Job Descriptions

Alphabetical listing of all job descriptions

Fairfax County Public School has developed job descriptions for each position in the school division. Listed with each are the associated five-digit job code and grade on the appropriate pay scale. Currently, FCPS maintains four pay scales—Teacher, School-Based Administrator (SBA), Unified (US), and Classroom Instructional Support (CIS). Please visit the  FCPS Salary Scale web page .

These do not represent actual vacancies within Fairfax County Public Schools. For information about current job opportunities, visit our  Career Opportunities page.

Employees, Applicants, and Retirees

Submit questions or concerns, as well as upload forms and other documents through the FCPS StaffConnect portal. Human Resources representatives are also available for assistance Monday – Friday (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) by calling 571-423-3000 or 1-800-831-4331.