Supported platforms, frameworks, libraries, and tools

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Client SDKs

Official Firebase SDKs for use in mobile and web apps

Title Description Get started Source
Firebase Android SDK
The official Firebase Android SDK GitHub
Firebase Flutter SDK
The official Firebase Flutter SDK GitHub
Firebase Apple platforms SDK
The official Firebase Apple platforms SDK GitHub
Firebase JavaScript SDK
The official Firebase JavaScript SDK GitHub
Firebase Unity SDK
The official Firebase Unity SDK GitHub
Firebase C++ SDK
The official Firebase C++ SDK GitHub

Admin SDKs

Official Firebase SDKs for performing administrative actions in privileged environments

Title Description Get started Source
Firebase Node.js Admin SDK
The official Firebase Node.js Admin SDK GitHub
Firebase Java Admin SDK
The official Firebase Java Admin SDK GitHub
Firebase Python Admin SDK
The official Firebase Python Admin SDK GitHub
Firebase Go Admin SDK
The official Firebase Go Admin SDK GitHub

Command line tools

Tools for interacting with Firebase from the command line

Title Description Docs Source
Firebase Tools
The Firebase command line tool (Firebase CLI) GitHub

Framework libraries

Libraries for binding Firebase to popular development frameworks. While we recommend these libraries for developers looking to bind Firebase to their favorite frameworks, these are not official Firebase SDKs and are not covered by Firebase support. For support using these libraries, file issues directly on GitHub.

Title Description Docs Source
Angular bindings for Firebase GitHub
Ember bindings for Firebase GitHub
React bindings for Firebase GitHub
React Native Firebase
React Native bindings for Firebase GitHub
RxJS bindings for Firebase GitHub
Vue bindings for Firebase GitHub

Other libraries and tools

Libraries to simplify common Firebase tasks and integrations

Title Description Docs Source
An open-source library of UI components for various Firebase features GitHub
( Android , Apple , Web )
An open-source library for Firebase Realtime Database that adds support for geospatial querying GitHub
( Android , Apple , Web )
An open source library to add a shared editor to a web app GitHub
Firebase Import
A utility which helps import large JSON files into Firebase Realtime Database GitHub