Monitor BigQuery reservations

As a BigQuery administrator, you can monitor reservations in your project by viewing the project and reservation slot usage and also view your capacity-based bill.

View project and reservation slot usage

You can view the project and reservation slot usage in the following ways:

  • INFORMATION_SCHEMA views.To retrieve project and reservation usage information, query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS* views .

    The reservation_id field in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS* views contains the reservation name.

  • Google Cloud console.The Google Cloud console includes charts that display slot usage. For more information, see Use administrative resource charts .

  • Audit logs.Use audit logs to view metrics about slot usage.

  • The Jobs method.Use the Jobs API method to view metrics about slot usage for a job.

  • Cloud Monitoring.You can find the allocated slots in Cloud Monitoring. This metric information includes slot usage for each reservation and for each job type. The information can also be visualized by using the custom charts metric explorer.

    Reservations monitoring.

View your capacity-based bill

To view your capacity-based bill in real time, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Billingpage.

    Go to Billing .

  2. Select the billing account project for which you want to view the bill.

  3. Navigate to the Reportssection and then in the Filterssection, do the following:

    1. From the Serviceslist, select BigQueryand select all that's applicable.
    2. Select All SKUsfrom the SKUslist.

Reservation cost attribution

This feature lets you attribute reservation fees back to the specific query usage across any projects that used the reservation. This results in more accurate net costs for each project basis.

All BigQuery Reservations API customers have an "Analysis Slots Attribution"line item in their Cloud Billing data, indicating the share of the reserved slots consumed in each project. This includes both the Billingpage and the Cloud Billing export. The cost for this new item is zero. The changes don't affect your invoice totals.

Audit logs

Creating, deleting, and updating resources related to BigQuery reservations are recorded in the project owner's audit logs. For more information, see Audit log .

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