FCPS Portrait of a Graduate at WSES

Support your student in becoming a Portrait of a Graduate!

Developing Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) attributes is a high priority for FCPS. While still focusing on academics, the Portrait of a Graduate also allows FCPS to move beyond the high-stakes testing environment and develop the skills in our students that employers are seeking for their workforce.

A goal of FCPS is to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate learning in more authentic ways. Teachers in FCPS are enhancing learning opportunities to include the attributes of Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical and Global Citizen, Creative and Critical Thinker, and Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual.

West Springfield staff plans to focus on developing student’s Portrait of Graduate (PoG) skills. Teachers will be creating learning opportunities that allow students to apply the attributes of a Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical and Global Citizen, Creative and Critical Thinker, and Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual. Developing Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) attributes is a high priority for FCPS and West Springfield ES as these skills are necessary for all children to succeed in our rapidly changing, increasingly diverse, and interconnected world.

Below are testimonials from several WSES staff on how they teach and implement PoG skills daily in the classroom.

Portrait of a Graduate skills are integrated into the classroom throughout the day. I introduce one skill at a time. We may focus on one skill for a few weeks or for months. The skill(s) are integrated throughout our day in many different areas. We reflect on our skills often. As a classroom community, it is easy to support each other by recognizing how and when others use the Portrait of a Graduate skills.  As I tie in the POG skills, students really look into their future. They are able to see how the things that they are learning today, will empower them become successful in the world.

-Katrina Glista, 3rd grade teacher

POG skills are embedded in all academic areas.  Students are working to notice, and name when POG attributes are being used throughout the day.  POG attributes are essential skills students should work on developing to ensure a smooth transitions into their desired future careers.  Students have opportunities to strengthen and reflect on POG skills within academic areas.

-Brooke Greilsheimer, 1st grade teacher

Portrait of a Graduate Family Resources