Leaving School and Dismissal

Always have a plan for how your child will go home and make sure your child knows the plan.

Student Dismissal Times:

  • 3:25 Kindergarten  (Door 2)
  • 3:28 SACC 
  • 3:30 First, Second and Third Grade Walkers
  • 3:33 Sixth, Fifth and Fourth Grade Walkers
  • 3:35 Bus Riders

Doors for Dismissal:

  • Daventry Walkers & Kindergarten - Door 2  
  • Greeley Walkers in grades K-2 - Door 2
  • Greeley Walkers in grades 3-6 - Front Door
  • Back Entrance Walkers - Door 5
  • Preschool/Autism - Front Door

Getting Home

No transportation changes may be made after 3:00 pm!

Whether a student is a walker or a bus rider, they are expected to follow the rules of safety, respect & responsibility.


Just as in the morning, walkers are expected to follow patrol & crossing guard directions. Stay on sidewalks and out of yards and the street. Be respectful community members. 

Students in grades three through six are eligible to ride bikes to and from school by themselves. If a parent gives permission for their child to ride a bike to and from West Springfield and is not yet in third grade, the parent must accompany their child. Permission forms must be submitted to the school.  Contact the Main Office for permission forms.

Car Riders:

Unfortunately, there is no Kiss & Ride at West Springfield. The front of the school is reserved for bus traffic and emergency vehicles only from 3:20-3:45 pm. For safety reasons, cars may not enter the parking lot during that time. Parking is available along Greeley Boulevard and Deland Drive. 

When picking up children or parking along Greeley Boulevard please do not park within 10 feet of a residential driveway, within 30 feet of a stop sign or within 20 feet of the intersection or crosswalk* (*All are Fairfax County parking restrictions). Drivers should respect "no parking" and "handicap parking" areas. Emergency vehicles must always have access to the school. REMEMBER: It is unlawful to pass a school bus, even in the parking lot or driveway, if its lights are blinking, or if it is loading or unlading children.

Bus Riders:

Only students who have permission to ride the bus may do so. Bus privileges may be removed for inappropriate behavior. 

Additional Information-

Early dismissal days:

  • Several days have been designated for two-early dismissal (beginning at 1:25 pm).
  • These dates are: Oct 28, Jan 25, Mar 2, Apr 13 and Jun 16.
  • The same routines and procedures are followed for early release days. 

Releasing students during the school day:

Sometimes students may need to leave early for a medical appointment. Parents should send in a note or email the teacher with the time and reason for early release. When you arrive to pick up your child, come to the office to sign your child out. Parents will be asked to show a government issued ID confirming their identity before releasing their child to them for a early dismissal. At that time, your child will be called from their classroom. We will not release a student to anyone not listed on their Emergency Care Form.