愛・感謝 きっと大丈夫!何とかなる!

愛・感謝 きっと大丈夫!何とかなる!










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カテゴリ: 心理学
こんにちは。今日は「 仕草でここまで分かる人間の心理 自分と同じ仕草をします 。たとえば、コーヒーショップに行ってコーヒーを飲みますよね。自分が飲んだ後にすぐに相手がコーヒーを飲んだり、自分が足を組みなおした後にすぐに相手が足を組みなおしたりしたり、 相槌が多かった場合 には相手は自分に好意を持っていると思って間違いないと思います。これは同性の友達同士でも同じことです。そして、自分も相手に好意を持っているときには同じ行為を真似すると相手はリラックスできると思います。また、会話をしていて、相手が右上を見たら少し嘘が入っている可能性があります。^^右上は右脳ですから 右脳は空想の世界 。逆に左上を見ながらしゃべっている人は本当のことを言っていることでしょう。 左脳は現実の記憶 が詰まっているので。そして、考え事をしている人は 顎に手がいきます 。スーパーの買い物をしている奥様たちを見ているとお肉などの商品を選んで考え事をしているときにみんな決まって手が顎にいっています。あとは会話をしていて 上目遣いをする人 いますよね。それはあなたを好意を持って上だと思っています。逆に下から見下ろしている人はあなたを下だと思っています。女の子が上目遣いをしたら、 甘えたいと 思っているのかもしれません。そして、よく 髪をいじる人 髪の長さも 関係があって、自分に自信がある人は短く、自分に自信が無い人は長くするのも自分を守りたいという衝動なんだそうです。あと、女性の髪が長い人は自分の美貌を見てもらいたい 自信家タイプ 。そして、会話をしていて自分のことを良く聞いてくる人は自分に好意を持っていると思って間違いありません。 とくに家族の話題 を聞かれたら好意を持っていると思って間違いありません。相手から嫌われていたら、質問してきませんからね^^あとはたくさんあって困るのですが、貧乏ゆすりしている人は自分の生活に満たされない。会議をしているときに貧乏ゆすりをしていたら「 ここから逃げたい 」と思っている。目が大きい人は、女優、俳優には目が大きい人が多いですよね。あれは表現力が高まるからかもしれません。逆に目が細い人は 内向的 。自分の気持ちを知られたくないタイプ。これらは 全部が全部当てはまらないと思います 。でも、こういうことに目を向けると相手が何を考えているかおおよそのことは分かります。ではまた。^^

Hello. It is a talk of "psychology of the human being who understands so far by behavior" today. I understand what is mostly considered also by those who meet for the first time. That is because various partners' behavior is observed. ^^. If the book of psychology is read, a partner understands mostly what is considered by various behavior. I want to introduce the behavior today. First, when the partner has good will in himself, the same behavior as itself is carried out. For example, it goes to a coffee shop and coffee is drunk. I think that a partner drinks coffee immediately after he drinks, or a partner refolds his leg immediately after he refolds his leg, or the partner has good will in himself when there is much response, and think that it is infallible. This is the thing with the same homogeneous friends. And if the same act is imitated when he also has good will in the partner, a partner will think that he can relax. Moreover, it is talking, and if a partner looks at the upper right, the lie may be contained for a while. ^^. Since the upper right is the right brain, the right brain is the world of a fancy. Conversely, probably, those who have talked while looking at the upper left have said the truth. Since memory with the actual left brain is choked up. And as for those who are lost in thought, a hand goes to a jaw. If the Madam who is buying the supermarket is seen, while choosing goods, such as meat, and it is lost in thought, it was decided wholly and the hand has said the jaw. the upward glance [ the rest ] by talking -- . It regards you as it being a top with good will. Conversely, those who are looking down from the bottom regard you as it being the bottom. It may be wanting to presume if upward glance [ a girl ]. and it often tampers with hair -- . It seems that that also has the feeling of wanting to presume if diffident may have come out. There are some persons who say will settle down if it is tampering with hair. It is said that those to whom the length of hair is also related in the case of a male, and the rest has confidence to itself are short, and those who do not have confidence to themselves are the impulses that lengthening also wants to protect itself. The person with the long hair of after and a woman is the confident person type who wants to see his good looks. And those who are talking and ask their thing well think that it has good will in itself and are infallible. It thinks that it has good will and is infallible when especially a family's subject is heard. If disliked by the partner, since a question will not be asked Those who have fidgeted are not filled by life of them, although there is much back and it is troubled. ^^ If it is fidgeting while holding a conference, "I wish to escape from here." The person with a large eye has power of expression, and there are many people with a large eye among an actress and actors. since, as for that, power of expression increases -- . Conversely, the person with a thin eye is introvert. The type do not know your feeling. These think that all all are not applied. But the partner considers that what turns its eyes to such things, or it turns out that it is near. then -- see you again . ^^


最終更新日  2005.11.07 10:48:57
[心理学] カテゴリの最新記事

いいね! -- / --

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