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- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
W e l c o m e t o L i g h t n i n g S t u d i o s 4 . 0 !W e c r e a t e a n d c o m p l e t e y o u r o r d e r s i n a f l a s h o f l i g h t n i n g !
Homepage || Forms || Terms and Conditions || Banners || Staff and BoD || Partners
BBCode: Our BBCoders can make a layout for your forum posts!Our Services:
Design: At Lightning Studios, our designers can perfectly craft your thumbnail, profile pictures, and banners!
Image Hosting: Our incredible image hosters can host your images for you on the forums!
Reviews: Our great reviewers can accurately review your shops, projects, or studios!
Advertising: Lightning Studios' advertisers can make your projects, forum, or studio more popular!
OC's: yes
Vector Art: Over here, our amazing artists can creatively make your art ideas come to life!
Beginner Code: New to Scratch? Need a bit of code help? Well, our coders can assist you!
Ideas: We can come up with imaginative ideas for your project, username, studio, shop, etc!
Intermediate Code: We can help you with Intermediate code as well as beginner coding!
Websites: We can construct wonderful websites for you!
Logos: Want a logo? You've come to the right place!
We will only be offering a certain service when there are multiple employees who can offer it.
Sound & MusicFuture Services:
Voice Acting
Advanced Code and Scripting
Pixel Art
Reviews:Username: Jolia_RKW
Rating: 10/10
Service Provided: Image Hosting
Quote: My order was done quickly, politely an effectively! In very happy with my order and recommend this shop :)
Username: Ham19-01-2011
Rating: 10/10
Service Provided: Image Hosting
Quote: Just as the name says, this shop is super fast! My order was taken within a minute and done in 5 minutes. I would definitely recommend this shop!
our official guards:
(o-0 :: #f7f020) :: custom // Lime the lazy kumquat guard(Y-Y :: #f76b20) :: custom // Thunder the spam guard that REALLY hates spam(*-* :: #2061f7) :: custom // Storm the security guardthey are actually Minecraft speedrunners who've beaten the ENDER DRAGON!
Last edited by abcde26 (Nov. 28, 2021 12:06:47)
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Homepage || Forms || Terms and Conditions || Banners || Staff and BoD || Partners
Customer Forms!
Order Form: Order something from us!
What do you need (Code? Animation? Art?):
Who do you want to do it (optional):
Timeframe (Due Date):
Timezone (optional):
Have you followed this topic? (you can unfollow later (optional):
Other Details:
Customer Review Form: Review our products and service!
Who completed your order?
Your satisfaction 1-10:
Any Suggestions:
Will you come here again?
Quote (Your opinion on our services):
Thank you for your input! You will receive 3 ThunderTokens for your feedback!*
Employee Forms!Application Form: Join us!
Activity Level (1-10):
What services can you provide?:
Why do you want to join?:
Have you read the terms and conditions?
Have you followed this topic? (optional)
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service):
Would you like to be invited to the official studio?
Other:Leave Form: If you need to take a break, but don't want to resign.
Why do you want to take leave? (optional)
For how long?BoD Application Form: Want to get a place on the BoD? You'll have to prove yourself!
Activity Level (1-10):
What position are you applying for:
Why do you want a BoD position?
When can you begin your interview?
Have you read the terms and conditions?
Have you followed this topic? (optional)
Disclaimer: You must have been in this shop for more than 1 week and not a trainee to apply for a BoD position.Marketing Team Application Form: Join the Marketing Team!
Activity Level (1-10):
What position in the team would you like?
Have you read Section 9 of the Worker Terms & Conditions?
Have you followed the Marketing Team Studio?
Codeword:Financial Department Application Form: Join the Financial Department!
Activity Level (1-10):
Have you read Section 9 of the Worker Terms & Conditions?
Have you followed the T$ Bank Studio?
Other FormsPartnership Form: Want to partner with us?
Do you have permission to partner with us? (Give proof):
Shop Name:
Shop Link:
Shop Banner:
How will it benefit you?:
How will it benefit us?:Suggestion Form: Give a suggestion for our shop! (WIP)
Thank you for your input! You will receive 3 ThunderTokens* for your feedback!
(Please post this in the suggestions forum to avoid spam. (Coming soon)Advertisement Form: Get a specialized ad on our posts for everyone to see!
Advertisement Type (Project? Studio? Forum?):
Description (What you want on the ad):
Disclaimer: An advertisement costs 1 ThunderToken. Please note that our other products are completely free and always will be!Federation Joining Form: Want us to join a federation?
Rank in the federation;
How will it benefit you?
How will it benefit us?
We will only join a maximum of three federations.
Last edited by abcde26 (Nov. 11, 2021 09:50:05)
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Homepage || Forms || Terms and Conditions || Banners || Staff and BoD || Partners
The Lightning Studio's Terms and Conditions
Worker Terms and Conditions1. General Rules
1.1.1 - Please do not spam or block-spam the thread with unnecessary posts
1.1.2 - Follow the community guidelines at any cost.
1.1.3 - Do not start or join a flame war - an exchange of insults/offensive messages between users, just report the post(s).
1.1.4 - Do not abuse your position on the BoD or Class A.
1.1.5 - If any of these rules are broken, you will receive a number of strikes - compares to how bad the situation is.2. Hiring and Firing
1.2.1 - If you would like to join the shop, please fill in the application form.
1.2.2 - You need to read the entire post of the Terms & Conditions.
1.2.3 - Please follow the discussion so you will be notified when there are new posts.
1.2.4 - In the Codeword section of the form, put your username BUT scramble the letters. Example: lightningspark6545 -> kraspgnitnhgil6455
Don't go yet, read the whole rules section
1.2.5 - You may join the official studio or just ignore the invite.
1.2.6 - If you disobey a rule, you may get a strike. (Strike = ˆ)
1.2.7 - If you get 3 strikes, you will be fired.3. Getting Rid of Strikes
1.3.1 - If you do a good job in completing orders, any member of the BoD may decide to rid you of a strike.
1.3.2 - A strike will expire after 1 month.
1.3.3 - You may remove a strike with 100 ThunderTokens (section 5 of T&C)
1.3.4 - A strike will be removed after getting 3 Stars (section 4 of T&C)4. Stars
1.4.1 - Stars are awarded by members of the BoD to workers that do a good job. (Star = *)
1.4.2 - You also may get a Star by responding to an activity check.
1.4.3 - If you get 3 stars, a strike will be removed. If you have no strikes, they will be exchanged for 100 ThunderTokens.5. ThunderTokens
1.5.1 - ThunderTokens are a currency used to purchase a few special offers OR removing strikes.
1.5.2 - ThunderTokens are managed in the T$ Bank by the financial department and the Treasurer
1.5.3 - ThunderTokens are given to users who fill in a review form or a suggestion form
1.5.4 - ThunderTokens are also awarded to workers who did a good job or got 3 stars with no strikes.6. Joining the BoD
1.6.1 - You may be promoted by a member of the BoD if you do a good job.
1.6.2 - You can fill in the BoD Application Form if you wish to be promoted. You will have to go through an interview and you must be in the shop for over 1 week and not be a trainee.
1.6.3 - You will be demoted from the BoD or not considered as a future BoD member if you have more than 2 strikes.
1.6.4 - Sometimes there will be elections to elect new BoD members.
1.6.5 - Your activity level will have to be more than 7 to apply for the BoD.
1.6.6 - When applying for a BoD position, use the codeword My activity level is in the Activity Level section of the form to qualify.
1.6.7 - There will be occasional BoD meetings from time to time, so please don't miss them.7. Activity Checks and Taking Leaves
1.7.1 - There will be activity checks every 2 weeks. They can be held by the President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer.
1.7.2 - Activity Checks can last from about 4-6 days.
1.7.3 - If you miss an activity check and are not on leave, you will get a strike.
1.7.4 - If you are first to respond, you will get a star and 25 ThunderTokens, the second gets 15 ThunderTokens, and the third gets 10 ThunderTokens.
1.7.5 - Taking leave will excuse you from all activity checks.
1.7.6 - You cannot be on leave for more than 3 months.
1.7.7 - If you need to go on leave longer than that, you should resign and come back later. Disclaimer: This does not guarantee your position on the BoD or Class A.8. Completing Orders
1.8.1 - Once orders are completed, post the following message ( OR SOMETHING SIMILAR ) on the customer's profile.
Hi, @CustomerName! I have completed your order from Lightning Studios 4.0! Thanks for ordering! Pick it up here: -INSERT LINK-1.8.2 - Put this on the “completed order post”
Have a great day!
Hi @CustomerName! Here is your order: -insert product-. Thanks for ordering! If you need any changes don't hesitate to ask! Please leave a review if you can! Have a great day!9. Marketing Team and Financial Department Rules.
1.9.1 - Bumpers: Only bump when our shop is not on the first page of the Request forum OR if it has been 24 hours since the last bump.
1.9.2 - Advertisers: Only advertise in allowed places, such as your signature, profile, or the Show and Tell forum. We do not support advertising on other users' property.
1.9.3 - Failure to abide by the two rules above will result in a strike.
1.9.4 - The Financial Department: DO NOT abuse your position and erase any information in the T$ Bank. Failure to abide by this rule will result in your position being disbanded and two strikes.
1.9.5 - The codeword for the marketing team application form is “The codeword is marketing”. You must include the “The codeword is” part.
Right Example:
Username: @User
Activity Level (1-10): 10
What position in the team would you like? probably bumper
Have you read Section 9 of the Worker Terms & Conditions? yes
Have you followed the Marketing Team Studio? yes
Codeword: The codeword is marketing.Wrong Example:1.9.6 - The codeword for the financial department application form is “The codeword is financial”. You must include the “The codeword is” part.
Username: @User
Activity Level (1-10): 10
What position in the team would you like? probably bumper
Have you read Section 9 of the Worker Terms & Conditions? yes
Have you followed the Marketing Team Studio? yes
Codeword: marketing
Right Example:
Username: @User
Activity Level (1-10): 8
Have you read Section 9 of the Worker Terms & Conditions? yes
Have you followed the T$ Bank Studio? yes
Codeword: the codeword is financialWrong Example:
Username: @User
Activity Level (1-10): 8
Have you read Section 9 of the Worker Terms & Conditions? yes
Have you followed the T$ Bank Studio? yes
Codeword: financialOther Terms & Conditions1. General Rules
2.1.1 - Please do not spam or block-spam the thread with unnecessary posts
2.1.2 - Follow the community guidelines at any cost.
2.1.3 - Do not start or join a flame war - an exchange of insults/offensive messages between users, just report the post(s).
2.1.4 - If any of these rules are broken, you will be suspended from the shop temporarily. Duration depends on how bad the situation is2. Ordering From our Shop
2.2.1 - Please use the ordering form to order from us.
2.2.2 - Please fill it in accurately and precisely for the best result
2.2.3 - You may request any changes needed after the order is finished.
2.2.4 - Please give a reasonable deadline. We have real lives outside of Scratch too!
2.2.5 - You may fill in the review form to help us grow and to get some ThunderTokens!
2.2.6 - Please give credit to the worker that completed your order and the shop.3. Warnings and Loyalty Points
2.3.1 - Warnings are very much like strikes, only with customers. When certain rules are broken, the customer will receive a warning.
2.3.2 - If you get 3 warnings, you will be temporarily suspended from the shop.
2.3.3 - A warning will expire after 1 month.
2.3.4 - A warning can be removed with 100 ThunderTokens
2.3.5 - Loyalty Points are given to customers when they order, review, or give suggestions.
2.3.6 - Loyalty Points can be turned in for ThunderTokens and other prizes. 1 Loyalty Point = 3 ThunderTokens4. ThunderTokens
2.4.1 - ThunderTokens are a currency used to purchase a few special offers OR removing strikes.
2.4.2 - ThunderTokens are managed in the T$ Bank by the financial department and the Treasurer
2.4.3 - ThunderTokens are given to users who fill in a review form or a suggestion form.
2.4.4 - You can also get ThunderTokens by turning in Loyalty Points.5. Offers, Bundles, and Memberships
2.5.1 - Offers are limited seasonal bundles (Term 2.4.1) only available for a while. They are usually free but rarely cost ThunderTokens.
2.5.2 - Bundles are a package of selected multiple items, so you don't have to order them in separate forms. They are free.
2.5.3 - Memberships cost 20 ThunderTokens for each month. These members get access to special offers or bundles only for members. They also get 25 Loyalty Points weekly.6. Suggestions
2.6.1 - You can suggest ideas in the suggestions forum (coming soon)
2.6.2 - You can use the Suggestions Form to give suggestions.
2.6.3 - You will get 3 ThunderTokens when you give a suggestion7. Partnering with us
2.7.1 - To partner with us, please fill in the partnership form.
2.7.2 - The partnership must be equal and not one-sided.
2.7.3 - Your partnership may be rejected. Don't worry, you may try again soon.
2.7.4 - if rule 2.7.1 or rule 2.7.2 are broken, your partnership will be rejected.
2.7.5 - There are currently no partnership requirements, but it is likely there will be some when our shop grows.
2.7.6 - We hold a partner activity check every 2 weeks. If there is no response, your partnership will be terminated.
2.7.7 - You may attempt to partner with us again after 2 weeks.8. Federations & Currencies
2.8.1 - We will only join a total of 3 federations.
2.8.2 - Please fill in the federation joining form if you would like us to join your federation
2.8.3 - Please note that your request may be declined.
2.8.4 - We will not join ANY currencies.
2.8.5 - ThunderTokens are only a type of currency used for special types of offers and removing strikes. All of our other products are free.
Last edited by abcde26 (Nov. 11, 2021 09:50:33)
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Homepage || Forms || Terms and Conditions || Banners || Staff and BoD || Partners
ᒪightning Studio's Banners
This is our main banner. It is used for the front page. Our partners should also put this on their “Partners” post[img]https://u.cubeupload.com/scratchhoodie/LightningStudios40.gif[/img]
This is our announcement banner. It can only be used by the Founder, CEO, COO, CFO, Secretary, and Chairman when there are big changes to the shop. Here is the code.[img]https://u.cubeupload.com/scratchhoodie/Announcement.png[/img]
This is our bump banner. it is used by the Bumpers in the Marketing Team or any member in the shop. It can only be used once a day or when the shop is not on the first page of the Requests Forum. Here is the code.[img]https://u.cubeupload.com/scratchhoodie/BringUpMyPost.png[/img]
LinksTrainee Academy - NOT coming soonSuggestions Forum - NOT coming soonOfficial Website - NOT coming soonLightning Studios 3.0 Project Shop
Last edited by abcde26 (Nov. 11, 2021 09:53:40)
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Homepage || Forms || Terms and Conditions || Banners || Staff and BoD || Partners
The Amazing Lightning Studios Staff and BoD!
Key: ^ = strike | * = star | ~ = on leaveBoard Of Directors: The core of the shop!
Founder: lightningspark6545 || Can do basically anything.
President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO): abcde26 || Can do anything. - Really active!
Vice-President/Chief Operating Officer (COO): Vacant || Can do anything besides closing down the shop. Takes place of President when absent.
Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Vacant || Can host activity checks, hire/fire, and manages ThunderTokens in the T$ Bank. Takes place of Vice-President when absent.
Chairman (CM): Vacant || Calls BoD meetings, and notifies members about big changes. Can hire/fire. Also manages BoD interviews.
Secretary (SC): Vacant || Can host activity checks, hire/fire and manages the Unclaimed Orders Center.
Advisor (AD): Vacant || Gives bits of advice to the BoD. Can hire/fire.
Assistant Treasurer (AT): Vacant || Helps to manage the T$ Bank. Takes place of Treasurer when absent.
Vice-Secretary (VS): RobloxianMinecraft || Makes a backup UOC. Takes place of Secretary when absent.
Vice-Chairman (VC): Vacant || Helps the Chairman. Takes place of Chairman when absent.
Public Relations Officer (PRO): Vacant || Manages the partnerships page and is charge of partnering.
Human Resources Manager (HRM): Vacant || Can hire/fire. Manages BoD interviewswith Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Also handles arguments and flame wars in the shop.
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Vacant || Leads the Marketing team. Finds ways to make this shop more popular.
Recruiter (RC): Vacant || Trains the trainees.Class A: The ones that make the shop sturdy and organised!
Head Manager (HM): Vacant || Complete control over ALL DEPARTMENTS. Organizes them.
Assistant Head Manager (AHM): Vacant || Assists the Head Manager with managing the departments.
Your Typical Manager (YTP): Vacant || No power, this is a meme position.Actually, this person is head of memes and is in charge of the memes department
Head of Coding: Vacant || In charge of the coding department
Head of Animation: Vacant || In charge of the animation department
Head of Debugging: Vacant || In charge of the debugging department
Head of Art: Vacant || In charge of the art department
Head of Sound + Music: Vacant || In charge of the sound + music department
Head of Animation: Vacant || In charge of the animation department
Head of BBCode: Vacant || In charge of the BBcode department
Head of Design : Vacant || In charge of the designing department
Head of Reviews : Vacant || In charge of the reviewing department
Head of Advertising: Vacant || In charge of the advertising department
Head of Voice Acting: Vacant || In charge of the voice acting department
Head of Translations: Vacant || In charge of the translations department
Head of Profile Pictures: Vacant || In charge of the translations department
Head of Banners: kimmie2711 || Does all the harder bannersClass B: The ones who power this shop!
The Lightning Studios Members! : || Completes orders
filly3000 ~ Banners, Logos, Thumbnails, Most Art, PFPs, BBCode, Managing
-BlazingInferno- ~ Banners and PFPs
AIGamesDeveloper ~ Pretty much anything (mostly PFPs and Banners)
ellagreen14 ~ Art, BBCode, and Image Hosting
Mellymagic ~ Art
thenewcoder_mikebjj ~ Code
cs4233117 ~ BBCode, PFP and Banners
Dream-123-123 ~ OCs, Vector or Bitmap art, PFPs and Logos
Aadish_1759 ~ Coding, Image Hosting and BBCode
Scratchbeginner5669Lightning Academy: The future members of the team!
Recruiter (RC): Vacant || Leads the teachers, and trains the trainees.
Teachers: None yet, be the first! || Teaches the trainees about the forums, shops, and more!
Trainees: || The future members of the team!The Financial Department: They help with the T$ Bank!
Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Vacant || Can host activity checks, hire/fire, and manages ThunderTokens in the T$ Bank. Takes place of Vice-President when absent.
Assistant Treasurer (AT): Vacant || Helps to manage the T$ Bank. Takes place of Treasurer when absent.
The Financial Members: || Helps to manage the T$ Bank. You can be in the financial department, the main shop, and the marketing team all at once! Be sure to read the Financial Department rules before applying!The Marketing Team: They help by bumping and advertising
The Bumpers: Vacant , Vacant , Vacant
The Advertisers: Vacant , Vacant , Vacant , Vacant
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Vacant || Leads the Marketing team. Finds ways to make this shop more popular.
You can be in the financial department, the main shop, and the marketing team all at once! Be sure to read the Marketing Team rules before applying!Retired Workers
The much-appreciated workers of Lightning Studios 4.0 who have left the shop.
wow. none.
Activity Levels 1-101 - Not Active At All
2 - Rarely Active
3 - A bit Active
4 - kinda active
5 - Active sometimes
6 - Above average activity
7 - Quite active
8 - Really active!
9 - VeRy AcTiVe!!!
Last edited by abcde26 (Dec. 31, 2021 06:24:13)
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Homepage || Forms || Terms and Conditions || Banners || Staff and BoD || Partners
Our Partners!
⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙Water Otters 2.0⭐The Milky Way Express™!✔✳✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 5.0 ✔✳✅The Stone ShopThe Box ShopFᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ FɪɴᴅsThe 101 Art and Design Shop✨ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀʟᴀxʏ sʜᴏᴘ ✨☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop 2.0 ◄ ☁️ ☀️☀️ Sunshine Studios 2.0 ☀️
Our Joined Federations!
The United Shops of ScratchThe Shop Connection AllianceᖴEᗪEᖇᗩTIOᑎ+ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Last edited by abcde26 (Nov. 11, 2021 09:54:31)
- RobloxianMinecraft
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
UOL (Unclaimed Orders List)
This is a list of orders that's either not claimed or is in progress. If you want me to add an order, go here .
I won't put orders posted before page 9
Not Taken - Overdue
None! Amazing!
Not Taken - Not overdue yet
Also none!
Taken - Overdue
Username: GlitchedExe
What do you need (Code? Animation? Art?): Art
Who do you want to do it (optional): Don't care
Timeframe (Due Date): By Monday night
Description: I would like a OC, brown hair, black hoodie, blue eyes, 13,48,100 are the colors for my skin tone, then Eyes of course
Timezone (optional): PST
Have you followed this topic? (you can unfollow later (optional): Yes
Other Details: Could you LMK on my profile when it's done
Taken by Mellymagic - delayed to school
Taken - Not Overdue Yeti'm currently not managing the UOC due to me being busy with other stuff, someone else can make a uoc
Last edited by RobloxianMinecraft (Dec. 29, 2021 12:00:13)
- RobloxianMinecraft
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
also you should credit lightningspark he did the first 3 versions and did all of the posts stuff
and make a suggestions forum
tell the partners about this 4.0 too if you havent
and make a suggestions forum
tell the partners about this 4.0 too if you havent
Last edited by RobloxianMinecraft (Oct. 30, 2021 08:01:16)
- filly3000
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Username: filly300
Activity Level (1-10): 7
What services can you provide?: Banners, Logos, Thumbnails, Most Art, PFPs, BBcode, Managing
Why do you want to join?: I was in 3.0 and I want to help continue the legacy!
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): I was in 3.0, so you already know im good lol
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? yes
Codeword: llyfi0030
Other: N/A
Activity Level (1-10): 7
What services can you provide?: Banners, Logos, Thumbnails, Most Art, PFPs, BBcode, Managing
Why do you want to join?: I was in 3.0 and I want to help continue the legacy!
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): I was in 3.0, so you already know im good lol
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? yes
Codeword: llyfi0030
Other: N/A
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Username: robloxianminecraftAccepted! You can be secretary after 1 week
Activity Level (1-10): 9.75
What services can you provide?: same stuff i did in 3.0 version
Why do you want to join?: i was in 3.0
Have you read the terms and conditions? yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): umm just check my projects
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? yes
Codeword: eniManftoxlcRarboi
Other: can i be secretary because im active
Username: filly300Accepted!
Activity Level (1-10): 7
What services can you provide?: Banners, Logos, Thumbnails, Most Art, PFPs, BBcode, Managing
Why do you want to join?: I was in 3.0 and I want to help continue the legacy!
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): I was in 3.0, so you already know im good lol
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? yes
Codeword: llyfi0030
Other: N/A
- -BlazingInferno-
- Scratcher
62 posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
I accept your request I am working at 4.0
Username: -BlazingInferno- i will use my other account
Activity Level (1-10): 7
What services can you provide?: I can provide banners and pfp.
Why do you want to join?: Because I want the lightning legacy to live on!
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): will post with other account
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? Yes
Codeword: My alt is zeob-afilnnin-rg
Other: Thank you I am new scratcher in this account so my shop account is compass2021pratyush
Username: -BlazingInferno- i will use my other account
Activity Level (1-10): 7
What services can you provide?: I can provide banners and pfp.
Why do you want to join?: Because I want the lightning legacy to live on!
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): will post with other account
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? Yes
Codeword: My alt is zeob-afilnnin-rg
Other: Thank you I am new scratcher in this account so my shop account is compass2021pratyush
- Compass2021Pratyush
- Scratcher
100+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
I accept your request I am working at 4.0Accepted! I'm putting you as Compass2021Pratyush because you said you will work on that account.
Username: -BlazingInferno- i will use my other account
Activity Level (1-10): 7
What services can you provide?: I can provide banners and pfp.
Why do you want to join?: Because I want the lightning legacy to live on!
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): will post with other account
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? Yes
Codeword: My alt is zeob-afilnnin-rg
Other: Thank you I am new scratcher in this account so my shop account is compass2021pratyush
Last edited by abcde26 (Oct. 30, 2021 09:24:54)
- Compass2021Pratyush
- Scratcher
100+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Ok thx will inform when my other account is promoted
- AIGamesDeveloper
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Username: AIGamesDeveloper
Activity Level (1-10): 12 (yes I have no life)
What services can you provide?: BBCode, PFPs, and Banners
Why do you want to join?: You told me to. It was an invitation
Have you read the terms and conditions?: It's the same as 3.0 so yeah
Have you followed this topic? (optional): Well now I am
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service):
I c a n d o m o s t l y e v e r y t h i n g t o b e h o n e s t
Would you like to be invited to the official studio?: No thx. It clogs up my messages
Codeword: gamesaideveloper
Activity Level (1-10): 12 (yes I have no life)
What services can you provide?: BBCode, PFPs, and Banners
Why do you want to join?: You told me to. It was an invitation
Have you read the terms and conditions?: It's the same as 3.0 so yeah
Have you followed this topic? (optional): Well now I am
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service):
I c a n d o m o s t l y e v e r y t h i n g t o b e h o n e s t
Would you like to be invited to the official studio?: No thx. It clogs up my messages
Codeword: gamesaideveloper
- QuexizT
- Scratcher
100+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Do I need to apply again? And do I still have my BoD position or do I have to get it all over again?
- lightningspark6545
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Do I need to apply again? And do I still have my BoD position or do I have to get it all over again?yep! Also, sorry to inform you but all BoD positions will be reset.
- abcde26
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Oh, so you're still working? WEIRD.Do I need to apply again? And do I still have my BoD position or do I have to get it all over again?yep! Also, sorry to inform you but all BoD positions will be reset.
Username: AIGamesDeveloperAccepted!
Activity Level (1-10): 12 (yes I have no life)
What services can you provide?: BBCode, PFPs, and Banners
Why do you want to join?: You told me to. It was an invitation
Have you read the terms and conditions?: It's the same as 3.0 so yeah
Have you followed this topic? (optional): Well now I am
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service):
I c a n d o m o s t l y e v e r y t h i n g t o b e h o n e s t
Would you like to be invited to the official studio?: No thx. It clogs up my messages
Codeword: gamesaideveloper
- lightningspark6545
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
as founder, I am not required to be active but can still check on the shop occasionally and maybe take some orders sometimesOh, so you're still working? WEIRD.Do I need to apply again? And do I still have my BoD position or do I have to get it all over again?yep! Also, sorry to inform you but all BoD positions will be reset.
Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Oct. 30, 2021 14:51:57)
- ellagreen14
- Scratcher
500+ posts
⚡️Lightning Studios 4.0 ⚡️ All your orders done, lightning speed! ⚡️ [NOW HIRING]
Hey, I got a message on my profile saying that I could join 4.0 since I worked at 3.0.
I filled out the application form again just incase I need it:
Username: ellagreen14
Activity Level (1-10): 8
What services can you provide?: art (banners, thumbnails), bbcode, image hosting with cubeupload, and reviews
Why do you want to join?: Because I previously worked at 3.0 and it was really fun and I want to continue working with you guys
Have you read the terms and conditions? yessir
Have you followed this topic? (optional) yep
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): E x a m p l e o f m y b b c o d e // banner example:
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? sure
Codeword: llae4gee1rn
Other: n/a
I filled out the application form again just incase I need it:
Username: ellagreen14
Activity Level (1-10): 8
What services can you provide?: art (banners, thumbnails), bbcode, image hosting with cubeupload, and reviews
Why do you want to join?: Because I previously worked at 3.0 and it was really fun and I want to continue working with you guys
Have you read the terms and conditions? yessir
Have you followed this topic? (optional) yep
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): E x a m p l e o f m y b b c o d e // banner example:
Would you like to be invited to the official studio? sure
Codeword: llae4gee1rn
Other: n/a