Westfield Cares

Westfield Cares 2018is a full-day program that will be offered to sophomores on Monday, November 19, 2018 . The themes that will be covered include substance abuse and mental health . Participants will be engaged in authentic and interactive activities to help navigate available resources and support for themselves or for someone they know who may be struggling with substance abuse and/or mental health-related issues. This program will be launched at Westfield High School and then participants will walk from campus to the Westfields Marriott with selected faculty, security personnel and the school resource officer .  Appropriate dress will be business casual with proper footwear for walking (high heels are not recommended), as buses will not be provided; please bring an umbrella in case of rain.

In order to participate in Westfield Cares 2018, students must be one of the first 300 sophomores to turn in their field trip permission form. Forms must be turned into the box labeled Westfield Careson the counter in the library no later than Thursday, November 1, 2018. Those not participating in Westfield Careswill be in class and will have a normal academic day, so hurry and be prompt with your signed permission form!

Westfield Cares 2018includes a film that contains strong language, intense content, and graphic images. Should this be of concern, we encourage you to view the footage of this film prior to signing the permission form. Chasing the Dragon can be previewed via YouTube at:


Westfield Cares Agenda November 19, 2018

8:15 to 8:45  Keynote address in the auditorium at Westfield High School

8:50 to 9:15 Students walk to the Westfields Marriott 

9:30 to 12:15 Students will participate in a film presentation, guest speakers, and interactive activities in small group settings

12:15 to 1:00 Catered Thanksgiving lunch is provided by the Westfields Marriott culinary team

1:00 to 2:20   Final presentation

2:20 to 2:50  Students walk back to Westfield High School

Important Forms

Family Letter

Permission Form

Opt-Out Form

Helpful FCPS Resources for Student Wellness