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Souvenir de Kyoto ... Yaosan

Following the last time,

I will introduce some reliable shop and souvenir in Kyoto.

This week, I introduce Yaosan which is famous for Yuzu Miso is near Karasuma-Oike Subway Station.

#yaosan #souvenir #kyoto #八百三柚味噌 #柚味噌 #八百三 #京都 #お土産
It is a long-established store at the corner of a small intersection of Higashino-toin Street and Anekoji Street.

#お土産 #京都 #八百三柚味噌 #八百三 #souvenir #yaosan #kyoto
It is very delicious to eat oden or rice with yuzu miso.

#yaosan #kyoto #souvenir #お土産 #京都 #八百三 #八百三柚味噌
The vessel is very charming.

There is not only Yuzu Miso, but also White Miso.

It seems that it is difficult for foreign tourists to find this shop because it is a modest store style.

On this occasion, you will appreciate the flavor of Yuzu!

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