Cloning a Microsoft SQL Server database on Compute Engine

This tutorial shows two ways to clone a Microsoft SQL Server database running on Compute Engine. One method uses persistent disk snapshots . The other method uses native SQL Server backup and restore, transferring the backup using Cloud Storage . Cloud Storage is Google Cloud's object storage service. It offers a straightforward, security-enhanced, durable, and highly available way to store files.

Cloning is the process of copying an online database onto another server. The copy is independent of the existing database and is preserved as a point-in-time snapshot. You can use a cloned database for various purposes without putting a load on the production server or risking the integrity of production data. Some of these purposes include the following:

  • Performing analytical queries
  • Load testing or integration testing of your apps
  • Data extraction for populating data warehouses
  • Running experiments on the data

Each cloning method described in this tutorial has advantages and disadvantages. The ideal method for you depends on your situation. The following table highlights some key issues.

Issue Method 1: Disk snapshots Method 2: Backup and restore using Cloud Storage
Additional disk space required on SQL Server instances
No additional disk space required Additional space required for storing the backup file when creating and restoring
Additional load on source SQL Server instances during cloning
No additional load Additional load on CPU and I/O when creating and uploading backup files
Duration of cloning
Relatively fast for large databases Relatively slow for large databases
Can clone from SQL Server instances external to Google Cloud
No Yes
A complex sequence of commands for attaching cloned disks A relatively straightforward set of commands for cloning
Can leverage existing backup systems
Yes, if backup system uses Google Cloud disk snapshots Yes, if backup system writes native SQL Server backup files to Cloud Storage
Granularity of cloning
Can clone only entire disks Can clone only the specified database
Data consistency
Consistent at point of snapshot Consistent at point of backup

This tutorial assumes you're familiar with Microsoft Windows system administration, PowerShell, and Microsoft SQL Server administration using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio .


  • Learn how to run a SQL Server instance on Google Cloud.
  • Learn how to create a demo database on a secondary disk.
  • Learn how to clone a SQL Server database using Compute Engine disk snapshots .
  • Learn how to clone a SQL Server database by transferring a backup using Cloud Storage.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator . New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial .

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up .

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project .

  4. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  5. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project .

  6. Enable the Compute Engine API.
  7. Enable the API

Ensure that you're meeting these additional prerequisites:

  • You use the Google Chrome browser.
  • Install a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client of your choice. For more information, see Microsoft Remote Desktop clients . If you already have an RDP client installed, you can skip this task.

Setting up the environment

To complete this tutorial, you need to set up your computing environment with the following:

  • A SQL Server instance on Compute Engine (named sql-server-prod ) to represent your production database server.
  • An additional disk (named sql-server-prod-data ) that's attached to your production server for storing your production database.
  • A copy of the Wide World Importers SQL Server sample database to simulate the production database that you want to clone.
  • A SQL Server instance on Compute Engine named sql-server-test to represent your testing database server. You clone your database onto this server.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Diagram that shows the setup for cloning a SQL Server database in this tutorial.

Create the production VM instance

To simulate a production environment, you set up a Compute Engine VM instance running SQL Server on Windows Server.

The VM instance for this tutorial uses two disks: a 50 GB disk for the OS and user accounts, and a 100 GB disk for database storage.

In Compute Engine, using separate disks offers no performance benefits. Disk performance is determined by the total storage capacity of all disks attached to an instance and the total number of vCPUs on your VM instance. Therefore, the database and log file can reside on the same disk.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instancespage.

    Go to the VM instances page

  2. Click Create.

  3. In the Namefield, type sql-server-prod .

  4. For Region, select us-east1.

  5. For Zone, select us-east1-b.

  6. Under Machine configuration, change Machine typeto n1-standard-2(2 vCPU).

  7. Next to the Boot diskdescription, click Change.

  8. In the Boot diskpanel, click the Public imagestab.

  9. In the Operating Systemdrop-down list, select SQL Server on Windows Server.

  10. In the Versiondrop-down list, select SQL Server 2022 Standard on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter.

  11. Ensure that the following values are set:

    • Boot disk typeis set to Standard persistent disk.
    • Size (GB)is set to 50.
  12. Click Select.

  13. Under Identity and API access, set Access scopesto Allow full access to all Cloud APIs.

  14. Expand Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy.

  15. Click the Diskstab.

  16. Click Add new disk .

  17. In the Namefield, type sql-server-prod-data .

  18. In the Size (GB)field, type 100 .

  19. Click Done.

  20. Click Create.

Cloud Shell

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Initialize the following variables:



    • VPC_NAME : name of your VPC
    • SUBNET_NAME : name of your subnet
  3. Set your default project ID :

    gcloud config set project  PROJECT_ID 

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of your Google Cloud project.

  4. Set your default region:

    gcloud config set compute/region  REGION 

    Replace REGION with the ID of the region you want to deploy in.

  5. Set your default zone:

    gcloud config set compute/zone  ZONE 

    Replace ZONE with the ID of the zone you want to deploy in.

  6. Create a Compute Engine instance by using the app image for SQL Server 2022 Standard on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter:

     REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)
    ZONE=$(gcloud config get-value compute/zone)
    gcloud compute instances create sql-server-prod \
        --machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
        --scopes=cloud-platform \
        --image-family=sql-std-2022-win-2022 \
        --image-project=windows-sql-cloud \
        --boot-disk-size=50GB \
        --boot-disk-device-name=sql-server-prod \
        --create-disk="mode=rw,size=100,type=pd-standard,name=sql-server-prod-data,device-name=sql-server-prod-data" \

    This command grants the instance full access to Google Cloud APIs, creates a 100 GB secondary disk, and attaches the disk to the instance. Ignore the disk performance warning because you don't need high performance for this tutorial.

Connect to the VM instance

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instancespage.

    Go to the VM instances page

  2. Wait about 5 minutes for the VM instance to be ready.

    To monitor the initialization process of the VM, view its serial port output in Cloud Shell:

     gcloud compute instances tail-serial-port-output sql-server-prod 

    When you see the following message, the initialization is complete.

    Instance setup finished. sql-server-prod is ready to use.

    Press Control+C to stop monitoring the serial port.

  3. Click the instance name sql-server-prod to open the VM instance detailspage.

  4. Under Remote access, click Set Windows password, and then click Setto create your account on the remote machine.

    This step generates a password for you. Make a note of the password or copy it to a secure, temporary file.

  5. In the Compute Engine section of the Google Cloud console, click the RDPdropdown and select the Download the RDP fileoption to download the RDP file for your instance.

    Use this file to connect to the instance using an RDP client. For more information, see Microsoft Remote Desktop clients .

  6. When you're prompted, enter the password you just generated, and then click OK.

  7. To accept the server certificate and log into your remote Windows instance, click Continue.

  8. When you're prompted whether you want your computer discoverable by other PCs and devices on the network, click No.

Set up the additional disk

The second disk attached to the production instance is for storing your production database. This disk is blank, so you need to partition, format, and mount it.

  1. In an RDP session connected to your sql-server-prod instance, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, type diskpart , and then click diskpartto open DiskPart.
  2. When you're prompted to let the app make changes, click Yes.
  3. Display a lists of disks attached to your instance:

     list disk 

    The output is the following:

    Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
    --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
    Disk 0    Online           50 GB      0 B
    Disk 1    Online          100 GB   100 GB

    Disk 1 (100 GB) is your data disk.

  4. Select the data disk:

     select disk 1 
  5. Initialize the disk:

  6. Create a GUID partition table :

     convert gpt 
  7. Create the data partition by using the entire disk:

     create partition primary 
  8. List the available volumes:

     list volume 

    The output is the following:

    Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
    ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
    Volume 0     C                NTFS   Partition     49 GB  Healthy    Boot
    Volume 1                      FAT32  Partition    100 MB  Healthy    System
    Volume 2                      RAW    Partition     99 GB  Healthy

    Volume 2 (99 GB) is your data disk.

  9. Select the volume:

     select volume 2 
  10. Format the partition with the NTFS file system and label it data :

     format quick fs=ntfs label=data 
  11. Mount the disk as drive D:

     assign letter=d 
  12. Exit DiskPart:


Download the sample database

To set up your environment for this cloning exercise, you need to do the following:

To create the directory and download the backup file, follow these steps:

  1. In your RDP session, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, type PowerShell , and then select the Windows PowerShell app.

  2. At the PowerShell prompt, create a directory structure for the database storage:

     mkdir D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters 
  3. Download the backup file to drive D:

     bitsadmin /transfer sampledb /dynamic /download /priority FOREGROUND ` `

Restore the sample database

You need to restore the sample database to drive D ( data ), either interactively by using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) wizards, or directly by running a Transact-SQL command.

SSMS Wizard

  1. In your RDP session, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, type ssms , and then select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Run as Administrator).
  2. After the app starts, click Connectto connect to the sql-server-prod database engine using Windows Authentication.
  3. In Object Explorer, right-click Databases, and then select Restore Database.
  4. Under Source, select Device, and then click the [...]button next to the device name.
  5. In the Select backup devicesdialog, ensure that Fileis selected for Backup media type, and then click Add.
  6. In the file selector, browse to D:\sql-server-data , click the WideWorldImporters-Full.bak file, and then click OK.
  7. Click OKto close the Select backup devicesdialog.

    The Restore Databasedialog is now populated with data about the Wide World Importers database backup.

  8. Under Select a page, click Files.

  9. Select the Relocate all files to foldercheckbox.

  10. In both the Data file folderand Log file folderfields, enter D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters .

    Screenshot that shows the Restore Database dialog.

  11. Click OKto start the restore operation.

After a couple of minutes you're notified that the database is restored.


  1. In your RDP session, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, type ssms , and then select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Run as Administrator).
  2. After the app starts, click Connectto connect to the sql-server-prod database engine using Windows Authentication.
  3. Select File> New> Query with Current Connectionto open a new query window.
  4. Initiate a restore from the backup file you downloaded:

     USE [master]
    RESTORE DATABASE [WideWorldImporters]
      FROM  DISK = N'D:\SQL-SERVER-DATA\WideWorldImporters-Full.bak'
      WITH  FILE = 1,
      MOVE N'WWI_Primary' TO
      MOVE N'WWI_UserData' TO
      MOVE N'WWI_Log' TO
      MOVE N'WWI_InMemory_Data_1' TO
      STATS = 5

    This command restores the database and log file into the D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters directory.

  5. Right-click the query code and click Execute.

    Allow a couple of minutes for the database restore to complete. You can click Refresh in Object Explorer to see whether the database is listed in the Databases tree. After the database restore is finished, you can close the query window without saving.

To verify the sample database is functional, you can run a query.

  1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, select File> New> Query with Current Connectionto open a new query window, and then copy the following code:

     SELECT top(100)
      i.InvoiceDate, i.InvoiceID, i.CustomerID, c.CustomerName,
      i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime, i.ConfirmedReceivedBy
      WideWorldImporters.Sales.Invoices i
      JOIN WideWorldImporters.Sales.Customers c
      ON i.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
    WHERE i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY i.InvoiceDate desc; 

    This query retrieves summary information from the 100 most recently delivered invoices.

  2. Right-click the query window and click Execute.

    The Resultspane displays the summary information.

    Screenshot that shows the Results pane from a query to the sample database.

Create the test VM instance

In this section you create a SQL Server instance named sql-server-test as the destination for the cloned database. The configuration of this instance is identical to the production instance. However, you don't create a second data disk; instead, you attach the data disk later in this tutorial.


  1. Go to the VM instancespage.

    Go to the VM instances page

  2. Click Create.

  3. In the Namefield, type sql-server-test .

  4. For Region, select us-east1.

  5. For Zone, select us-east1-b.

  6. Under Machine configuration, change Machine Typeto n1-standard-2( 2 vCPU).

  7. Next to the Book diskimage, click Change.

  8. In the Boot diskpanel, click the Public imagestab.

  9. In the Operating Systemdrop-down list, select SQL Server on Windows Server.

  10. In the Versiondrop-down list, select SQL Server 2022 Standard on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter.

  11. Ensure that the following values are set:

    • Boot disk typeis set to Standard persistent disk.
    • Size (GB)is set to 50.
  12. Click Select.

  13. Under Identity and API access, set Access scopesto Allow full access to all Cloud APIs.

  14. Click Create.

Cloud Shell

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Create the test SQL Server instance:

     gcloud compute instances create sql-server-test \
        --machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
        --scopes=cloud-platform \
        --image-family=sql-std-2022-win-2022 \
        --image-project=windows-sql-cloud \
        --boot-disk-size=50GB \
        --boot-disk-device-name=sql-server-test \

    You can ignore the disk performance warning because you don't need high performance for this tutorial.

Connect to the VM instance

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instancespage.

    Go to the VM instances page

  2. Wait about 5 minutes for the VM instance to be ready.

    To monitor the initialization process of the VM, view its serial port output in Cloud Shell:

     gcloud compute instances tail-serial-port-output sql-server-prod 

    When you see the following message, the initialization is complete.

    Instance setup finished. sql-server-test is ready to use.

    Press Control+C to stop monitoring the serial port.

  3. Click the instance name sql-server-test to display the VM instance detailspage.

  4. Under Remote access, click Set Windows password, and then click Setto create your account on the remote machine.

    This step generates a password for you. Make a note of the password or copy it to a secure, temporary file.

  5. In the Compute Engine section of the Google Cloud console, click the RDPdropdown and select the Download the RDP fileoption to download the RDP file for your instance.

    Use this file to connect to the instance using an RDP client. For more information, see Microsoft Remote Desktop clients .

  6. When you're prompted, enter the password you just generated, and then click OK.

  7. To accept the server certificate and log into your remote Windows instance, click Continue.

  8. When you're prompted whether you want your PC discoverable, click No.

Cloning the database using Compute Engine disk snapshots

One way to clone a SQL Server database running on Compute Engine is to store the database on a separate data disk and use persistent disk snapshots to create a clone of that disk.

Persistent disk snapshots let you get a point-in-time copy of on-disk data. Scheduling disk snapshots is one way to automatically back up your data.

In this section of the tutorial, you do the following:

  • Take a snapshot of the production server's data disk.
  • Create a new disk from the snapshot.
  • Mount the new disk onto the test server.
  • Attach the database on this disk to SQL Server on the test instance.

The following diagram shows how a database is cloned by using disk snapshots.

Diagram that shows the setup for cloning a SQL Server database using disk snapshots.

Create the disk snapshot


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instancespage.

    Go to the VM instances page

  2. Click the name of the sql-server-prod instance.

  3. On the VM instance detailspage, click the disk sql-server-prod-data .

  4. Click Create Snapshot.

  5. Name the snapshot sql-server-prod-data-snapshot .

  6. For Location, select Regional.

  7. Verify that the region is set to us-east1 (the same as your VM instances).

  8. Select the Enable VSSoption.

    This option uses the Volume Shadow Copy Service in Microsoft Windows to make a consistent snapshot.

  9. Click Create.

    After a few minutes, your snapshot is created.

Cloud Shell

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Create a snapshot of your data disk in the same zone as the VM instance:

     gcloud compute disks snapshot sql-server-prod-data \
         --snapshot-names=sql-server-prod-data-snapshot \
         --guest-flush \

    The --guest-flush option uses the Volume Shadow Copy Service in Microsoft Windows to create a consistent snapshot. After a few minutes, your snapshot is created.

Attach the disk snapshot to the test instance

You need to create a new data disk from the snapshot you created and then attach it to the sql-server-test instance.


In the following steps, you create a new persistent disk, use the snapshot of the production disk for its contents, and then attach the disk to the test instance.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instancespage.

    Go to the VM instances page

  2. Click the instance name sql-server-test .

  3. On the VM instance detailspage, click Edit.

  4. Click Add new disk .

  5. Name the new disk sql-server-test-data .

  6. For Source Type, select Snapshot.

  7. For the sql-server-prod-data-snapshot instance you created, select the Source snapshot.

  8. Ensure that Modeis set to Read/Write.

  9. Click Done.

Cloud Shell

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Create a new persistent disk by using the snapshot of the production disk for its contents:

     gcloud beta compute disks create sql-server-test-data \
         --size=100GB \
         --source-snapshot=sql-server-prod-data-snapshot \
  3. Attach the new disk to your sql-server-test instance with read-write permissions:

     gcloud compute instances attach-disk sql-server-test \
        --disk=sql-server-test-data --mode=rw 

Mount the new data disk in Windows

The disk you created is attached to the VM instance but is offline, and the volume is set to read-only. To configure the volume as read-write and mountable, perform the following steps:

  1. In the RDP client window that's connected to your sql-server-test instance, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, type diskpart , and then click diskpartto open DiskPart.
  2. When you're prompted to let the app make changes, click Yes.
  3. Display a list of the disks attached to your instance:

     list disk 

    The output is the following:

    Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
    --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
    Disk 0    Online           50 GB      0 B
    Disk 1    Offline         100 GB      0 B       *

    Your data disk (Disk 1, 100 GB) is offline.

  4. Select the data disk:

     select disk 1 
  5. Bring the disk online:

     online disk 
  6. List the available volumes:

     list volume 

    The output is the following:

    Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
    ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
    Volume 0     C                NTFS   Partition     49 GB  Healthy    Boot
    Volume 1                      FAT32  Partition    100 MB  Healthy    System
    Volume 2                      RAW    Partition     99 GB  Healthy

    Volume 2 (99 GB) is your data volume. It's listed as Hiddenwith no drive letter assigned.

  7. Select the volume:

     select volume 2 
  8. Clear the attributes that were set when you created the volume from the snapshot:

     attr volume clear readonly hidden nodefaultdriveletter shadowcopy 

    This command makes the volume mountable.

  9. Mount the volume as drive D:

     assign letter=d 
  10. Exit DiskPart:


Reset file ownership and permissions

Because you created the data disk by taking a snapshot on the sql-server-prod instance, the user IDs for file ownership and permissions are different than those on the sql-server-test instance. You need to change the ownership of the files to a user on the sql-server-test instance and update the permissions to make the files readable for your local user and the MSSQLSERVER user.

  1. In the RDP client window connected to your sql-server-test instance, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, and then type cmd .
  2. Open the Command Prompt app as an administrator.
  3. Set the owner of the files in the sql-server-data folder to the MSSQLSERVER service user:

     icacls d:\sql-server-data /setowner "nt service\mssqlserver" /t 
  4. Reset all permissions on all files in the top-level sql-server-data folder:

     icacls d:\sql-server-data /reset /t 
  5. Update the access control lists (ACLs) for the sql-server-data folder:

     icacls d:\sql-server-data /grant Administrators:(oi)(ci)f "nt service\mssqlserver":(oi)(ci)f "owner rights":(oi)(ci)f  %USERNAME%:(oi)(ci)f 
  6. Disable the inheritance from the root folder of the drive, so that only the preceding permissions are applied:

     icacls d:\sql-server-data /inheritancelevel:r 
  7. Exit the Command Prompt app:


The SQL Server instance and the local user on the sql-server-test instance can now access the database files.

Attach the cloned database

You now attach the cloned database on drive D ( data ) to the test SQL Server instance. You can attach the database either interactively by using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio wizards, or directly by running a Transact-SQL command.

SSMS Wizard

  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-test instance, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, type ssms , and then select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Run as Administrator).
  2. Click Connectto connect to the sql-server-test database engine using Windows Authentication.
  3. In Object Explorer, right-click Databases, and then select Attach.
  4. In the Attach Databaseswizard, click Add.
  5. Browse to the directory D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters , click the WideWorldImporters.mdf file, and then click OK.
  6. Click OKto attach the database.

    After a few moments, your cloned database is attached. You can click Refresh in Object Explorer to see whether the database is listed in the Databases tree.


  1. In an RDP session connected to your sql-server-test instance, click the Startbutton on the Windows taskbar, type ssms , and then select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Run as Administrator).
  2. Click Connectto connect to the sql-server-prod database engine using Windows Authentication.
  3. Select File> New> Query with Current Connectionto open a new query window.
  4. Attach the data and log files in the D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters directory:

     USE [master]
    CREATE DATABASE [WideWorldImporters] ON
    ( FILENAME = N'D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters\WideWorldImporters.mdf' ),
    ( FILENAME = N'D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters\WideWorldImporters.ldf' ),
    ( FILENAME = N'D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters\WideWorldImporters_UserData.ndf' )
  5. Right-click the query code and click Execute.

    After a few moments, your cloned database is attached. You can click Refresh in Object Explorer to see whether your database is listed in the Databases tree. After the database is attached, you can close the query window without saving.

To verify that the sample database is functional, you can run a query.

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, select File> New> Query with Current Connectionto open a new query window, and then copy the following code:

     SELECT top(100)
      i.InvoiceDate, i.InvoiceID, i.CustomerID, c.CustomerName,
      i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime, i.ConfirmedReceivedBy
      WideWorldImporters.Sales.Invoices i
      JOIN WideWorldImporters.Sales.Customers c
      ON i.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
    WHERE i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY i.InvoiceDate desc; 

    This query retrieves summary information from the 100 most recently delivered invoices.

  2. To run the query, right-click the query window, and then select Execute.

    The Resultspane displays the summary information.

    Screenshot that shows the Results pane from a query to the sample database.

Now that you have seen how to clone a database using persistent disk snapshots, you might want to try cloning a database by using backup and restore. To complete the tutorial for this second approach, you must delete the database that you cloned from the sql-server-test instance.

Delete the cloned database

To delete the cloned database you created by using disk snapshots, perform the following steps.

SSMS Wizard

  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-test instance, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the sql-server-test database engine.
  2. In Object Explorer, expand Databases, right-click the WorldWideImporters database, and then select Delete.
  3. In the Delete Objectwizard, ensure that the Close existing connectionscheckbox is selected.
  4. Click OK.


  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-test instance, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the sql-server-test database engine.
  2. To close all connections to the WideWorldImporters database and delete it, copy the following script into a new query window, right-click the code, and then click Execute:

     USE [master]
    DROP DATABASE [WideWorldImporters]

    After the database is deleted, you can close the query window without saving. You can click Refresh in Object Explorer to confirm the database is deleted.

Cloning using backup and restore

A second method of cloning a SQL Server database running on Compute Engine is to use native SQL Server backup and restore. With this approach, you transfer the backup by using Cloud Storage.

This section of the tutorial uses resources that you created in the Cloning the database using Compute Engine disk snapshots section of this tutorial. If you didn't complete that section, you must do so before continuing.

In this section of the tutorial, you do the following:

  • Create a Cloud Storage bucket.
  • Back up the database on the production server.
  • Copy the backup file from the production server to Cloud Storage.
  • Copy the backup file from Cloud Storage to the test server.
  • Restore the backup on the test instance.

The following diagram shows how a database is cloned by transferring a backup using Cloud Storage.

Diagram that shows the setup for cloning a SQL Server database using Cloud Storage.

Because systems outside of Google Cloud can be given access to Cloud Storage, you can use this approach to clone databases from external SQL Server instances.

Create a Cloud Storage bucket

You need to create a Cloud Storage bucket that stores the backup files while you transfer them from the sql-server-prod instance to the sql-server-test instance.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Browserpage.

    Go to the Cloud Storage Browser page

  2. Click Create bucket.

  3. Name the bucket project-name -bucket.

    Replace the following:

    • project-name : The ID of your Google Cloud project.
  4. Expand Choose a default storage class, and then select Regional.

  5. For Location, select us-east1.

  6. Click Create.

Cloud Shell

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Create a Cloud Storage bucket in the same region as your VM instances:

     gcloud storage buckets create "gs://$(gcloud config get-value project)-bucket" --location="${REGION}" 

Make a full point-in-time backup of the database

In your production environment, you might already make backups. You can use these backups as a base for cloning your database. In this tutorial, you make a copy-only backup so that it doesn't impact any existing full or incremental backup schedules.

SSMS Wizard

  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-prod instance, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the sql-server-prod database engine.
  2. In Object Explorer, expand Databases, right-click the WorldWideImporters database, and then select Tasks> Back Up.
  3. In the Back Up Databasewizard, ensure that the following values are set:
    • Backup typeis set to Full.
    • Copy-only backupis selected.
    • Back up tois set to Disk.
  4. To add a backup file, click Add.
  5. In the Destinationfield, enter D:\sql-server-data\WideWorldImporters-copy.bak .

    Screenshot that shows the Back Up Database dialog.

  6. Select the Media Optionspage, and then select Overwrite all existing backup sets.

  7. Select the Backup Optionspage, and then change Set backup compressionto Compress backup.

  8. To create the backup, click OK.

    The backup takes a few minutes to create.


  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-prod instance, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the sql-server-prod database engine.
  2. To perform a copy-only compressed backup of the WideWorldImporters database to the file d:\sql-server-data\WideWorldImporters-copy.bak , copy the following script into a new query window, right-click the code, and then click Execute.

     BACKUP DATABASE [WideWorldImporters]
       TO  DISK = N'd:\sql-server-data\WideWorldImporters-copy.bak'
       NAME = N'WideWorldImporters-Full Database Backup',

    Allow a few minutes for the server to create the backup. After the database backup is complete, you can close the query window without saving.

Copy the backup file to Cloud Storage

  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-prod instance, open a Windows PowerShell window.
  2. Copy the backup file into the Cloud Storage bucket you created earlier:

     gcloud storage cp d:\sql-server-data\WideWorldImporters-copy.bak "gs://$(gcloud config get-value project)-bucket/" --no-clobber 
  3. Exit PowerShell.


Copy the backup file from Cloud Storage to sql-server-test

  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-test instance, open a Windows PowerShell window.
  2. Copy the backup file into the Cloud Storage bucket you created earlier:

     gcloud storage cp "gs://$(gcloud config get-value project)-bucket/WideWorldImporters-copy.bak" d:\sql-server-data\ 
  3. Exit PowerShell.


Your test instance now has the full-copy backup of your database on its local disk.

Restore the backup

You can now restore the full-copy backup onto drive D ( data ) of the sql-server-test instance.

SSMS Wizard

  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-test instance, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the sql-server-test database engine.
  2. In Object Explorer, right-click Databases, and then select Restore Database.
  3. For Source, select the Device, and then click the [...]button next to the device name.
  4. In the Select backup devicesdialog, select Filein the Backup media typelist, and then click Add.
  5. In the file selector, browse to D:\sql-server-data , click the WideWorldImporters-copy.bak file, and then click OK.
  6. Click OKto close the Select backup devicesdialog.

    The Restore Databasedialog is now populated with data about the WideWorldImporters database backup.

  7. Under Select a page, click Files.

  8. Select Relocate all files to folder.

  9. In the Data file folderand Log file folderfields, enter D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters .

    Screenshot that shows the Restore Database dialog.

  10. To start the restore operation, click OK.

    When the process is complete, you see the message Database 'WideWorldImporters' restored successfully .


  1. In the RDP session connected to your sql-server-test instance, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the sql-server-test database engine.
  2. Select File> New> Query with Current Connectionto open a new query window.
  3. Copy the following T-SQL command to initiate a restore from the backup file you copied from Cloud Storage, restoring the database and log file into the D:\sql-server-data\wideworldimporters directory:

     USE [master]
    RESTORE DATABASE [WideWorldImporters]
      FROM  DISK = N'D:\SQL-SERVER-DATA\WideWorldImporters-copy.bak'
      WITH  FILE = 1,
      MOVE N'WWI_Primary' TO
      MOVE N'WWI_UserData' TO
      MOVE N'WWI_Log' TO
      MOVE N'WWI_InMemory_Data_1' TO
      STATS = 5
  4. Right-click the code and click Execute.

    After a couple of minutes the database restore completes. You can click Refresh in Object Explorer to see whether the database is listed in the Databases tree. After the database restore is complete, you can close the query window without saving.

To demonstrate that the database is functional, you can run a query.

  1. In Microsoft SQL Management Studio, select File> New> Query with Current Connectionto open a new query window, and then copy the following code:

     SELECT top(100)
      i.InvoiceDate, i.InvoiceID, i.CustomerID, c.CustomerName,
      i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime, i.ConfirmedReceivedBy
      WideWorldImporters.Sales.Invoices i
      JOIN WideWorldImporters.Sales.Customers c
      ON i.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
    WHERE i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY i.InvoiceDate desc; 

    This query retrieves summary information from the 100 most recently delivered invoices.

  2. Right-click on the query window and click Execute.

    The Resultspane displays the summary information.

    Screenshot that shows the Results pane from a query to the sample database.

Using Cloud SQL as the cloning destination

If your destination database is hosted on Cloud SQL, and the origin database is on Compute Engine, then the only supported mechanism for cloning is by backing up the database to Cloud Storage, and then restoring the database into Cloud SQL.

For this tutorial, you reuse the backup that you created during the previous section.

Create a Cloud SQL for SQL Server instance

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Create a Cloud SQL for SQL Server instance running the same database version as your sql-server-prod instance:

     gcloud sql instances create sqlserver-cloudsql  \
      --database-version=SQLSERVER_2022_STANDARD \
      --cpu=2 \
      --memory=5GB \
      --root-password=sqlserver12@ \

    This creates an instance with root user of sqlserver with a password of sqlserver12@ .

Update object permissions

The correct permissions need to be set on both the Cloud Storage bucket and the backup object so that the Cloud SQL service account is able to read them. These permissions are set automatically when you use the Google Cloud console to import the object, or you can set them using gcloud commands.

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Set an environment variable containing the address of the service account of your Cloud SQL instance:

     CLOUDSQL_SA="$(gcloud sql instances describe sqlserver-cloudsql --format='get(serviceAccountEmailAddress)')" 
  3. Add the service account to the bucket IAM policy as a reader and writer:

     gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding "gs://$(gcloud config get-value project)-bucket/" \
        --member=user:"${CLOUDSQL_SA}" --role=roles/storage.objectUser 

Import the exported database

  1. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Import the exported file into your Cloud SQL instance:

     gcloud sql import bak sqlserver-cloudsql \
        "gs://$(gcloud config get-value project)-bucket/WideWorldImporters-copy.bak" \
        --database WideWorldImporters 

    When prompted, enter y .

  3. Install the SQL Server tools package:

     sudo apt install -y mssql-tools 

    If you accept the licence terms, enter yes when prompted.

    You use these tools to connect to Cloud SQL from Cloud Shell so that you can run queries on the Cloud SQL instance.

  4. Connect the Cloud SQL proxy to your SQL Server instance:

     CONNECTION_NAME=$(gcloud sql instances describe sqlserver-cloudsql --format='value(connectionName)')
    cloud_sql_proxy -instances=${CONNECTION_NAME}=tcp:1433 & 
  5. To verify that the cloned database is functional, run a query:

     /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -U sqlserver -S -Q \
      'SELECT top(100)
        i.InvoiceDate, i.InvoiceID, i.CustomerID, LEFT(c.CustomerName,20) CustomerName,
        i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime, LEFT(i.ConfirmedReceivedBy,20) ConfirmedReceivedBy
        WideWorldImporters.Sales.Invoices i
        JOIN WideWorldImporters.Sales.Customers c
        ON i.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
      WHERE i.ConfirmedDeliveryTime IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY i.InvoiceDate desc;' 

    When prompted, enter the sqlserver user's password of the sqlserver-cloudsql database server ( sqlserver12@ ).

    This query retrieves summary information from the 100 most recently delivered invoices.

    The output is the following:

    InvoiceDate      InvoiceID   CustomerID  CustomerName         ConfirmedDeliveryTime                  ConfirmedReceivedBy
    ---------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------
          2016-05-30       70349         581 Wingtip Toys (Munich            2016-05-31 07:05:00.0000000 Youssef Eriksson
          2016-05-30       70350         123 Tailspin Toys (Roe P            2016-05-31 07:10:00.0000000 Ella Zvirbule
          2016-05-30       70351         175 Tailspin Toys (San A            2016-05-31 07:15:00.0000000 Julio Correa
          2016-05-30       70352        1029 Veronika Necesana               2016-05-31 07:20:00.0000000 Veronika Necesana
          2016-05-30       70353        1014 Narendra Tickoo                 2016-05-31 07:25:00.0000000 Narendra Tickoo
          2016-05-30       70354         930 Shantanu Huq                    2016-05-31 07:30:00.0000000 Shantanu Huq
          2016-05-30       70355         963 Be Trang                        2016-05-31 07:35:00.0000000 Be Trang
          2016-05-30       70356         567 Wingtip Toys (Jerome            2016-05-31 07:40:00.0000000 Severins Polis
          2016-05-30       70357         510 Wingtip Toys (Grabil            2016-05-31 07:45:00.0000000 Manish Ghosh

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, you can delete the Google Cloud project that you created for this tutorial.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete .
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

What's next