Financial Gifts - Educate Fairfax

Educate Fairfax

What: Educate Fairfax is the 501(c)3 philanthropic arm of the school system and accepts monetary gifts from the community on behalf of FCPS. The financial donations webpage share how you can donate to the program or school of your choice. One hundred percent of your contribution will go to your designation. 

Why:Impact! Educate Fairfax connects the strategic initiatives of FCPS to the community. Educate Fairfax is committed to raising funds for programs that support students and teachers in the following areas of focus:

  • Workforce development.
  • Classroom innovation.
  • Student success.

A donation can support other initiatives as well, and we're eager to start those discussions.

Who:We encourage anyone and everyone to learn more about programs and ways to support FCPS -- businesses and community groups, individuals, and alumni.

When:Make your donation now or anytime. The Educate Fairfax  online donations webpage is always live, as is our donations portal for goods .

For donations to be considered as Ignite Partners, the FCPS Business and Community Partnerships and Educate Fairfax need to know of your generosity. 

Educate Fairfax

Lynette Henry

Business and Community Partnerships

Jay Garant

Ignite Partnerships

Eight Platforms to Partner with FCPS