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「出来ないって誰が決めたの?…それって自分で決める事じゃないの?」 "Who decided you couldn't do it? Isn't that what you decide yourself?"

"Who decided you couldn't do it? Isn't that what you decide yourself?"


"Who decided you couldn't do it? Isn't that what you decide yourself?"
The way of life is very dandy, and even from a man's perspective, he is drowning in his personality. These words are from people who can be very respected.
I thought that it was natural for me as a member of society to work in compliance with company rules. It is a word that taught me that there is something more important than my social rules. This is a word that came out of a casual conversation, but it was stabbed in my heart and asked when I was worried.
* The above article is a personal impression.
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