinEarthquake broke out in our city 13 years ago. January 17 isa special day for us and we pray silently every year. Andthe fire drill is held in our company every year. We cannnotforget the terrible disaster forever.
I go to Utsunomiya on business the day after tomorrow. I alwaystake the Shinkansen both ways. I want to take an airplane fromTokyo to Kobe this time, because I have IC mileage points for theticket. But the reservation was already occupied because it is theFriday night flight probably. I'm waiting for a cancellation now.
I went a business trip to Shimonoseki with my co-worker today.In the Shinkansen I wrote patents on my research and development.It was lucky that my neighbor seats were vacant both ways.I have a meeting about the patents with a person in charge ofthe intellectual property department the day after tomorrow.
Today was Adults' Day, so I could see people who wear kimono.We went to a photo studio so that Koto and Kiko took picturestaken. The photos are necessary to apply for their passports.They had no nerves, therefore the photo session finished atshort times. I'm looking forward to seeing the developed photosnext week.
Recently Kiko seems to want to stand and walk. But she can'tstand up by her own yet, so she requests us to lend our handsstrongly. And she is very delighted at walking slowly with us.I remember that when I trained Koto to walk two years ago, shewasn't willing to do. Actually they have quite different characters.
A university student from Toyohashi is working for our officetemporarily now. This is a practical work experience for thestudents and the period is for about two months. We held thewelcome party for him last night. I had chosen the restaurantand ate tempura at a large department store in Motomachi.The expenses are paid from the personnel department.
I made a presentation on my research at an academic conferencetoday. The meeting was held for young researchers, thereforemost participants were university students. Fortunately, I gotthe best presentation award. And I brought home a cup made fromtitanium as a prize.
The interview with our company's executives about my study abroadplan is held the day after tomorrow. This schedule decided officiallytoday. At a later date I will go for interviews with an English teacherand the person in charge of the personnel department in our company.The completion of the interview this Friday means that I can almostgain the approval from our company substantively.
I couldn't concentrate on my work very much today. I'm worriedabout how to gain an English visa, find our living place, andso on. I'm going to consult with our company's experts who supprotour business trips abroad. And then I will resume contact with theprofessor in Oxford university.
The year-end and New Year holidays finished. It was nine daysin a row, I didn't go to distant places. But I enjoyed playingwith our children and going shopping at the mall nearby. On theother hand, it is regrettable that I couldn't study English atall during these holidays. I'm going to restart listening EnglishCDs on the way to work from tomorrow.
We went to a big department store along the coast after Kikohad a flu vaccination. In the store there is a large play areafor children, I entered there with Koto. A number of childrenplayed in the area, she seemed to enjoy like them very much.Unfortunately she couldn't talk to other children because sheis very shy and nervous. I want to take her there again.
I think that the performance of the post office which wasprivatized last year improved than before. Because we gota lot of New Year's cards in the first three days, whilethe delivery speed was terrible last year. I expect theservice will continue.
We went to the new year's visit to the shrine before we wentto our parents' house today. Last year I went there with Kotobecause my wife had to take care of newborn Kiko in our home.At the shrine I consulted an oracle that says new beginningin the spring is very good. I think it is an excellent signfor me in this year.
A new year started and we received many New Year's cards.And we got a lot of rice cakes from my relative who livesin Nagano prefecture. They are very soft and good-tasting.We are going to go to our partents' house and eat Japanesetraditional New Year's foods tomorrow.
全26件 (26件中 1-26件目)