GKE non-production cluster requirements

This section describes the basic requirements for setting up a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster suitable for an Apigee hybrid non-production installation.

Creating the cluster

For information about creating GKE clusters, see Creating a cluster in the GKE documentation.

Non-production cluster requirements

Follow these requirements when creating your non-production cluster.

Software versions

Requirement Value
Kubernetes version Version 1.14.x or later You can find the supported Kubernetes cluster versions by issuing the following command:
gcloud container get-server-config
Supported versions are returned under the validMasterVersions: heading.
kubectl version Version 1.14.x or later. See Install and Set Up kubectl .

Cluster template configuration

Choose these template configuration options for your non-production GKE cluster:

Configuration Value
Cluster template Standard cluster
Location type Zonal
Availability zones 3
Storage Storage is provisioned dynamically using the StatefulSet dynamic provisioner.

Node requirements

A node pool is a group of nodes within a cluster that all have the same configuration. By default, you must configure two node pools in your cluster -- one for the stateful Cassandra pods and one for the rest of the pods, which are stateless. Configure these two node pools as described below:

Stateful node pool configuration

Configure a stateful node pool as follows:

Configuration Value
Name apigee-data
Minimum number of nodes 3
Machine type N1-standard-4 (Standard machine type with 4 vCPUs, 15 GB of memory)
Storage Storage will be provisioned dynamically using StatefulSet dynamic provisioner

Stateless node pool configuration

Configure a stateless node pool as follows:

Configuration Value
Name apigee-runtime
Minimum number of nodes 3 (If you run into resource constraints, choose 2)
Machine type N1-standard-4 (Standard machine type with 4 vCPUs, 15 GB of memory)
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