This is the 3rd book of Hyperion series. Hyperion The end of Hyperion Endymion The rise of Endymion
*Synopsis* The time is about 300 years after the fall of Hyperion.
A new heroine, Aenea, who is a daughter of lady inspector and cybrid, newly joined the story.
After the fall, Church has great affection to the life. Aenea emerged from Sphinx, traveled 300 years, was recognized as a enemy of Church, and Church troops tried to capture her. Using farcaster, which only activates to Aenea, Aenea and Endymion run from Church, farcasting planet to planet. A Father Captain, who is in charge of capturing mission, chases her in chimerical way.
*Review* Not impressing as the first book "Hyperion", but still powerful with exquisite touch. Each end of the section is full of surprise and you cannot stop reading crying "so it comes!"