セブ島留学 英語勉強法
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HI guys!!!!! How's going today? Today I'd like to share how to study englih. Before you go study abroad, you need to get basic skill of grammar and vocab. it is level of junior high school. if u already get it, you will able to focus on speaking during staying there. To me, it already got this is why i could do it. Especially it is difficult for japanese how to pronounce english. i wanted to fix it so that i was just practiced pronunciation. it was like to speak out alphabet A,B,C.......... i learned proper position of tongue when speaking out. it took three months to repeat and repeat and plus i was reading english books about 30 over. it was like for kid. But it was so effective to learn english. coz those books showed many pictures and some story it was easy to imagine situation of books. i think it made english brain. At first everyone is tough to get it. To get it keep doing over and over. And i tried to make english environment it is watching english drama on Netflix and seeing english news and writing something in english. if i got input something word, i try to use with friend and teacher it means output. what i think importance to learn language is input and output. Anyway do it a lot. then do mistake. you can realize some points from mistakes. it is way of studying language for me.
see ya;)
Instagram Jb____1993
Facebook Junki okada
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価格: 668円
(2018/1/15 13:22時点)
Hi guys. How's going today? I want to share why i chose Cebu for studying abroad. Before i never speak and understand english at all and my cousin and family live in out of japan. Of course they can speak english well. Especially my cousin are still kids. when i talk with them, i have to say something in english. this is one of most reasons why i wanted to learn english. Secondary i often met foreigner in tokyo. At that time i could not express myself and explain about japan where is beautiful scenery. Thirdly i wanted to travel the world by myself. if you go travel, you will register some travel agency. it is just showed famous spots and popular cuisine. Actually i don't like doing like this. I hope to discover new place and make relationship with local people. These are my main reasons.
But why i chose Cebu? you may have question. Never mind I'm going to show you why cebu is good place to study english for you. A, cost is so reasonable than another country like usa and europe. probably it is one third. It may be most important thing to decide study abroad. B, people in Philippines are using english as second language. We are same situations but 80% of population in PH can speak english well. you can communicate with them wherever you go C, there have beautiful nature like beach and mountain besides waterfall. there are a lot of activities.
Cebu has many options exclusive study. you will like there for sure if you visit. I hope so.
Instagram Jb____1993
Facebook Junki okada