40代の私がブログに手を出し始めたのは今から3年前でしょうか。若いころからネット関連の仕事をしていたせいか朝早く夜は毎日終電という環境ですくすくと育った私はすっかりパソコンなしでは生活ができなくなったこと。しかしながら逆にパソコンなしの生活を夢見ている私です。 ブログに手を出したきっかけは前職を退職してからです。何気なく会社員時代からアフィリエイト業界のことは知っていたのですがやはり時間がなく手を出せなかったというか興味がなかったのが第一印象でした。しかしながら毎日毎日終電で帰る自分のパターン化された生活と日々蝕まれていた精神状態とただ寝るだけの部屋に愛着もなく心が廃れていた暗黒時代。そんな時、前々から考えていた自分で、自分だけで仕事をしたい。好きなことをしたい。ということで趣味のスキューバーダイビングで旅行先のエピソードなどをブログに書き綴ったことが始まりでした。 こんな人生を過ごしてきた私で乱文かもしれませんが最後まで読んで頂けるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。
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posted by fanblog




★ デサントゴルフ 20春夏新作 ★


シンプルなデザインに飽きた方におすすめ! バイカラーのスカートです! 大胆に配色切り替えをした前後のライン使いが印象的☆ 見た目のお洒落さと動きやすさの両立を叶えています!


デサントゴルフ DE BLOCKバイカラー◆一体ペチスカート

★ ジャックバニー 19秋冬新作 ★


うさぎの立体マーカーと、ロゴ入り丸型ベースがセットになったクリップ式うさぎ立体マーカー。マーカーをグリーンに置くと、まるで草原で佇んでいるみたいでなんともキュート♪ ギフトやコンペの景品にもおすすめです。


ジャックバニー JB 立体Bunnyトップマーカー

★ デサントゴルフ 20春夏新作 ★


裾のデザインがパッと目を惹く、大人かわいいスカート! 存在感のある大ぶりのフリルは動くたびに揺れて、可憐に女性らしさを演出します◎ 満開の花びらのようなシルエットも印象的です。いつものコーデに華やかさと軽やかさをプラス。


デサントゴルフ DE 切替裾フレア♪パイピングウェスト一体ペチスカート

★ クアルトユナイテッド 19秋冬新作 ★


カモフラと星柄を合わせたミリタリーテイストなレッグウォーマー。ジャガード柄で主張し過ぎず高級感のある仕上がりに♪ 履き口のファーが見た目にも暖かく、華やかさもプラスします。サイドのワンポイント刺繍も印象的。

4,060円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

クアルトユナイテッド CU カモフラ×STAR★裏フリースレッグウォーマー

★ ジャックバニー 20春夏新作 ★




ジャックバニー JB 抱っこBunny♪ボールホルダー

★ デサントゴルフ 20春夏新作 ★


スタイリッシュなルックスに、動きやすさと快適性を追求した機能を多数搭載した長袖ポロ♪ すっきりとシンプルデザインにまとめつつ、大胆な異素材MIXとバイカラーが大人のイメージ。袖のアシンメトリーなロゴも好アクセント!


デサントゴルフ DE 異素材バイカラー◆ラボパターン長袖ポロ

★ パーリーゲイツ 19秋冬新作 ★


サイドにブランドロゴのみを配したシンプルデザインがCOOL! モノトーンもスタイリッシュなレッグウォーマーです。使い勝手の良さ&着回し力はバッチリ◎


パーリーゲイツ PG PEARLYGATESラインPrint◆ふっくら裏フリースレッグウォーマー

★ ジャックバニー  ★


合わせるアイテムを選ばない、着回しの良さがGOOD! 定番デザインのフルレングスパンツです。キレイ見えするすっきりとした美シルエットが魅力的。

6,160円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

ジャックバニー JB Basic◆裏微起毛ロングパンツ

★ キャロウェイ ★


上品なアーガイル柄を身頃にデザインしたニット。袖には控え目にブランドのロゴをあしらいワンポイントに。また袖はシンプルな無地なので、メリハリのあるデザインに仕上がっています◎ 後ろ姿はあえてシンプルに見せるのも大人っぽさUPのポイント! クルーネックなので重ね着もしやすく合わせのパターンも増えます♪


キャロウェイ CA BIGアーガイルパネル◆長袖ニット

★ アドミラルゴルフ 20春夏新作 ★




アドミラルゴルフ AM バイアスBorder◆UV速乾半袖カットソー


【注目】 バレンタインデーGIFT、準備するならイマ!

★ ニューエラ 20春夏新作 ★


NEW ERA 100周年にふさわしいプレミアム感のあるキャップ♪ 正面の立体刺繍がクール! グリーンだけではなくタウンユースにも使えるハイセンスなデザインです。ブラックがメインカラーなので、ファッションとのコーディネートもしやすいですよ。ハイクラスな上質感を楽しめる仕上がりのキャップです。


ニューエラ NE 100thロゴ刺しゅう★平つばキャップ




大人可愛いゴルフウェアがいっぱい!「CURUCURU select」
posted by スナフキン at 15:00 | TrackBack(0) | スポーツ



【特集】 今が買い!即戦力コーデをご紹介

★ デサントゴルフ  ★


ふわふわと気持ちの良いダウンのワンピース。内側の両サイドは微起毛になっており、あたたかくて快適☆ 両脇部分はニットボンディング素材を使用しているので、動作性を高めています。右肩のブランドマークがワンポイント。これからの寒い季節に大活躍するアイテムです♪

27,300円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

デサントゴルフ DE 配色異素材ノースリーブダウンZIPワンピ

★ ジャックバニー ★


鮮やかな色合いの、カモ&レオパードプリントのフルジップパーカー。個性を引き立てるプリント柄です! ゴルフに限らずアウトドアシーンにも◎

14,700円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

ジャックバニー JB カモフラ×レオパード裏メッシュZIPパーカー

★ セントアンドリュース ★

可愛いだけじゃない♪ 防寒対策もバッチリ!


12,600円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

セントアンドリュース SA ふっくら軽い♪ドビー千鳥中綿スカート

★ フィラゴルフ 19秋冬新作 ★


北欧を連想させるキュートな柄! リバーシブルなので2wayで着回しできますよ! 表側はオルテガプリント柄、裏側はシンプルな無地となっています。無地の方は「f」の刺繍ステッチがワンポイントです☆ あたたかいので冷えやすい腰回りも安心。スカートがお好きな方にはぜひラインナップに追加してください♪

6,860円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

フィラゴルフ FG ノルディック柄×Simpleリバーシ◆フルZIP中綿スカート


【おすすめ】 周りと”差”のつく冬アイテムPICK UP♪

★ マーク&ロナ ★



46,200円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

マーク&ロナ ML Back超BIGロゴ★コーデュロイ風ニット中綿ブルゾン

★ コルマー ★


繊細なプリーツが美しく上品な印象のスカートは、トラッドなタータンチェックが印象的。ウエスト部分は無地のストレッチ素材で切り替えスポーティ感をプラスします☆ ブラックのレギンス付きだから、立ち座りの多いゴルフシーンでも安心してプレーが楽しめます♪

31,500円(税抜)【 SALE 対象品 】

セレクトウェア CL 切替チェック柄アコーディオンプリーツ★レギ付スカート

★ クアルトユナイテッド 19秋冬新作 ★




クアルトユナイテッド CU BackBIGプリント★裏もこボアロングパーカー


【注目】 バレンタインデーGIFT、準備するならイマ!

★ ニューエラ 20春夏新作 ★


NEW ERA 100周年にふさわしいプレミアム感のあるキャップ♪ 正面の立体刺繍がクール! グリーンだけではなくタウンユースにも使えるハイセンスなデザインです。ブラックがメインカラーなので、ファッションとのコーディネートもしやすいですよ。ハイクラスな上質感を楽しめる仕上がりのキャップです。


ニューエラ NE 100thロゴ刺しゅう★平つばキャップ




大人可愛いゴルフウェアがいっぱい!「CURUCURU select」
posted by スナフキン at 19:00 | TrackBack(0) | スポーツ

新作!Titleist VOKEY DESIGN SM8ウェッジ!

人気のRAW(ノーメッキ)もあります!Titleist Vokey Design SM8 ウェッジ登場

定価:$189.00 (¥20,034)
特価:$159.00 (¥16,854)
16% OFF!

Titleist Vokey SM8 Jet Black Wedge


$599.99 / ¥62,999

Callaway MAVRIK Custom Driver with Paintfill (カスタムドライバー)

キャロウェイ MAVRIK カスタムウッド
2020年モデル キャロウェイ MAVRIK ドライバーやフェアウェイウッドにお好みのシャフトやグリップを装着して独自のクラブを作ろう!!

$299.99 / ¥31,499

Callaway MAVRIK Custom Woods (カスタムウッド)

2020年 最新テーラーメイド SIM ドライバー


テーラーメイド Taylormade SIM & SIM MAX ドライバーは、 飛距離を生み出す次世代のカタチ。テーラーメイドの次なる革新は「イナーシャ ジェネレーター」。誰も為し得なかった、深低重心設計と空力設計の融合によりテーラーメイド史上かつてない、ボールスピードと飛距離を実現した。


定価:$425.00 (¥45,050)

テーラーメイド 2020年 NEWモデル SIM ドライバー

テーラーメイド SIM カスタムウッド
テーラーメイド 2020モデルの SIM ドライバーやフェアウェイウッド、ハイブリッドにお好みのシャフトやグリップを装着して独自のクラブを作ろう!!

$249.99 / ¥26,249〜から

TaylorMade SIM Custom Woods (カスタムウッド)

テーラーメイド SIM MAX-D ドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with an oversized face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing our largest face in the SIM family for even more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for low, draw-biased CG, oversized face and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

Draw Technology in 3-Stages
Designed to provide up to 20 yards of draw bias through (1) the manipulation of divergent face/topline masking, (2) CG movement towards the heel and (3) slightly reduced face progression or onset

$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max-D Driver

The Power of a Fairway Wood Now Lives In a Hybrid
The Super Hybrid is built to deliver fairway-wood like distance from a high-strength Titanium Face Insert and an all-titanium body.

Incredible Ball Speed and Optimized Ball Flight From Titanium Construction
The high-strength Titanium Face Insert creates fast ball speeds across the face while promoting optimized spin and ball flight designed to maximize distance. And the two internal Jailbreak Bars stiffen the stronger all-titanium body, placing more impact load on the Face Insert for amazingly fast ball speed. Together, these technologies are engineered for a hybrid that delivers the performance of a fairway wood.

Consistent Launch From An All-Titanium Body With Low CG
The all-titanium body allows us to strengthen construction while redistributing weight for a precisely placed Center of Gravity with consistent, penetrating launch.

Enhanced Launch and Trajectory Control From Metal Injection Molded Tungsten Weighting
We have precisely placed a substantially higher volume of our Metal Injection Molded (MIM’ed) tungsten weight to optimize CG for launch and control.

Controlled Launch And Forgiveness From A T2C Triaxial Carbon Crown
New, lighter triaxial carbon fabric has a tighter weave; the weight it saves versus a steel crown is redistributed within the head to lower the CG for a controlled launch, and to raise MOI for consistent distance on off-center hits.

Optimized Adjustability and Control
New, lighter OptiFit 3 Hosel makes it even easier to dial in your launch and optimal ball flight.

定価:$400.00 (¥42,400)
特価:$319.99 (¥33,919)
20% OFF!

Callaway Super Hybrid


Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Face
Uses corrective face angles designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots

Sliding Weight Technology and Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory, face angle and flight bias preferences, up to +/-2° loft change and up to +/-20 yards of draw-fade bia

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for ultra-low CG and high MOI

$549.99 (¥58,299)

TaylorMade SIM Driver

テーラーメイド SIM Maxドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with slightly larger face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing a larger face for more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for ultra-low CG and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

定価:$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max Driver

テーラーメイド SIM MAX-D ドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with an oversized face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing our largest face in the SIM family for even more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for low, draw-biased CG, oversized face and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

Draw Technology in 3-Stages
Designed to provide up to 20 yards of draw bias through (1) the manipulation of divergent face/topline masking, (2) CG movement towards the heel and (3) slightly reduced face progression or onset

$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max-D Driver

A traditional shape with front to back CG adjustability is perfect for those who desire to work the ball with ease and fine tune launch and spin without sacrificing forgiveness.

The face is the engine of the driver and the foundation for speed. An infinity edge face design expands the milled area by 95%, enlarging the area of the face that is at the legal limit.

360 CARBON WRAP CROWN(カーボン面積を広くした強度設計で重量配分をペリメーターへ。。)
A 360 carbon wrap crown covers 50% of the club body, adding stiffness to the chassis while saving 25 grams of discretionary weight that we moved low and back and to the perimeter.

T-BAR CHASSIS (T-バーシャッシで抗力強化 安定したスピードの打球)
A newly designed T-Bar Speed Chassis is lighter andstronger to withstand high speed collisions and deliver excellent stability and feel.

LOW CG (低重心でエネルギートランスファーをより効果的に!!)
69 grams of mass is positioned as low as possible to create the most efficient transfer of energy to the ball for high launch with low spin.

AERODYNAMIC SPEEDBACK SHAPE (高速力学的の気流動考査でヘッドを加速。。)
A streamlined shape with milled perimeter leading edges harnesses airflow with ultimate precision to deliver maximum acceleration power.

COBRA CONNECT(アクロス技術使用で各ショットの飛距離を記録。。)
Track your accuracy and distance using the Arccos Caddie app on your Smart Device.

定価:$540.00 (¥57,240)
特価:$449.00 (¥47,594)
17% OFF!

Cobra SPEEDZONE Tour Length Gloss Black/Yellow Driver

The Power of a Fairway Wood Now Lives In a Hybrid
The Super Hybrid is built to deliver fairway-wood like distance from a high-strength Titanium Face Insert and an all-titanium body.

Incredible Ball Speed and Optimized Ball Flight From Titanium Construction
The high-strength Titanium Face Insert creates fast ball speeds across the face while promoting optimized spin and ball flight designed to maximize distance. And the two internal Jailbreak Bars stiffen the stronger all-titanium body, placing more impact load on the Face Insert for amazingly fast ball speed. Together, these technologies are engineered for a hybrid that delivers the performance of a fairway wood.

Consistent Launch From An All-Titanium Body With Low CG
The all-titanium body allows us to strengthen construction while redistributing weight for a precisely placed Center of Gravity with consistent, penetrating launch.

Enhanced Launch and Trajectory Control From Metal Injection Molded Tungsten Weighting
We have precisely placed a substantially higher volume of our Metal Injection Molded (MIM’ed) tungsten weight to optimize CG for launch and control.

Controlled Launch And Forgiveness From A T2C Triaxial Carbon Crown
New, lighter triaxial carbon fabric has a tighter weave; the weight it saves versus a steel crown is redistributed within the head to lower the CG for a controlled launch, and to raise MOI for consistent distance on off-center hits.

Optimized Adjustability and Control
New, lighter OptiFit 3 Hosel makes it even easier to dial in your launch and optimal ball flight.

定価:$400.00 (¥42,400)
特価:$319.99 (¥33,919)
20% OFF!

Callaway Super Hybrid


posted by スナフキン at 15:00 | TrackBack(0) | スポーツ




5-way top
New back puck simplifies conversion to single strap
Magnetic quick-access pocket, one of 9 pockets
2 zippered, expandable water-bottle pockets
Large apparel pocket with full-length zipper for easier access
Removable velour-lined valuables pouch inside apparel pocket
Integrated top handles for maneuverability
Added storage areas inside apparel pocket
High-durability polyester and polyurethane
Not intended for resale

$510.00 (¥54,060)

PING The PHX Collection Hoofer Tour Stand Bag

$44.99 (¥4,769)

TaylorMade TP5 Pix Golf Ball


$599.99 / ¥62,999

Callaway MAVRIK Custom Driver with Paintfill (カスタムドライバー)

キャロウェイ MAVRIK カスタムウッド
2020年モデル キャロウェイ MAVRIK ドライバーやフェアウェイウッドにお好みのシャフトやグリップを装着して独自のクラブを作ろう!!

$299.99 / ¥31,499

Callaway MAVRIK Custom Woods (カスタムウッド)

2020年 最新テーラーメイド SIM ドライバー


テーラーメイド Taylormade SIM & SIM MAX ドライバーは、 飛距離を生み出す次世代のカタチ。テーラーメイドの次なる革新は「イナーシャ ジェネレーター」。誰も為し得なかった、深低重心設計と空力設計の融合によりテーラーメイド史上かつてない、ボールスピードと飛距離を実現した。


定価:$425.00 (¥45,050)

テーラーメイド 2020年 NEWモデル SIM ドライバー

テーラーメイド SIM カスタムウッド
テーラーメイド 2020モデルの SIM ドライバーやフェアウェイウッド、ハイブリッドにお好みのシャフトやグリップを装着して独自のクラブを作ろう!!

$249.99 / ¥26,249〜から

TaylorMade SIM Custom Woods (カスタムウッド)

テーラーメイド SIM MAX-D ドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with an oversized face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing our largest face in the SIM family for even more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for low, draw-biased CG, oversized face and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

Draw Technology in 3-Stages
Designed to provide up to 20 yards of draw bias through (1) the manipulation of divergent face/topline masking, (2) CG movement towards the heel and (3) slightly reduced face progression or onset

$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max-D Driver

The Power of a Fairway Wood Now Lives In a Hybrid
The Super Hybrid is built to deliver fairway-wood like distance from a high-strength Titanium Face Insert and an all-titanium body.

Incredible Ball Speed and Optimized Ball Flight From Titanium Construction
The high-strength Titanium Face Insert creates fast ball speeds across the face while promoting optimized spin and ball flight designed to maximize distance. And the two internal Jailbreak Bars stiffen the stronger all-titanium body, placing more impact load on the Face Insert for amazingly fast ball speed. Together, these technologies are engineered for a hybrid that delivers the performance of a fairway wood.

Consistent Launch From An All-Titanium Body With Low CG
The all-titanium body allows us to strengthen construction while redistributing weight for a precisely placed Center of Gravity with consistent, penetrating launch.

Enhanced Launch and Trajectory Control From Metal Injection Molded Tungsten Weighting
We have precisely placed a substantially higher volume of our Metal Injection Molded (MIM’ed) tungsten weight to optimize CG for launch and control.

Controlled Launch And Forgiveness From A T2C Triaxial Carbon Crown
New, lighter triaxial carbon fabric has a tighter weave; the weight it saves versus a steel crown is redistributed within the head to lower the CG for a controlled launch, and to raise MOI for consistent distance on off-center hits.

Optimized Adjustability and Control
New, lighter OptiFit 3 Hosel makes it even easier to dial in your launch and optimal ball flight.

定価:$400.00 (¥42,400)
特価:$319.99 (¥33,919)
20% OFF!

Callaway Super Hybrid


Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Face
Uses corrective face angles designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots

Sliding Weight Technology and Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory, face angle and flight bias preferences, up to +/-2° loft change and up to +/-20 yards of draw-fade bia

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for ultra-low CG and high MOI

$549.99 (¥58,299)

TaylorMade SIM Driver

テーラーメイド SIM Maxドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with slightly larger face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing a larger face for more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for ultra-low CG and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

定価:$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max Driver

テーラーメイド SIM MAX-D ドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with an oversized face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing our largest face in the SIM family for even more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for low, draw-biased CG, oversized face and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

Draw Technology in 3-Stages
Designed to provide up to 20 yards of draw bias through (1) the manipulation of divergent face/topline masking, (2) CG movement towards the heel and (3) slightly reduced face progression or onset

$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max-D Driver

A traditional shape with front to back CG adjustability is perfect for those who desire to work the ball with ease and fine tune launch and spin without sacrificing forgiveness.

The face is the engine of the driver and the foundation for speed. An infinity edge face design expands the milled area by 95%, enlarging the area of the face that is at the legal limit.

360 CARBON WRAP CROWN(カーボン面積を広くした強度設計で重量配分をペリメーターへ。。)
A 360 carbon wrap crown covers 50% of the club body, adding stiffness to the chassis while saving 25 grams of discretionary weight that we moved low and back and to the perimeter.

T-BAR CHASSIS (T-バーシャッシで抗力強化 安定したスピードの打球)
A newly designed T-Bar Speed Chassis is lighter andstronger to withstand high speed collisions and deliver excellent stability and feel.

LOW CG (低重心でエネルギートランスファーをより効果的に!!)
69 grams of mass is positioned as low as possible to create the most efficient transfer of energy to the ball for high launch with low spin.

AERODYNAMIC SPEEDBACK SHAPE (高速力学的の気流動考査でヘッドを加速。。)
A streamlined shape with milled perimeter leading edges harnesses airflow with ultimate precision to deliver maximum acceleration power.

COBRA CONNECT(アクロス技術使用で各ショットの飛距離を記録。。)
Track your accuracy and distance using the Arccos Caddie app on your Smart Device.

定価:$540.00 (¥57,240)
特価:$449.00 (¥47,594)
17% OFF!

Cobra SPEEDZONE Tour Length Gloss Black/Yellow Driver

The Power of a Fairway Wood Now Lives In a Hybrid
The Super Hybrid is built to deliver fairway-wood like distance from a high-strength Titanium Face Insert and an all-titanium body.

Incredible Ball Speed and Optimized Ball Flight From Titanium Construction
The high-strength Titanium Face Insert creates fast ball speeds across the face while promoting optimized spin and ball flight designed to maximize distance. And the two internal Jailbreak Bars stiffen the stronger all-titanium body, placing more impact load on the Face Insert for amazingly fast ball speed. Together, these technologies are engineered for a hybrid that delivers the performance of a fairway wood.

Consistent Launch From An All-Titanium Body With Low CG
The all-titanium body allows us to strengthen construction while redistributing weight for a precisely placed Center of Gravity with consistent, penetrating launch.

Enhanced Launch and Trajectory Control From Metal Injection Molded Tungsten Weighting
We have precisely placed a substantially higher volume of our Metal Injection Molded (MIM’ed) tungsten weight to optimize CG for launch and control.

Controlled Launch And Forgiveness From A T2C Triaxial Carbon Crown
New, lighter triaxial carbon fabric has a tighter weave; the weight it saves versus a steel crown is redistributed within the head to lower the CG for a controlled launch, and to raise MOI for consistent distance on off-center hits.

Optimized Adjustability and Control
New, lighter OptiFit 3 Hosel makes it even easier to dial in your launch and optimal ball flight.

定価:$400.00 (¥42,400)
特価:$319.99 (¥33,919)
20% OFF!

Callaway Super Hybrid


posted by スナフキン at 21:00 | TrackBack(0) | スポーツ

開始!特注2020 スコッティキャメロン Special Select シリーズ カスタムパター

開始!特注!2020 スコッティキャメロン Special Select シリーズ カスタムパター!!

$690.00 / ¥73,140〜から

Scotty Cameron 2020 Special Select Custom Putters

$44.99 (¥4,769)

TaylorMade TP5 Pix Golf Ball


$599.99 / ¥62,999

Callaway MAVRIK Custom Driver with Paintfill (カスタムドライバー)

キャロウェイ MAVRIK カスタムウッド
2020年モデル キャロウェイ MAVRIK ドライバーやフェアウェイウッドにお好みのシャフトやグリップを装着して独自のクラブを作ろう!!

$299.99 / ¥31,499

Callaway MAVRIK Custom Woods (カスタムウッド)

2020年 最新テーラーメイド SIM ドライバー


テーラーメイド Taylormade SIM & SIM MAX ドライバーは、 飛距離を生み出す次世代のカタチ。テーラーメイドの次なる革新は「イナーシャ ジェネレーター」。誰も為し得なかった、深低重心設計と空力設計の融合によりテーラーメイド史上かつてない、ボールスピードと飛距離を実現した。


定価:$425.00 (¥45,050)

テーラーメイド 2020年 NEWモデル SIM ドライバー

テーラーメイド SIM カスタムウッド
テーラーメイド 2020モデルの SIM ドライバーやフェアウェイウッド、ハイブリッドにお好みのシャフトやグリップを装着して独自のクラブを作ろう!!

$249.99 / ¥26,249〜から

TaylorMade SIM Custom Woods (カスタムウッド)

テーラーメイド SIM MAX-D ドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with an oversized face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing our largest face in the SIM family for even more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for low, draw-biased CG, oversized face and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

Draw Technology in 3-Stages
Designed to provide up to 20 yards of draw bias through (1) the manipulation of divergent face/topline masking, (2) CG movement towards the heel and (3) slightly reduced face progression or onset

$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max-D Driver

The Power of a Fairway Wood Now Lives In a Hybrid
The Super Hybrid is built to deliver fairway-wood like distance from a high-strength Titanium Face Insert and an all-titanium body.

Incredible Ball Speed and Optimized Ball Flight From Titanium Construction
The high-strength Titanium Face Insert creates fast ball speeds across the face while promoting optimized spin and ball flight designed to maximize distance. And the two internal Jailbreak Bars stiffen the stronger all-titanium body, placing more impact load on the Face Insert for amazingly fast ball speed. Together, these technologies are engineered for a hybrid that delivers the performance of a fairway wood.

Consistent Launch From An All-Titanium Body With Low CG
The all-titanium body allows us to strengthen construction while redistributing weight for a precisely placed Center of Gravity with consistent, penetrating launch.

Enhanced Launch and Trajectory Control From Metal Injection Molded Tungsten Weighting
We have precisely placed a substantially higher volume of our Metal Injection Molded (MIM’ed) tungsten weight to optimize CG for launch and control.

Controlled Launch And Forgiveness From A T2C Triaxial Carbon Crown
New, lighter triaxial carbon fabric has a tighter weave; the weight it saves versus a steel crown is redistributed within the head to lower the CG for a controlled launch, and to raise MOI for consistent distance on off-center hits.

Optimized Adjustability and Control
New, lighter OptiFit 3 Hosel makes it even easier to dial in your launch and optimal ball flight.

定価:$400.00 (¥42,400)
特価:$319.99 (¥33,919)
20% OFF!

Callaway Super Hybrid


Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Face
Uses corrective face angles designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots

Sliding Weight Technology and Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory, face angle and flight bias preferences, up to +/-2° loft change and up to +/-20 yards of draw-fade bia

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for ultra-low CG and high MOI

$549.99 (¥58,299)

TaylorMade SIM Driver

テーラーメイド SIM Maxドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with slightly larger face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing a larger face for more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for ultra-low CG and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

定価:$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max Driver

テーラーメイド SIM MAX-D ドライバー

Revolutionary New Shape with Aerodynamic Asymmetric Sole and Inertia Generator
Designed to provide faster clubhead speed for more ball speed and distance while the rear weight creates high MOI for improved forgiveness

Speed Injectedtechnology for intelligently optimized C.O.R. where golfers typically hit it
Improves ball speed across the face by calibrating each head to the threshold of the legal speed limit

Twist Facetechnology with an oversized face area
Uses corrective face angle face designed to overcome inherent golfer tendencies on mis-hits and to produce straighter shots while providing our largest face in the SIM family for even more confidence

Multi-Material Construction with Carbon, Titanium and Steel
Creates a head design where weight is positioned precisely in the head for low, draw-biased CG, oversized face and high MOI

2-degree Loft Sleeve
Provides adjustability and personalization to optimize the club for each golfer’s trajectory and face angle preferences

Draw Technology in 3-Stages
Designed to provide up to 20 yards of draw bias through (1) the manipulation of divergent face/topline masking, (2) CG movement towards the heel and (3) slightly reduced face progression or onset

$499.99 (¥52,999)

TaylorMade SIM Max-D Driver

A traditional shape with front to back CG adjustability is perfect for those who desire to work the ball with ease and fine tune launch and spin without sacrificing forgiveness.

The face is the engine of the driver and the foundation for speed. An infinity edge face design expands the milled area by 95%, enlarging the area of the face that is at the legal limit.

360 CARBON WRAP CROWN(カーボン面積を広くした強度設計で重量配分をペリメーターへ。。)
A 360 carbon wrap crown covers 50% of the club body, adding stiffness to the chassis while saving 25 grams of discretionary weight that we moved low and back and to the perimeter.

T-BAR CHASSIS (T-バーシャッシで抗力強化 安定したスピードの打球)
A newly designed T-Bar Speed Chassis is lighter andstronger to withstand high speed collisions and deliver excellent stability and feel.

LOW CG (低重心でエネルギートランスファーをより効果的に!!)
69 grams of mass is positioned as low as possible to create the most efficient transfer of energy to the ball for high launch with low spin.

AERODYNAMIC SPEEDBACK SHAPE (高速力学的の気流動考査でヘッドを加速。。)
A streamlined shape with milled perimeter leading edges harnesses airflow with ultimate precision to deliver maximum acceleration power.

COBRA CONNECT(アクロス技術使用で各ショットの飛距離を記録。。)
Track your accuracy and distance using the Arccos Caddie app on your Smart Device.

定価:$540.00 (¥57,240)
特価:$449.00 (¥47,594)
17% OFF!

Cobra SPEEDZONE Tour Length Gloss Black/Yellow Driver

The Power of a Fairway Wood Now Lives In a Hybrid
The Super Hybrid is built to deliver fairway-wood like distance from a high-strength Titanium Face Insert and an all-titanium body.

Incredible Ball Speed and Optimized Ball Flight From Titanium Construction
The high-strength Titanium Face Insert creates fast ball speeds across the face while promoting optimized spin and ball flight designed to maximize distance. And the two internal Jailbreak Bars stiffen the stronger all-titanium body, placing more impact load on the Face Insert for amazingly fast ball speed. Together, these technologies are engineered for a hybrid that delivers the performance of a fairway wood.

Consistent Launch From An All-Titanium Body With Low CG
The all-titanium body allows us to strengthen construction while redistributing weight for a precisely placed Center of Gravity with consistent, penetrating launch.

Enhanced Launch and Trajectory Control From Metal Injection Molded Tungsten Weighting
We have precisely placed a substantially higher volume of our Metal Injection Molded (MIM’ed) tungsten weight to optimize CG for launch and control.

Controlled Launch And Forgiveness From A T2C Triaxial Carbon Crown
New, lighter triaxial carbon fabric has a tighter weave; the weight it saves versus a steel crown is redistributed within the head to lower the CG for a controlled launch, and to raise MOI for consistent distance on off-center hits.

Optimized Adjustability and Control
New, lighter OptiFit 3 Hosel makes it even easier to dial in your launch and optimal ball flight.

定価:$400.00 (¥42,400)
特価:$319.99 (¥33,919)
20% OFF!

Callaway Super Hybrid


posted by スナフキン at 15:00 | TrackBack(0) | スポーツ
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