e-hallpass Information

Why e-hallpass?

Our top priority at Westfield High School is the safety of all of our students, including being aware of where students are throughout the school day and especially in the case of emergencies. One way we will begin to make sure we are continuing to ensure safety is through the use of e-hallpass. Westfield is one of many FCPS schools who have implemented e-hallpass in the last several years.

How does e-hallpass work?

Students are able to access e-hallpass through their school-issued device using any web browser. Students may request a pass to leave the classroom to use the restroom or request an appointment with a staff member (counselor, administrator, clinic team, etc.).  Staff will then approve the passes.  Students will have four hall passes per day for their personal use but can request additional passes from their teachers in the need arises. If a student on a round-trip pass (leaving and returning to the same location) they will take the provided classroom hall pass and leave their device in the classroom.  For a one-way pass (leaving one location ending in a different location) they will take their belongings, but do not need to have their device out, security and other staff in the hallway will be able to look up and verify student passes. If a student does not have a device, teachers can create passes on their behalf.  

Privacy and e-hallpass

e-hallpass uses student first and last names, grade and FCPS Google email addresses (due to login with Google).  Their Privacy and Security Policy can be found at:  https://www.eduspiresolutions.org/privacy-policy/ . Data on student hall pass usage is stored on a short-term basis and e-hallpass  have committed to never implementing targeted advertising tracking platforms as signatories of the  Student Privacy Pledge 2020 . e-hallpass has also signed a Data Protection Agreement (DPA) to cover the school’s FERPA responsibility as the data stored about students on this website meets the FERPA definition for Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

For more information, please see the video below.