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FP2級 ファイナンシャルプランナー 

hi guys!!!! how are you? today i'd like to share about financial planner. now i'm studying it since last June. probably i took about six months. this exam is going to start this Sunday. i feel finally reaching this day.in general if u want to get qualification, you need to study about 300 hours. i didn't count time though. im not sure how much time i was spending. But it is related to our daily life like insurance, real estate, investment, tax, life plan, inheritance. it is going to be so practical for you. this make sure you doubt things. it help you make better financial intelligence. it wii lead to be better life for sure. i'm thinking in the future that i have to handle a lot of obstacle and finance problem as company and family assets. i will be risk hedge before i reach it. And i'd like to know these system and function. it help to build my career. i keep studying!!!!

特に相続や事業継承は馴染みがなくてとっつきにくくて苦戦しています。リスク管理の保険分野も、まだ実感がなくなかなかイメージがしにくく同様に苦戦しました。他は、お金を運用したり、実務でもすぐに始められることが目白押しだったので、スムーズに勉強できたなと思います。先日、過去問模試を解いて、合格点の6割以上はできていたので、仕上がりは悪くないのかなと思っています。学科と実技が試験で、一般的には実技の方が合格率が高いと言われています。計算の公式や形は数値が変わるだけなので、基本が理解できていれば、得点がしやすいからだと思う。学科は数値や名称などの引っ掛けがあるので、体系的にそれぞれ理解しておくことが必要だろう。あと残り2日で、間違えたところや、公式を再度確認して挑みたいです。受験するなら合格したい!!!w 補足で2級の次は1級が当然あって、さらに専門知識が求められます。自分としては、1級までの知識は卒業までには、身につけたいと思っています。勉強あるのみですな。やることがたくさんありますが、ひとつひとつ身につけていこう。See ya

みんなが欲しかった! FPの教科書 3級 2017-2018年 (みんなが欲しかった! シリーズ)

¥1,728 から
(2018/1/26 14:51時点)

みんなが欲しかった! FPの教科書 2級・AFP 2017-2018年 (みんなが欲しかった! シリーズ)

¥2,052 から
(2018/1/26 14:51時点)

'17~'18年版 最短合格 2級FP技能士

¥2,808 から
(2018/1/26 14:52時点)

Instagram Jb____1993
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posted by JB at 14:17| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | study


フランス語 勉強

【Amazon.co.jp 限定】 キリン アルカリイオンの水 PET (2L×9本)

¥875 から
(2018/1/25 02:22時点)

hi guys. how are you? today i'd like to share my study of french. french is so difficult for me to get it. still i'm beginnings. i'm studying and listening everyday. why i learn french? because i'm planing to go study abroad in french before graduation university. i'd like to learn in terms of global business and finance. i thought i should study out of japan. and i reckon in the future people need speak two or three language at least when doing business in the world. it is main reason for me. i should get it. for my career and im going to be fun travel the world.



¥1,700 から
(2018/1/25 02:16時点)


CD付 見て楽しむフランス絵の単語帳 (池田書店のCD BOOKシリーズ)

¥1,728 から
(2018/1/25 02:14時点)


Instagram Jb____1993
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posted by JB at 01:54| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | フランス語


イタリア旅行 ミラン

hi guys! how's going today? today i'd like to share my travel of Italy. before i have been to UK for studying abroad and a little travel in London. this time was second travel in Europe. i was so excited. i have two reasons why i chose Italy. Firstly my friends live in Milan for vacation. Secondly Italy has many historical buildings and beautiful place and amazing meals like pasta and pizza off course wine as well. this is reasons for me. i had a worry thing that is language. Most of italian speak italy not too much speak english. it was just worry for me before going there. But when i arrived there, most of people could speak english. it was not tough time. i could communicate well with them. then i visited famous place in milan and went shopping on black friday. Italy is the most fashionable country so people in Italy gave me new very much ideas. i was fascinated to all of them. my friends show me around city and local place. i made friends with truly italinas. that was super amazing time. i got new mind and new perspective. it stimulated my curiosity. you should travel italy until you die. the world are big. i never stopped exploring the other world. i swear.

I’m opening to next new door. Will be What a amazing travel of wonderful country for sure. Gateway of real life in Japan. 
Good bye Japan ??Chao????
#Alitalia #italia #fashion #chill #pizza #pasta #healty #travel #traveltheworld #gopro #europe #airline #japan #grazie #chao #アモーレ #長友 #インテルは入ってません #コリアンビジネスラウンジチル #久々のヨーロッパで頗る興奮 #goproのある生活


I was just waking around central of Milan. What the fuck historical buildings and beautiful people. I was excited all the time. Definitely Milan blow mind off. Fashionable boutique is so insane:) 4時間ぐらいミラノの街を探検してきた。色んな発見がありました。それはチャイナタウンはどの国でも存在すること。実際のところプラダじゃなくてベルサーチ買おうか悩みどころ??????
#italy #milan #chill #healty #fitness #food #river #grazie #friends #nature #travel #traveltheworld #PRADA #versace #ミランチル #そろそろチャオ使うの抵抗なくなってきた #ビジネスアモーレ #乞うご期待

Milan has a lot of this places. Um not familiar with it. But famous artist who is DaVinci painted huge wall. This not hims. But I felt like power of god. Hopefully see it. Still beginning adventure in italy. All the way there are?????
#italy #milan #chill #healty #fitness #food #river #grazie #friends #nature #travel #traveltheworld #charch #cathedral #leonardodavinci #毎日現地のイタリア人から情報収集 #トリュフ #グラッツェ #日本と時差は8時間 #おやすみ

Duomo di Milano??????
Italians are super sweet and lovely. I just took pic with her. She showed up by herself right here though.hahaha anyway Duomo is miracle buildings and it located most fashionable place. I prefer chill out around here??????
#italy #milan #fashion #chill #healty #fitness #food #river #grazie #friends #nature #travel #traveltheworld #charch #cathedral #milano #duomo #thanksgiving #turkey #lovely #guys #ミラノチル #人生で2回目のオフィシャルなサンクスギビング#ブラックフライデー #グラッツェ #ビジネスアモーレ

Happy thanksgiving??????
We celebrated thanksgiving last night. Italy doesn’t familiar as well as Japan. It is national holiday for states and Canada. We did not find turkey restaurant. This is why we had pasta or risotto instead of it.Sound wired. But we spent great time by great Italian food. Grazie. 
Happy thanksgiving guys????????
#italy #milan #fashion #chill #healty #fitness #food #river #grazie #friends #nature #travel #traveltheworld #charch #cathedral #milano #duomo #thanksgiving #turkey #lovely #guys #pasta #italianfood #家族との時間は大切だなと改めて感じた一日でした #グラッツェ #イタリアで弁護士をしてるアメリカ育ちのマークの粋なはからい #みんなでホッケー行くことになった

Morning routine??????
Everyone stop by coffee shop and smell so nice. Coffee in Milano is sophisticated. Waiters as well. I love it. Grazie???????
#italy #milan #fashion #chill #healty #fitness #food #river #grazie #friends #nature #travel #traveltheworld #charch #cathedral #milano #cafe #giovanni #Morning #イタリア語 #チャオ #グラッツェ #ミラノチル #読みに苦労する毎日

Back to real life??????
I gotta do something for next and to fill vacancy. I have no time to stop. Just going the way. Btw I was not to be fat after back to Japan. Im lucky though????????
幸運なことにピッザばっかり食べたけど太ってなくて、テンションあげ。コーヒー飲み過ぎたからかな?笑 イタリアで買った自宅でエスプレッソコーヒーが飲めるポット買って調子良き??
#lifestyle #healty #fashion #chill #coffee #cafe #mokaexpress #bialetti #italy #milan #home #豆からこだわって買って飲んでるもんだから家で入れるコーヒーが一番美味しい #今日も頑張ろう

Beautiful scenery??????
Venice Gave me a lot of dream like I was in movie. I need to know much more about it for explaining what it is. Honestly it means that start opening new door. And thank you for good service @alitaliaofficial 
#milan #italy #venezia #venice #travel #traveltheworld #travelandlife #lifestyle #fashion #grazie #ciao #nature #river #friend #cheers #wine #pizza #chill #イタリア #ベニスチル #ミラノチル #余韻が抜けぬ投稿が続く #ベニスに恋をした #アモーレ

Asian power??????
I got in trouble of train from Venice to Milan. So I stuck in railroad about two hours. But one of Chinese friend helped me to translate Italy. If she were not there, I could not make it. So I’m glad to see u:) then appreciate u so much. This is why I missed to see u guys at the bar last night. I really wanted to tell u grazie. Already miss u guys. People in Milan gave me new perspective. I hope to be back here. And guys hit me up when you come Japan. I’m so honored to meet u. Thank you so much?????????
#milan #italy #venezia #venice #travel #traveltheworld #nature #river #friend #cheers #wine #pizza #chill #イタリア #ベニスチル #ミラノチル #余韻が抜けぬ投稿が続く

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Facebook Junki okada

posted by JB at 13:33| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | travel


フィリピン留学 シャルガオ島

Hi guys!!!! how are u today? last day tokyo was snowing and freezing. it was like snow country. i thought i could do snow boarding here though. anyway today i'd like to share my travel of PH in Siargao. Do you know this island? there are about one hour from cebu by plane. a lot of tourists visit for vacations and famous surfer come to do surf as well. i thought there were just doing surf before going there. But actually i found another options which is adventure tour like rent moto and driving whole island. and then SUP tour on the river and eating local meals and meeting local people. it was so amazing experience for me. there have untouched nature and surrounded by beautiful beach. this travel was by myself. next time i will take some company. i am sure my friends are definitely going to be fun. you should go if u get chance and get english. there are no jap. you can practice english as well.

Snowing freezing Tokyo??????
Where is it? Here is Tokyo. What happened super snowing. Scenery is so beautiful. But every schedule putted off though. Freaking cold. I’m in bed ever?????
ce qui est arrive tokyo. c'est beau de neiger
#lifestyle #japan #tokyo #amazing #cold #nature #beautiful #scenery #snow #snowing #chill #needescape

snowing tokyo

こんにちは!JBです。昨日の東京は大雪で雪国のような景色を作り出していました。とても綺麗で思わず写真をとってしまいました!寒くて身が凍るような日でしたが、今日は先月にフィリピンのシャルガオ島に旅行に行った時のことをシェアしたいと思います。シャルガオ島はセブ島から飛行機で約1時間のところにあります。航空券はセブパシフィックのセールで購入したので、相場の料金は把握してないです。これの件は、また記事にしたいと思っています。今回は往復で3000円ぐらいで購入しました。毎回フィリピンに行く時や国内旅行に行く時はこのセールが頼りです。そして3泊4日シャルガオ島で過ごしました。ホテルはリゾートホテルもあり、観光客向けの施設も充実しています。本当のバケーション気分が味わえます。自分は一人旅だったので、AIRBNBで一泊3000円のPacific hotelに泊まりました。ホテルはただ寝るだけで、ホテルの目の前がビーチでレストランが1階にあったので、毎日ビーチで寝てサーフィンができると思ったからそこに決めました。現地についてからは、空港をでて、バイク持ちの人たちに声をかけ300peso〜350pesoで値段交渉して、ホテルまで連れていってもらいました。いつも値段交渉すると、英語慣れもできるので、毎回勉強です。ホテルについてからは、地図をもらったりして、ここでの楽しみ方を教わりました。1日モーターサイクルのレンタルが250ー350pesoで、1日遊べます。サーフィンレッスン+レンタル1hは500peso。1日レンタルは350pesoで、サーフィンを目当てに来ても1日遊べます。僕は、体調を崩していて、1日目はビーチでずっと寝てましたw それも気持ちよくて最高でした。外灯がほとんどないので18時にはあたりは真っ暗です。だいたい21時に寝て朝の5時に起きるみたいな生活をしていました。日の出や日の入りを見るために山を登ったり、最高の瞬間を過ごすことができました。今回行けずに次回に行こうと思っている場所もあるので、次回行った時のお楽しみです。こんな感じであとは写真で感動を共有して終わろうと思います。see ya;)

Here is simply ways. Just one or two directions you will see. Actually long straight a way is captured our feelings. Keep step on it?????
#lifestyle #summer #fashion #nature #islandlife #chill #SUP #surfing #gopro #adventure #traveltheworld #travel #Philippines #manila #siargao #cebu #BDtrip #world #sunset #unbelievable #capture #crazy #ここ2週間体内時計完全に狂ってる #5時には目覚める

My dream island???
Finally arrived dream island. Beautiful Mother Nature and great wave and scenery.
Where i am? I don’t know. I’m in dream. It deserve birthday trip?????????
最悪のコンディションで丸一日ビーチに寝そべって寝てた。真夏の果実を味わってるのに、鼻水ずっと垂れてる? 美しすぎて言葉を失ってる。
#lifestyle #islandlife #nature #summer #beautiful #beach #sea #philippines #cebu #chill #manila #sirgao #surfing #gopro #BD trip #lagoon #sup #コンディション最悪過ぎて一日中ビーチで寝る #朝から寝始めて起きたら夜だった。

I have no idea before coming here. What are there? Just surfing? But after made it, i figured it out. Here is everything you wanna do for travel.It is spiritual rock pool. Amazing????????
#lifestyle #summer #fashion #nature #islandlife #chill #SUP #surfing #adventure#traveltheworld #travel #gopro #Philippines #manila #siargao #cebu #BDtrip #rockpool #エルニド並みに綺麗だった小さなプール

Unbelievable world??????
I’m making foundation for myself. I need to experience and feel and express own word and connect with the others. I obviously broke my comfort Zone. It is gonna extend worlds. I keep travelling to build strong foundation. I’m already ready to be next. Anyway thank you so much a lot of amazing experiences @cebupacificair And guys in Siargao.Hope to see u again. 
See ya?????????
#lifestyle #summer #fashion #nature #islandlife #chill #SUP #surfing #gopro #adventure #traveltheworld #travel #Philippines #manila #siargao #cebu #BDtrip #world #sunset #unbelievable #セブ #マニラ #シャルガオ #海外生活 #海外旅行 #セブ島留学#シャルガオチル #終了 #セブの家に帰ります #感謝

Travel is adventure. Life is as well. If you find excitement, you should go place where nobody knows. There make sure your ability and wake your mind up?????????
#lifestyle #summer #fashion #nature #chill #SUP #surfing #traveltheworld #travel #gopro #Philippines #manila #siargao #cebu #人生で一番の興奮 #人生で初めてのバイク #島横断

Instagram Jb____1993
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posted by JB at 10:50| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | travel


セブ島留学 英語勉強法

HI guys!!!!! How's going today? Today I'd like to share how to study englih. Before you go study abroad, you need to get basic skill of grammar and vocab. it is level of junior high school. if u already get it, you will able to focus on speaking during staying there. To me, it already got this is why i could do it. Especially it is difficult for japanese how to pronounce english. i wanted to fix it so that i was just practiced pronunciation. it was like to speak out alphabet A,B,C.......... i learned proper position of tongue when speaking out. it took three months to repeat and repeat and plus i was reading english books about 30 over. it was like for kid. But it was so effective to learn english. coz those books showed many pictures and some story it was easy to imagine situation of books. i think it made english brain. At first everyone is tough to get it. To get it keep doing over and over. And i tried to make english environment it is watching english drama on Netflix and seeing english news and writing something in english. if i got input something word, i try to use with friend and teacher it means output. what i think importance to learn language is input and output. Anyway do it a lot. then do mistake. you can realize some points from mistakes. it is way of studying language for me.


everyday summer in cebu


marco polo hotel at restuarante


plantation bay hotel

see ya;)

Instagram Jb____1993
Facebook Junki okada

posted by JB at 16:01| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 留学



Hi guys. How's going today? I want to share why i chose Cebu for studying abroad. Before i never speak and understand english at all and my cousin and family live in out of japan. Of course they can speak english well. Especially my cousin are still kids. when i talk with them, i have to say something in english. this is one of most reasons why i wanted to learn english. Secondary i often met foreigner in tokyo. At that time i could not express myself and explain about japan where is beautiful scenery. Thirdly i wanted to travel the world by myself. if you go travel, you will register some travel agency. it is just showed famous spots and popular cuisine. Actually i don't like doing like this. I hope to discover new place and make relationship with local people. These are my main reasons.


But why i chose Cebu? you may have question. Never mind I'm going to show you why cebu is good place to study english for you. A, cost is so reasonable than another country like usa and europe. probably it is one third. It may be most important thing to decide study abroad. B, people in Philippines are using english as second language. We are same situations but 80% of population in PH can speak english well. you can communicate with them wherever you go C, there have beautiful nature like beach and mountain besides waterfall. there are a lot of activities.
I moved out place to place when I encountered turning point. Those places are sorta platform for me. When I take a leave when I rethink a way and so on. I can’t stick one place. I think um selfish but it is way of creating things. For who i am. 
Trade off is paying off???????
11月19日日曜日六本木DMMオフィスセミナースペースにてフィリピン政府観光省主催のフィリピン留学 EXPO2017が開催されます。フィリピンコンテンツがてんこ盛りなイベントになっております。興味がある方は是非よろしくお願いします。
#lifestyle #nature #summer #beach #travel #learn #beautifulcountry #Philippines #beautiful #beachlife #sea #surf #cebu #international #English #America #states #海外生活 #海外留学 #セブ #セブ島 #アメリカ#アメリカ留学 #セブ島でアメリカ留学 #dmm留学 #dmm #フィリピン政府観光省 #フィリピン留学 #フィリピン留学EXPO #旅の支度が終わらない

waterfall in cebu


Cebu has many options exclusive study. you will like there for sure if you visit. I hope so.


Instagram Jb____1993
Facebook Junki okada

posted by JB at 12:34| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 留学


First article

Hi everyone!!!!
At first i introduce myself. My name is junki. Currently i live in tokyo. i'm dedicating studying finance and marketing and learning french by myself. My hobby is travel the world. Actually i travel two or three times a year. it always give me new perspective and opportunity to make friends of over the world. this is why it drive me to go on a lot of trips. Amazing experience made me feel better. this picture when i visited hawaii first time in my life.

climbing pilbox

lanikai beach

waikiki beach

思う。留学の裏話なども公開していけたら良きだと思う。今はフランス留学に向けてフランス語と大学の専攻がmanagementとmarketingなのでそれらの勉強に励んでいます。あとファイナンスも今資格試験勉強で奮闘してるから、そういったところも書けていけたらなおさら良き。とりあえずこんな感じで最初の記事は終わりにしようかな。笑 更新頑張っていきます

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