Learn Firebase fundamentals

Learn Firebase fundamentals. Get startedwith a Firebase project. Explore key conceptsand best practices for managing your project and user privacy. Master additional conceptsbeyond the basics.
Learn how to create a Firebase project, register apps to it, and integrate the Firebase SDKs for your products and platform: iOS, Android and Web
Learn about Firebase projects, including concept overviews, deep-dives into topics like project permissions and project management tools, or preparing to launch your app. Start by understanding Firebase projects and reviewing the launch checklist .
Protect user privacy. Learn about privacy best practices. Understand how Firebase can help protect you and your users. Read Privacy and Security in Firebase .

Jump into Firebase on your platform

Start developing on your platform now, following hands-on Codelabs and the platform SDK reference documentation.

Learn Firebase concepts

Learn about key concepts applicable to any app or project, like app security and launch checklists:
Understand Firebase projects
Review security checklist
Review launch checklist
Learn about more advanced topics that might arise in specific situations, like managing app installations or importing/exporting data:
Manage Firebase installations
Import segments
Export data to BigQuery