Family Communication

News You Choose

Be sure to sign up for News You Choose to get important updates from the school and PTA emailed to you. Sign up for Columbia's weekly Friday News You Choose by selecting Elementary Schools, Columbia Elementary, News & Announcements. Need support? Contact Mrs. Dumont .

Talking Points

Talking Points is a communication method used at Columbia. School and teacher messages will come directly to the phone number that is registered in our system as a SMS text or through the Talking Points Parent App. You can reply by text or through the app. Your child's teacher will initiate a message through Talking Points. Learn more about Talking Points in FCPS.

Take Home Tuesday Folders

These folders are used to share student progress and samples of student work as well as PTA and school wide information (preferred method is via e-mail).


Teachers and families are encouraged to communicate via e- mail.

Emergency Contact Information

Your emergency contact information is a key piece of paper in our office.  The information is vital to us and to you.  Phone numbers, addresses, and those adults you permit to take your child from school should be kept current.  Call the office ( 703-916-2500 "> 703-916-2500 ) and we’ll update it.