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posted by fanblog



スコッティキャメロン SELECT セレクト ニューポート2 2014


スコッティキャメロン SELECT セレクト ニューポート2 2014



スコッティキャメロン 2014 セレクト パター

スコッティキャメロン ファン必見!2014年モデル「スコッティキャメロン 2014 セレクト パター」の登場です!

定番の Scotty Cameron Newport シリーズは前回のモデル、ブラックメッキから少しマッドなシルバーミスト仕上げに変身。しぶいです。
SquarebackとFastbackは Scotty Cameron カリフォルニアシリーズではなく今回からSelectシリーズ入り!?前作同様安定感バツグンです。

「スコッティキャメロン 2014 セレクト パター」初回生産がいつも少ないのでお早めに〜!

The new Scotty Cameron Select putters are precision milled to meet the performance requirements of the world’s best players for looks, sound, feel and balance. The new Select line enhances the tradition of Scotty’s Newport family, a longtime tour favorite, while introducing new Fastback and Squareback mid mallets with advanced weighting and alignment technology.

The new Select Newport, a soft, modern blade with a plumbing neck, features a shorter blade length with back surfaces that round and roll elegantly into the ground. Select Newport 2 is a longer blade with crisp back angles, a plumbing neck and a single black sight line for refined precision. Select Newport 2.5, a new addition to the Select family, features the same crisp, modern blade as Newport 2, but with a short flare neck for increased toe flow.

The new Select Fastback and Squareback are modern mid mallet designs with a single bend shaft that promotes minimal toe flow for players that want, or need, less arc in their putting stroke. The Fastback is round and soft like a Newport; the Squareback is crisp and boxy like a Newport 2.

Each have a short blade length and an extended back with a new, red aluminum soleplate that allows for a thicker steel face for solid feel. Vertical and horizontal “pop-through” sight lines on the back flange are positioned directly between a player’s eyes, providing a visual reference to help square the face.

Fireway Golf USA販売価格 7%OFF 40,484円(税抜)

GDO販売価格 45,000円(税抜)

スコッティキャメロン Scotty Cameron フューチュラ Futura X5R


スコッティキャメロン Scotty Cameron フューチュラ Futura X5R パター




Scotty Cameron Futura X5R Putters

Maximum Stability and Performance

Born from a prototype design for one of the world’s best players, Scotty Cameron Futura X putters have evolved into a line with modern contours and futuristic technology. Each Futura X provides stability through advanced perimeter weighting with solid, forgiving feel.

The Futura X5 is a modern, angled, wing back mallet with vertical and horizontal sight lines for alignment.
• Loft: 3.5°

• Lie: 70°

• Head Material: 303 Stainless Steel w/ Aluminum Sole

• Head Finish: Silver Mist

• Neck: Single Bend

• Offset: Full Shaft

• Toe Flow: Face Balanced/Minimum

• Grip: Matador Red Midsize

Fireway Golf USA販売価格 7%OFF 40,484円(税抜)

GDO販売価格 45,000円(税抜)

スコッティキャメロン SCOTTY CAMERON フューチュラX5 パター


スコッティキャメロン SCOTTY CAMERON フューチュラX5 パター



スコッティキャメロン Scotty Cameron フューチュラ Futura X5 パター




Scotty Cameron Futura X5 Putters

Maximum Stability and Performance

Born from a prototype design for one of the world’s best players, Scotty Cameron Futura X putters have evolved into a line with modern contours and futuristic technology. Each Futura X provides stability through advanced perimeter weighting with solid, forgiving feel.

The Futura X5 is a modern, angled, wing back mallet with vertical and horizontal sight lines for alignment.

• Loft: 3.5°

• Lie: 70°

• Head Material: 303 Stainless Steel w/ Aluminum Sole

• Head Finish: Silver Mist

• Neck: Single Bend

• Offset: Full Shaft

• Toe Flow: Face Balanced/Minimum

• Grip: Matador Red Midsize

Fireway Golf USA販売価格 7%OFF 40,484円(税抜)

GDO販売価格 45,000円(税抜)

ゴルフプレスト販売価格 36,000円(税込)

二木ゴルフ販売価格 45,000円(税込)

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