Glossary - Seamheads Negro Leagues Database

Pitching Statistics

Counting Stats

W = Wins
L = Losses
G = Games
GS = Games Started
GF = Games Finished
CG = Complete Games
SHO = Shutouts
Saves = Saves
IP = Innings Pitched
R = Runs Allowed
ER = Earned Runs Allowed
H = Hits Allowed
HR = Home Runs Allowed
BB = Walks Allowed
K = Strikeouts
WP = Wild Pitches
BK = Balks
HBP = Hit Batters with Pithes
BF = Batters Faced

Rate Stats

W% = Winning Percentage (W / (W + L))
ERA = Earned Run Average (ER * 9 / IP)
ERA+ = Adjusted ERA (lgERA / ERA * 100)
WHIP = Walks & Hits per Inning ((BB + H) / IP)
K% = Strikeout Percentage (K / BF)
BB% = Walk Percentage (BB / BF)
K/BB = Strikeouts per Walk (K / BF)
HR% = Home Run Percentage (HR / BF)

If you have any questions regarding Negro Leagues statistical or biographical data, please contact ..

All data, copyright 2011-2023 Agate Type Research LLC.

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