愛・感謝 きっと大丈夫!何とかなる!

愛・感謝 きっと大丈夫!何とかなる!










英語はダジャレで覚… Super源さんさん
ドリームマスターバ… ドリームマスターバク(^ω^)さん


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台北縣 @ 海1997風さんへ 書き込みありがとうございます。誰も見て…
海1997風 @ (*・ω・)ノ*・ω・)ノ*・ω・)ノドモドモ パスコの応募シールをヤフオクで大量に落…
ララ@ Re:シンクロニシティ(共時性)^^(01/13) いつも本当に勉強になるなぁと拝見してい…
カテゴリ: 心理学

Good evening. It is a talk of "how to bring up a child and how to praise" today. a child -- going -- "-- a child with hopeless you. being foolish -- isn't it called "? It becomes impossible for such a child to have confidence in himself. People will be extended if it praises. A motivation will be abolished if a fool is made. a child -- about "game -- carrying out -- true -- this child -- " -- -- has not it said? The child whom a game likes may develop surprising game software in the future. The child whom play likes may become the person who carries out play like George Tokoro to work. Therefore, please praise a child. Please do not criticize by any means. A child is simple. If it praises, a motivation will come out. I was the child who is not praised once, when young. He was the child who cannot have confidence in himself to the extent that he cannot turn to and walk along a front perfectly. It is continuing saying to a father to an elementary school, a junior high school, and a high school so much. "study more" -- it was not praised even if it left however good results Unless it is praised as man, a motivation does not come out. Therefore, prodigal children's feeling is known extremely. People can walk only by there being those who accept themselves. But I think it different to indulge with praising. other people -- -- the price -- if is carried out, I will think it natural to get angry. But the child of not accepting to the child doing his best is truly hot. People are living things for others to accept. If it does not accept to parents, it is natural to make a group from children. Therefore, isn't a child's cause prodigal? It cannot be prodigal if the house is loved and filled. A child only wants room. I think that those who have those who accept themselves in the surroundings are matchless. [ three person ] Even if at least a few goes wrong, I think that it rises again. Can people become fortunate only by there being such a man? It is said that a villager will continue saying toward the tree by shift shift, "Fall in you!" if the big tree is interfering the way, although a way is made from the tribe in a certain heart of the mountains. It is said that the leaf of a big tree withers and it will fall truly before one month passes. There is power exceeding human knowledge in language so much. people -- going -- "-- you are hopeless. A motivation comes out as it was praised, when having continued saying that it is useless", and did it turn out what becomes and having been praised. it is glad, if it is praised even if it grows up -- ? child understands more sensitively. Praise today also and praise tomorrow also. People are surely extended. then -- see you again .



最終更新日  2005.06.27 18:58:06
[心理学] カテゴリの最新記事

いいね! -- / --

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