Student Withdrawal

Leaving Westfield HS? Follow Our Withdrawal Procedures

WHS Student Withdrawal Procedures 

Enrolling Parent

  • Contact the school registrar, M elanie Coleman , to initiate your student’s withdrawal as soon as possible.
  • Withdrawals must be submitted in writing.


  • Take the student withdrawal form to all your classes, obtain withdrawal grades and return school property (laptop, books, etc.).
  • Return completed withdrawal form to Registrar before leaving campus on your last day.


Procedures if the Student Has Already Moved

  • Withdrawal grades will be requested from your student’s teachers by our registrar and forwarded to the new school, upon completion.
  • Please make arrangements for the return of our school materials (laptop/charger, textbooks, library books, activities equipment).

Student Records

  • A records request from the new school needs to be submitted to Westfield HS.