Fee Structure

The fee structure for the offered programs for the academic year of 2024-25 is provided below

  • The below mentioned tuition fee includes 5% VAT and excludes other service charges.
  • The application fee for all undergraduate programs is AED 200 (except HDPCS AED 2,190). Application and Evaluation fee are non-refundable.
Diploma Programs Tuition Fees / Year
Diploma in Dental Assisting AED 40,000
Diploma in Pharmacy Technician AED 30,000
Undergraduate Programs Evaluation Fee Tuition Fees / Year Merit discounts offered* (Year 1)
Higher Diploma in Pre-Clinical Sciences (HDPCS)
 AED 2,299 AED 94,500 NA
Doctor of Medicine Program (MD) – 6 Years
AED 2,100 AED 150,000 NA
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (BBMS)
AED 525 AED 44,400 up to 15%
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
AED 1,050 AED 132,300 up to 15%
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B Pharm)
AED 1,050 AED 63,000 up to 25%
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)
AED 525 AED 53,000 up to 15%
Bachelor of Science – Medical Laboratory Sciences (BSc. MLS)
AED 525 AED 44,400 up to 15%
Bachelor of Science – Medical Imaging Sciences (BSc. MIS)
AED 525 AED 44,400 up to 15%
Bachelor of Science – Anesthesia Technology (BSc. AT)
AED 525 AED 44,400 up to 15%
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
AED 525 AED 44,400 up to 15%
Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses (RN-BSN)
AED 525 AED 38,000 up to 20%
Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management and Economics (BSc.HME)
AED 525 AED 52,500 up to 50%

NA: Not applicable
*Merit discounts offered based on Grade 12 marks. Terms and conditions apply
Note:Tuition fees includes 5% VAT and excludes learning resource fee and caution deposit
All UAE nationals can apply for Pharmacy, Medical Lab, Medical Imaging, Medical Lab, Physiotherapy and Nursing program and avail NAFIS full fee scholarship.

Postgraduate Programs Tuition Fees / Year Merit discounts offered* (Year 1)
Graduate Entry Doctor of Medicine Program (MD) – 4 Years
AED 150,000 NA
Master of Dental Surgery in Endodontics (MDS-Endo)
AED 170,000 NA
Master of Dental Surgery in Periodontics (MDS- Perio)
AED 170,000 NA
Master in Public Health (MPH)
AED 57,750 10 – 20%
Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPE)
AED 73,500 35 – 40%
Master in Clinical Pharmacy (MCP)
AED 66,150 20 – 25%
Postgraduate PharmD
AED 66,150 20 – 25%
Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)
AED 66,150 10- 20%
Master of Science in Medical Ultrasound (MSc. MUS)
AED 66,150 10- 20%
Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences (MSc. MLS)
AED 47,250 25%
Master of Science in Drug Discovery and Development (MDD)
AED 52,500 25%
Master of Science in Neonatal Critical Care Nursing (MSNCCN)
AED 63,000 Upto 30%
Executive Master in Healthcare Management and Economics (EMHME)
AED 115,800
(3 semesters)
25 – 35%

NA: Not applicable
* Discounts offered based on CGPA. Terms and conditions apply.

  • All UAE ministry staffare provided special discounts ranging from 25% to 40%across various programs
  • Application fee for all graduate programs is AED 1,000/- (non -refundable)

GMU Alumni and  Thumbay group employees are provided special discounts  up to 50%across programs except Graduate entry MD Program and Master in Dental Surgery.

Doctoral Program (PhD) Tuition Fees / Year
Doctor of Philosophy in Precision Medicine AED 157,500


  • The above fee includes 5% VAT
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